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Posts posted by Aey.Sean

  1. Delusional



    These delusions

    My delusions

    Control me.

    My demons

    I thought they were

    My friends.

    My only friends

    But there are none

    There is no one

    No one to tell

    No one to yell

    That I'm going insane

    That these delusions

    Are controlling me

    My conclusion

    Stirs confusion

    Confusion in a mind

    A messed up mind

    Of the woman

    Who can't sleep

    She can't sleep

    She can't dream

    For they roam

    The walls before


    They follow her

    They're stalking her

    But yet they're the only ones there

    They're only her guests

    They're only her friends

    Her visitors

    They keep her company

    When she's in despair

    Whispering things in her ear

    Oh bare me

    The lecture

    My delusions

    They keep me alive

    Even though they scream

    For me to die. - Anon :D

  2. Artificial Stupidity


    "Battery low, please recharge"

    The phone says with fake dignity

    Always trying to be brought to life

    I simply don't want that for me


    "Battery low, please recharge"

    A phone seeks a new lease on life

    Never quite pleads, more like a demand

    But I would just beg for a knife


    "Battery low, please recharge"

    Stupid phone wants some more fuel

    Not ever questioning of it's existence

    And that's a fate I see as cruel


    "Battery low, please recharge"

    The phone is now starting to shout

    Unaware it will always be kept from death

    Unlike me who found his way out. - Anon :D

  3. Poem para maiba :D


    Stupidity is a virus infecting and injecting large amounts of people at a time. He moves through minds with impeccable speed. Some people, no matter the treatments they receive will never recover. For is an Exodus with has the power to murder masses. He is a force with the ability abolish revolutions and silence movements. Stupidity is chronic, never truly going away, always lurking in shadows waiting to attack. He is a survivor against all odds. Stupidity is perpetually kicking and screaming, fighting to remain the echo of humanity. Refusing to be ignored and never promising to stay quiet. Stupidity lives on amongst Gods and Kings, continuing to rule with an iron fist. - Asha Nicole

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