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Posts posted by okidok

  1. As I'm writing this, I'm holding on to a bottle of Chehalem 3 Vineyard 2003 Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley...


    Will crack this a few days before I fly home to Manila...


    About the Port and Madeira, I've had the rare chance to visit Porto and Madeira when my cruise vessel was doing Europe before we crossed the pond back to the US. I really can't remember the names but I do remember that the most popular one is tawny port. We also checked out the rare white port wine... I like tawny port more...


    Madeira wine is lighter and less sweet than port

  2. Actually any of the Pinot Noirs from Willamette Valley esp 2003 are really very good...


    Just had Van Duzer 2003 Pinot from Willamette Valley... As in any of the grape varietals in the area, it made another night aboard a cruise ship worth living...


    Tonight we're imbibing Rosemont Estate 2004 Triamino Riesling... Very light, very fruity but not like the Auschlese and Spatlese Rieslings of Germany....

  3. As a rule I go for this saying: "Beer over whisky, very risky. Whisky over beer, never fear".


    When you're in a party and expect to have a mix of liqour, go for the lowest form 1st, which is beer. Then go up to wine then rhum then whiskey and finally, single malts, gin and vodka in their pure forms...


    Any form of spirit mixed with a fruit is a guarantee for a hangover... With wine, it depends on the amount of sulfites in the batch... I've had the generic table wines from the tavernas and osterias in northern Italy with nary a hangover but the California wines give me a migraine like headache...


    Malbec is a very good grape varietal... Too bad there's not much choices in Manila... I've had the opportunity to go to a wine tasting tour in the Mendoza region of Argentina where Malbec's being grown and they are very good, especially if you pair it with a nice large serving of filet mignon prepared by the gauchos...


    Willemette Valley Pinot Noir of any brand is very good, especially 2003...

  4. Actually there's a route to Victoria from BF but you have to be a long time resident of BF to learn it.....


    Then again, now that the gates have been opened, drive along Tropical Ave. then turn to Moscow St. left if you're coming from Southland and right if you're coming from Southville.


    It's very complicated..... Better check out the route first before you take the girl with you to Victoria via this route.....


    It's more discreet......

  5. Never a GM/Opel..... My mom owns a GM vehicle, a 1.6L wagon and it drinks petrol like a thirsty GRO!!!!!!


    Being a German company, the parts are simply too expensive.... The blurb on their ad "This could be your first German car" is true... Yes, the doors close lke a Chubb safe but they accelerate like a snail on shabu....


    I own a 1996 Honda Civic VTi for 9 years now and I have nary a problem with it.....


    So my vote: Honda Civic

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