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Posts posted by Aey.Sean

  1. Ugly Part 10



    Pressured by society and everybody by me

    That being pretty is the goal cause in the real world no one will lie to me

    Nowadays a girls dream is to be able to drop jaws

    Be admired and complimented and leave people staring in awe

    Be stunning, not even perfect, but have minimal flaws

    Why do insults flow easily and no one thinks it's wrong? - Yours truly :D

  2. Ugly - Part 8


    Fighting back tears, it pains me to hear

    The word that always lingers throughout my thoughts

    The word that makes me cringe in sadness

    The reason I don't wear dresses that are strapless

    The reason I could never be an actress


    My confidence is lacking, the word is attacking and hijacking

    My mental and suddenly I'm adapting

    To the rage burning in my heart like everlasting matches

    It burns me to say it, but I say it all the time

    To remind myself of why I will always have to lie

    Cause when people ask me questions, I always say I'm fine

    Even though I want to lie in the puddle where I cried

    And drown myself slowly, but not necessarily die

    Just come back alive, more beautiful this time - Yours truly :D

  3. Ugly - Part 7



    One day hopefully, I'll break out of this mindset

    Cause it's kept me from doing things which I now seem to regret

    It's kept me from happiness and the feeling of tranquility

    And dragged me to the hell where lies depression and hostility

    And now I long for a day where it will all happen so suddenly

    I will look at my reflection and will say. - Yours truly :D

  4. Ugly Part 6



    It's ugly

    That word has broken me down

    That I cry anytime there isn't anyone around

    And it's amazing to see how many people are self conscious

    Over this word which in itself is monstrous and obnoxious

    Nowadays I wonder if anyone anymore has a conscience

    Cause if they did, why would they continuously spread all this nonsense?

    You can't brush it off like its stupid and it isn't constant

    And like it doesn't turn people from confident to rotten - Yours truly :D

  5. Ugly - Part 5


    Why is it that we constantly hear

    This word that some might consider their biggest fear

    It's embarrassing, degrading, it weakens us deeply

    I wear all black and walk through the hallways discreetly

    I want no one to notice who I am anymore

    I have locked my true self behind bars and steel doors

    Cause I have a secret wish that one day maybe I could be adored

    But my reflection isn't the reason that I am so destroyed - Yours truly :D

  6. Delusional Part 4 - You should get treatment!


    i screamed my name, as loud as i can

    hi ! can you hear me

    a lot of voices screaming in my head

    ordering me to do such things

    i don't obey their orders, but !

    i suffer ! i suffer a lot from the monster inside of me

    or should i say i suffer from my sick thoughts

    i wanna k*ll those sick thoughts but

    a part of me doesn't allow me to do it

    those sick thoughts make it more powerful

    everytime silence speaks, that part of me starts torturing me, mentally !

    it become more hungry and longing for my sick thoughts

    i wanna k*ll that part of me but !

    i wonder if it's possible to k*ll that part of me without hurting or maybe killing myself

    should i be a friend with that part, or should i k*ll the both of us ? - Yours truly :D

  7. Delusional Part 3


    I'm pretending this grape soda is a beer.

    Instead of grapes

    I taste hops.

    Instead of sugar

    I taste bitterness.

    And when I take a swig

    It erases some tension

    Til sip by sip

    I will become a puddle of relaxation.

    Or maybe nonexistence.

    It goes well with the tear tracks on my face

    And the sad song on my PC. - Anon :D

  8. Delusional part II


    I am no where to be found

    I do not nor will ever make a sound

    Funny how the sun dies everynight for the moon

    How I wish i would find someone like that soon

    I am not so much of deep words

    Just a little risky like the birds

    Oh how they fly way up high

    To the moon,yes beyond the sky

    I wake up to this everyday

    Remembering the month of May

    Yes I get this

    I am delusional in love

    Hoping,one day--


    This day--

    I could find my way. - Anon

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