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Posts posted by punkee

  1. How can we get anywhere, kahit sa 1st anything, when people still love the corrupt? When people demand immediate change on everything, which just isnt possible?

    When people find it boring that business is doing well and would prioritize a leader with a wild sense of humor?

  2. That is why this country could not move forward. We should be resolving other problems by now. Yet, we argue and some even try to bring back about a problem that has been resolved more than 20yrs ago - the Marcoses. They had their time. They made their money. Why do you guys cling to them? Arent there millions of options?

  3. may nakita ka ba sa COA reports na may pera dyan na pumunta sa bulsa ni Binay?

    if I could get one centavo whenever I read or hear responses like this made by those who support plunderers, I would be a billionaire. this response is generic & common to all social classes, from the very poor na nagpabola up to even (gasp!) lawyers.


    not even one shred of creativity or desire to put an ounce of wisdom. pathetic.

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. actually, the challenge is for those like you who disbelieve is to check on those agencies I mentioned. but you wouldn't do that now would you? because the truth may find you wrong, diba? much easier to believe the all truthful media. or make things up. yeah, making things up is much easier.


    actually, since I had close connections with those agencies, esp on two of them, they have been my barometer to see how serious this admin really is in the fight against corruption. I even had like "ringside seats" to see how garapal the corruption is in those agencies, and had a glimpse on how they were trying to fight corruption. that is why I keep saying I know first hand that what cowards say, that "corruption will always be here" is not true. billions have been saved in this admin alone, and 2 agencies pa lang yan. the other agency I got close to only fairly recently, and the fight there is still humongous such that internet keyboard know-it-alls still cannot see the fruits from their cozy holes.


    literally, there are present day heroes in those agencies. people who left their profitable private practices to help the government and earn merely peanuts while in office. some have left already because they really have to provide for their families and they have sacrificed a lot already. sacrifices that include constant death threats. some are still there. it is a slap on the faces of these heroes to even imply that this admin isn't fighting corruption, or to say "corruption will always be here."


    this admin isn't weak, but a lot of voters are.

  5. Nandamay pa si Abnoytard. I am kinda bored now so papatulan muna kita. Hindi ka na nga pinapansin ni jopoc pero nagpapapansin ka naman. Pride takes over? The last time I checked, you were not able to answer my questions pertaining to Marcos. When I ask you questions, you either shy away or you really don't know the answer. So what about corruption? Is that the end all and be all of your asinine arguments?


    Dun sa Marcos thread, baradong barado ka na. It's useless arguing with you because when I ask you questions, you just shy away. When you argue, argue with sense and not use ad hominems because using them makes it glaringly obvious that you have no inkling of what you're talking about. :lol:

    You said a lot but your comprehension is weak. Why am I an Abnoytard? Oh, right. Name calling is the way to go.


    I know the style of arguing in the forums. No one can actually believe anyone's post anyway same way I don't expect you to believe my posts. Asking me to prove myself on things that can easily be seen with the naked eye only promotes your desire to feel good about your twisted beliefs.


    I challenged some posters to get off their seat to check out my stories for themselves. Isn't that better? But nah, you guys would rather argue over the keyboard and make things up.


    For now, YES. CORRUPTION is the issue.

  6. Camiar, you wish it was propaganda. I know from experience. I've told you a gazillion times. Binay smiles in front of the camera with the smoothest voice in the most polite manner. Take away the camera and it's a complete turnaround. Dirty mouth, mayabang, bastos. Name it. I HAVE SEEN THAT. Of course, you will try to make yourself feel better with some justification about me that you know nothing about.

    Next thing you will say is that LImlingan and Baloloy are really very wealthy individuals. Propaganda. Pffft.


    You know what, you and jopoc are just so the same. Now, your way out is to say that rooster and I are one? Just like jopoc. There is a pattern among you folks. Include my good friend Marcos loyalist among your kind. Please take that seriously. It is a pattern where your pride takes over and would not want to listen anymore and see what is really going around.

    Is it hard to believe that more than one person abhors corruption?


    Even if he were not corrupt. Even if he were the cleanest of the clean. I will not vote or support anyone who thinks Alma Moreno can create laws that will benefit our country. Simple.


    Kotong Cops lang wala ka nang paninindigan. No wonder you find it hard to comprehend that not everyone is corrupt.

  7. Tries to discredit me. Ho hum.

    Trying to discredit rooster. Not working.

    Trying to feel good for himself by advertising his company's stand against corruption. Parang may kailangan I-prove yata even to himself.


