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Posts posted by TanglewoodBoy

  1. i know i am getting old when i watched this scenes over and over again...


    from the AND I LOVE YOU SO movie (bea, sam and derek)


    - the scene where sam wrecked his guitar and told na "he always end up in second place line...." - i truly identified with that, hehehehehe


    - the scene in the church (it was pola's wedding (candy p.) where sam and bea parted ways)



  2. have been here early last year,eaten the buffet at mercado good but not that fabulous.but the food servers are hot...any ideas what is the best time and what area to spot some chicks who wanna have some eye contacts??thanks


    I think the best time here is around 730-8pm onwards....


    I have met some nice ladies when i was playing in sic bo and casino war, but usually the pretty ladies are in the board games so try to scout the area and play alongside and take it from there.....the sic bo is located near the money wheel area...


    my mission here is to win as much money as i can, so meeting chicks for me is just secondary and I have a special someone now so, baka mabasa niya ito, suntukin ako nun......hahahahahaha


    hope that helps bro....



  3. Thanks, bro! Hoping one day.... :) But expecting the worst. I just hope that if it's not her then there's somebody more than her that will eventually fill the void.


    yes I am sure you will find someone more worthy than her if di talaga kayo....


    everyone deserves to be happy...





    I have never been selfish and even if I want her to be mine, I want it to be her choice and not because I forced her. That's why I never got her pregnant. This new guy is just an a-hole. :( He started a relationship when she was in a vulnerable/rebound stage and didn't even take the necessary precautions to avoid this complication. I think he planned it so that she couldn't get away from him.


    Maybe one day bro she would realize that the one she truly needs is you, maybe that mistake would allow her to do that...who knows, no one can predict the future.....




    good luck bro!!!!


    (But what do you think? Is she falling out of love for me na? I always thought that when you really love someone, you don't intentionally make moves to hurt him/her -- which she did. Still, I'm trying to make myself believe she just got overwhelmed by a lot of work and problems, that's why she just "blew up." I never thought of her as a two-timer, although, sometimes I get that feeling now.)



    i do think that she really needs to "get away" from you for her to realize your true value to her.....I do suggest you give her the space she needs and you try to enjoy life as well, though it may be hard..


    but I do think that once she truly understands na ikaw talaga gusto niya then i do think she will make that happen, the question if you wanting her back!!


    good luck bro!!


    Naku, wag naman sana. It's over and done with. laugh.gif

    Thank you.



    malay mo, you can never tell...one can never predict the future, heheheeh




    in any case, good luck to you Madam!!

  6. It's the opposite actually. When he decided to work abroad. Things got all messed-up. A part of it was my fault, I was overly dependent, demanding, immature. Although I tried my hardest to understand the situation, he on the other hand got all tangled up with work etc. We've lost touched. I was miserable. I don't know. I woke up one day and realized I don't want to be in it anymore. Sometimes, I look back and still can't believe I endured losing him. I've spent 10 years of my life loving him. Well, things happen. I've learned from my mistakes, anyway. at talagang nagkwento daw ako laugh.gif


    well, i think the key word there is HE WORKED ABROAD meaning, LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP siya if ever....


    but who knows??? in the near future, it would still be the both of you?? sometimes you just need to realize your mistakes for you to grow and maybe fix what was needed to be fixed....


    God Bless Madam and good luck..

    (talagang nag advise pa ako eh, hahahahahaha)

  7. Complexities are there because we FEEL. We have emotions. Many simple things in life are attainable if we detach ourselves from the surge of our feelings. We can rationalize but we can never actually, truly follow the rationale unless we step back and take a look at our situation in a farther spot.


    Sa case in friendy0603, he knows for a fact that he was the one who allowed the complication to happen. Had you really felt love for the girl, you would have taken her with you wherever you are. Why do I say it? Because love endures. You could've stepped up and been a man and took accountability for her sacrifices are made sure she never regret the things she gave up because you guys are together. And if she loves you enough, she would have jumped at the chance to start a life with you. Because a woman with competence and confidence will stand by her man, if the man proves his worth. Now her pregnancy just reiterates the fact that she has moved on and had no qualms whatsoever about how you would feel. If she loved you, she would have taken into consideration that you were once special to her and vice versa. Depending on the mood of your last conversation, it's her choice to inform you her plans if you ended on a good note. If not, her business is none of yours. Let her be. She is already old enough to decide her own fate.


    Love her till you can love her no more. Soon, your heart and mind will get tired of loving and waiting. And I can relate to what you're going thru because the waiting is the hardest part. Waiting if there's yet one last text from her. Checking to see if there's one FB status that directly or indirectly pertain to you. It's the not knowing that kills us and makes things complicated. Because we are afraid of the things that we have yet to understand. But what I know, is that I DON'T KNOW. Yet. There are answers. We can speculate but it's up to you to conclude if you want to move on and make your complicated situation a simple one.


    Good luck and God bless. :)


    sapul ako dito bro, hehehehehehe


    I guess you're right about that.....