    Simpleng kotong cop hindi mapaandar ang prinsipyo. That shows who you are and that corruption is ok with you. I, and many people I know, have stopped giving in to kotong cops ages ago. P20 is small stuff? Yup, to you. but it feeds the corrupt culture that we are supposed to try to eliminate or minimize. Stop bragging about your company and your anti-corrupt stance.


    Camiar, You give the kotong cops for expediency. That says a lot. Your principles and moral integrity are only up to the point of personal convenience. There is another word for that - selfishness. So what if I get inconvenienced? I will not support corruption no matter how small.


    And guess what. In the so many years I have not given in to kotong cops, once pa lang ako na-inconevenience to have to go thru the whole red tape of the penalties. Halos Lahat nakuha sa usapan at paliwanag. NO KOTONG.

    But the kotong continues because of people who accept that it will never change. People like camiar.


    We are fighting something bigger than our convenience. Many people do not have the convenience that you have. No wonder your vision is so limited. It only goes as far as is convenient to you.


    And so as not to be too OT: I am strong against BINAY for the presidency because HE IS CORRUPT. and with his corruption, he can buy more power, and continue his stealing and lying ways.

    There is a reason why I don't spend so much time criticizing the other candidates. With the other candidates, we will argue about competence, experience, morals, etc. These are the traits that should be discerned and weighed against one another. Tama lang. Are they corrupt too? Maybe. But if ever, they are definitely not in the same league and power base as Binay's abusive kingdom. Yan, alam na.


    BInay should be an non-issue. Sadly, people try to make evil look good. Evil is always evil. And evil has power.


    I do not think I'm corrupt.


    In fact, my company, of which I'm part owner and a senior executive, is Trace International certified. See this link: http://www.traceinternational.org/

    We have a strict policy not to engage in corrupt practices in any of our business dealings.

    Our company's ethical practice earned high marks from Texas Instruments, Siemens, ABB, Chevron, etc...


    I do not pay bribes in any of my personal transaction with the government.

    As much as possible, I donot bribe the kotong cops - I use charm, sweet talk, etc.. to get off the hook, and I'm 70% successful. But to avoid dealing with them altogether, I drive carefully and follow traffic rules.


    I value honesty, professional ethics, and personal integrity.


    But I support somebody who is branded as corrupt by a number of posters here -- Binay.


    What do you make of that?

    means you are not steadfast in your values. no backbone.


    "a number of posters" here?

    c'mon. here is an example of you trivializing the issue that is why it is ok with you. there is good reason to believe Binay is corrupt by the way he lives, the way his lifestyle is inconsistent with the earnings of a public servant and by the way his whole family has abused the public office.


    not just by a number of posters. the allegations are serious enough to warrant numerous plunder cases. and here is how you react:

    a politika lang yan

    e POV ko yan e

    I don't believe it

    maybe you have something against him


    if you stand by your values truly, then you would see that these issues vs Binay are not flimsy or made up. a more responsible citizen would be more cautious even if they did not believe the accusations. pero ikaw, you even forgot the difference between donation and extortion.


    Besides, I urge you to be as vocal in your company about pilferage issues by telling the whole board that any employee suspected of such can be president. in fact, support the person to the hilt even while investigations are ongoing. announce to the board that that is how you view suspected pilfering.


    you value personal integrity? Binay has been caught lying many times. how does that equate to your view of personal integrity?


    it also does not matter how clean you claim you are. any simpleton who has dealt with Makati knows the level of corruption of Binay. any simpleton.

  9. Marcos loyalist here. Most of the time sinasabi ng anti marcos na 20 years syang president kaya marami nagawa, well, between marcos ouster and today we had almost 40 years and 5 presidents and STILL marcos has more projects done, and all these projects, all are still standing and still being used. San nga ba ginanap ang APEC? Sa ccp? CCP, ginawa ni marcos yan, kung pano iniwan ganun pa din. Lung center, kidney center, heart center, childrens hospital, orthopedic? All marcos, kung pano niya iniwan ganun pa din, walang development o expansion. Lrt, after 10 years bago nasundan. PNR was built by Marcos was built for the sole purpose of improving our railway system, after almost 40 years and 5 presidents ngyn lang na realize ang value ng railways. The PAF during the time of marcos, walang ibang ginawa kung hindi mag patrol ng spratlys at other islands ng Pinas, ung inutang na bilyong piso binili ng jet fighter, surface to air missiles. Ngyn, ano nangyari, ung idol nyo so PNoy nag loan ng bilyong piso, nag loan sa Japan, australia amerika para saan ulit???? Para sa jet fighters, para sa personnel carriers, para sa defense... tsk tsk tsk....

    Shouldn't Fiipinos be PHILIPPINES Loyalist, than a PERSONALITY Loyalist?

  10. Another nonsensical post from the Abnoytard. :lol:



    pls explain what abnoytard is. since you call me one, kindly back it up with any of my posts to show why you think I am one.


    I bet there is a poster out there who thinks that one poster is posting responses to himself.

  11. hehe. abnoytard. there seems to be a certain kind of character that tries so hard to use such words.


    thanks jopoc. your silence on simple, but obviously flawed matters shows avoidance. good for you. bad for the country.


    I was accused of flame-baiting. if despising thievery and corruption to the max makes me a flame-baiter, then I am. there is no gray area in plunder. esp when father passes it on to the family to continue the legacy. and anyone who accepts the plunder, even with just the ballot is part of it.



    prove mo muna kung saan nagnakaw si binay.... pakita ka ebidensya....

    di ka naman maniwala sa akin e. kaya nga ayaw mo umalis sa keyboard dahil baka makita mo rin ang nakikita ng marami.


    at least may evidence ako that is clear - that he does not care about the country for as long as he wins. imagine, he wants Alma Moreno to be a lawmaker. that alone should make you squirm. why do you support such a man?

    Why are you comparing Duterte to someone who did genocide and to someone who is a leader of a hermit nation? Is Duterte either?

    babaw mo pa rin.


    it can also hold true to the wax man you are so infatuated with.

  13. You concluded that since the alleged killer does good, he is beloved in his hometown. I said "alleged" because he does not even have a case. However, your first statement contradicts your second statement. Your first statement saying that the killer is not a good choice. How can he not be a good choice when you yourself concluded that he does good?

    I'm sure Hitler did some good. That is why he had people following him.

    I'm sure Kim Hong Un does some good. Otherwise, he could've easily been kicked out already.



    BOOM!!! naunahan mo lang ako.


    by the way, the alleged thief (said alleged because he has not been convicted by any court yet) is also loved in his hometown. pareho lang sa killer, pamilya nila may dynasty for more or less 2 decades.


    steals from the poor? nyahahaha.. prove it. ang alam ko ang big taxpayers sa makati yung mga rich people.


    Contradicting? Abogado pa naman.


    Binay is loved? Probably. But not with the same passion Davaoenos have for Du30. Stop fooling yourself, jopoc. And yes, I know, jopoc, wala pang conviction. Rinding rindi na ako marinig yan. It does not mean squat and you know it. What a nuisance.


    and since you chose to respond, kindly explain Alma Moreno's qualifications for Senator. Why does the guy you love so much think that she will be a good lawmaker?

  14. Immediate? Ilan taon na bang inaantay ang pagaayos niyan? Iam observing, this AM, down ang MRT, technical problem with signalling system. If you cannot "observe" the changes by rising the MRT, how can you "observe" it then? Eto yung Tuwid na Daan ni Mar-Abnoy...ano nga ba yung nagawa na improvement ni Mar other than praise releases?

    clue. gaanong katagal nang nakaupo ang current GM? besides, kahit na ba straight ang current GM, it is not automatic that he is the best for the job right? but then in spite of that pilferage and questionable contracts have been minimized significantly. YOU WON"T SEE THAT IN THE TRAIN.

    I am not saying he is not a good GM. too soon to say. I am saying CLEANING THE SYSTEM CAN BE DONE and that is the best way to start. but don't expect miracles. be fair in assessing public servants.


    this system is rotten to its very core. IT IS A MONUMENTAL TASK to rid ourselves of the effects of corruption. and the worse one can do is accept this. that we are corrupt and will always be corrupt. that is the thinking of camiar and jopoc. that just assures our country will never achieve its potential.


    that is why we should stop putting corrupt people in leadership positions. esp yung alam mo nang magnanakaw.


    incremental improvements are much better than any praise release of a corrupt trapo.

  15. Camiar, since you brought up the fact that you have been to Singapore, I'm sure you have seen how progressive Singapore is compared to our country.. And since you may not be aware, the reason Singapore is as such is because they have had resources for a long time. Simply put, they have money. Agree?


    How can we achieve any fragment of that progress if you want to vote for a president who would double or triple the resources needed to achieve a goal that would cost much less? For something that costs P100, we have to shed out P300. Im being conservative here.

    I ask the question because inaamin nyo that Binay steals and makes projects (kuno).


    Stealing might make something work now. But it will never survive if the only way the project was put was on the strength of stolen resources.


    I cannot believe that I have to argue and convince others about the ill-effects of stealing. Wow.

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