  8. I fell out of love with the guy who was actually my first boyfriend. We've been together for a really long time, and though there are times I've been dissatisfied with the relationship, I held on because I don't want to put all those crazy, wonderful times we had to waste. But things happen, and when I finally had the guts to break-up with him, I couldn't. I have the courage, but I don't know if I can really face the consequences. When we finally broke up, he still tries to win me back, almost beg me. The hardest part is saying NO to him the second time. The hardest part is choosing myself over the man who used to mean everything to me. The hardest part is waking up the next day knowing things will never be the same between us.


    Not that I regret my decision because we are both happy now with someone else, I just wish that I could tell him -- I am sorry, for breaking his heart. And in case he didn't know, mine got broken too.


    was it a case of you getting tired of seeing him, being with him???


    it is just a cycle, you break someone's heart, your heart gets broken in return....


    looking back, i did broke a few hearts and mine got broken in the process also.....the way of the world...



  9. Ah, there's one more I can share pala. [Me in filter-mode]


    Friendly date with the elusive Master G from the now dead site, PEO. I hadn't been to The Fort in years. The last time I was there, I flew [or at least tried to fly] a sporting kite. Anyway, Master and I decided to meet up there. I was in awe of how the place had transformed in a matter of a few years. We had dinner, then coffe, walked around, and talked lots, and I mean lots 'cause we were there for hours! Time just passed and I really didn't notice because I was having a great time. Favorite conversation topic that night: the poser-PSP whose 'career' ended at PEO and then she moved here and her career got killed here, too. Very controversial PSP that time. LOL And despite the late hour [past midnight] and long drive, Master G drove me back to my apartment. Along the way, there was a white SUV in front of us and I said, "Hey, look, that's her [the PSP's] car (kuno)!" :lol:


    Master G, you're awesome!



    is the poser PSP have initials with AB????? the one whom i had a forced date with.....hahahaha


    which brings me to the date i had with the aforementioned lady if the one you're talking about is her....


    met her at RACKS SM NORTH, just to prove that she's not a fake, i was used (but not abused, hahaha) just so some curious minds can be pacified, hahahaha


    it turned out alright though most of the time she was talking about herself and i could tell she was in constant pain waling in her shoes but she tried her best to not show any pain because "IT LOOKED GOOD ON HER"


    now, i am not dissing this lady in fact, she's nicer than what i was expecting.....overall, the date with her seemed nice...



  10. Hopefully its not the usual mall fast food.




    not really a fan of hainanese chicken dishes. hehehehehe




    Based on the name, I would assume this Mercado establishment serves local fare?????


    Gaming points aside, is this establishment more on casual dining? or higher end? and of course is it any good ?


    yes Master, though they also serve JAPANESE dishes like TEMPURA, etc...but it's mostly local dishes...


    they also have a salad bar, breads of different kinds, ice creams and fruits in season (mostly watermelons, peaches etc..)


    if you don't have gaming points, i think the price is P488++ for dinner, for lunch i think it's P288++....dinner time is 5:30pm onwards...


    which regards to the taste, it's decent Master since you're not shelling out any cash, but if you're paying, i do suggest you eat elsewhere because IMHO, it's not worth it, hahahaahaha




    btw, me and the family might be eating at RED CRAB tomorrow, will give you a feedback if it's good.....


    my dad also told me the STEAKS at NEW ORLEANS is really good.....you mgiht try that also, it's on the second floor...


    hth Master



    Standing still i'm gonna stand still, stiller than the stones

    you know i will, oh you can test my will, it won't go breaking with my bones

    take a picture, take a lasting look of the girl you once adored

    hide it somewhere in your secret book, think of me no more

    following my wish into the well, down into your deepest dark i fell

    drowning with your kisses in the well,

    i look to you for saving but you're saving someone else.

    go on home, won't you go home, go where you belong

    left alone i'm better left alone, the one you didn't want.

    standing still i'm gonna stand still, stiller than the stones

    you know i will, oh you can test my will, it won't go breaking with my bones

    following my wish into the well, down into your deepest dark i fell

    drowning with your kisses in the well,

    i look to you for saving but you're saving someone else.

    no one knows. no one knows.

    following my wish into the well, down into your deepest dark i fell

  12. guys,


    just wanted to ask if what are the disadvantages kung papa lower ko yung pick up ko??? aside of course from the obvious with regards to FLOODS.....performance wise or whatever, hope someone can enlighten me...


    if not, i would just be putting side skirts siguro..


    thanks in advance...

  13. thanks for the directions ...... this should make it easier to find.


    Am planning a visit this coming long weekend. Any recommended good restos ???? (hopefully not the buffet type, unless its really good)



    there are lots of good restos in the MALL itself Master, depends on what your preference to eat on that time...


    but have eaten HAINANESE CHICKEN RICE at OLD PENANG RESTAURANT, it's really good!!!




    i usually eat at the CASINO's buffet resto, MERCADO because it's payable in gaming points...heheheeh

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