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Posts posted by raistlin

  1. hehehe wow si sam pala.. :)


    hmmmmm matanong nga.. :) hehehe mukang natanong na yun ibang gusto ko tanungin.. :) hehehe


    anyway ito mga tanong ko.. :)


    1) anong hinahanap mo sa isang lalaki?


    2) sa mga nabanggit mo baket nais mo sila makasama? anong meroon sa kanila?


    3) how are you as a gf?


    4) how are you as a parent?


    5) how are you as a friend...


    6) kung makabalikan kayo ni ********** pagbibigyan mo ba siya? baket?


    7) may crush ka ba sa kaibigan ko.. :lol: :P hehehehe

  2. hehehe ayos sa sagot brian...


    anyway here are my questions....


    what to you is bad sex other than feeling bitin.. :lol:


    what does a person do if they lost your trust?


    how do you court the one you care or consider to be the one for you?


    paano ka as a bf? :P


    paano manligaw si brian?


    kay bubuy mo natuto lahat nito? :P

  3. hehehe


    anong ayaw mo sa babae?


    anong klase kang kaibigan?


    anong tinuro mo kay master bubuy?


    maituturo mo ba sa mga neophyte tulad namin yun tinuro ni bubuy? :) :lol:

  4. hehehe ayos sa sagot..


    oo nga.. pansin ko lang.. no comment ka lang.. hehehehe


    anyway if you have stated your qualities na hinahanap mo... wala pa rin ba sa mga nakilala mo may taglay na iyon?


    if you were to choose to date the following saan mo sila idadala? :)

    a) ma

    B) bernice

    c) bmw


    sinong artista na crush mo ? baket?

  5. hey there... ayos sa sagot..


    hmmm magtatanong nga...


    ano ba yun hinahanap mo sa isang babae? :lol:


    wala ka bang kinakareer ngayon? baket? :P


    anong yun inang nanotice mo sa isang babae?


    baket ayaw mo magkarelationship na taga mtc.. :lol:


    kung pinagbigyan ka ni jenny baby na magdate kayo.. saan kayo magdate? o anong plans mo for that day...


    how do you spend your day?

  6. hmmm si brianx ba? :) hehehe


    eto mga tanong ko.. sinong mga babae sa rr na type mo maging gf? baket? :)


    sino sa mga babae sa mtc na nais mo maging gf? baket?


    sino sa mga rr na lalaki ang tiwala mo kung wala ka para ipabantay sa gf mo kung nagkataon baket? :)


    sino sa rated r ang idolo mo.. :lol:


    baket si bubuy ang master mo? nyahahaha


    yun lang muna

  7. hey hey...


    looks who's on the hotseat.. :)


    it's lips.. :)




    does dobs count.. he's from aa right? :lol: :P


    hehehehe anyway base on your taste...


    who do you think is the best person that you met thus far? would it be debs or dobs? :lol:


    hmmm let's pretend you were lesbian, would you prefer your partner to be deli or someone else? (peace deli) why?


    base on what you have read so far.. what is the best thing that you have read thus far? :)


    what is the most hideous thing you read? :lol:


    that's it for now.. I will think up on some new questions.. :)

  8. hehehee nice one debs..


    hmmm so you wouldn't give in due to waste of time any money.. :lol:


    anyway here goes my next round..


    hmmm since you are quoted to be the dashing male admin...


    have you ever picked up a lady from a bar?


    have you ever gone on a one night stand?


    when you go to a bar and see a lady you fancy, what do you do to catch her fancy?


    have you ever been rejected by a lady at a bar? :)


    what are you tips to neophytes out there in picking up ladies in a bar?


    that's it for now.. :) hehehe

  9. hehehe nice one debs..


    well.. I only have a limited time for now.. but here goes..


    what do you think will you consider as a mercy f#&k.. did you do it on someone or was it the other way around? :lol: :P

  10. hehehe nice one debs... :)


    hmmm looks like you had a fun night after the event..


    anyway here are my questions for you


    what would it take for the lady to seduce you? :lol:


    what would you prefer beauty or brains? :)


    if you were to spend a night with a local artist, who would that be and how your date would end up?


    if you were to spend a night with jenny baby (I am sure alot would be jealous) what would you do on that night?


    how are you as a friend? :)


    that's it for now

  11. hehehe nice one debs..


    here's my questions for you...


    after the event last saturday and seeing a bevy of beauty parading.. :)


    what did you do after the party?


    did you speak to any of the lovely models?


    did you get any of their #? :)


    did you get lucky like dobs that night? :P


    hehehe that would be all debs.. :)

  12. nyahahaha good one debs.. :)


    hmmmm now why would you say that.. I am sure there are alot who would love to ask you questions.. I don't know if they would post it on the board or pm you.. :lol: :P hehehehe


    hmm you mentioned that you're an ass person, so who do you think among the female artist has the nice booty.. :lol: :P


    hmmm who is your all time fave actress (local or foriegn) why?


    if you were to have your dream to be fulfilled, what would that be? :)


    given an opportunity to spend a day with anyone for a day, who would that person be and why?


    who would you want to be with you when your stranded on a desserted island.. :P


    that's it for now debs..

  13. hehehe well well well.. look who's here... it the dashing debonaire on the hotseat.. :lol: :P


    looks like alot are asking for you to be here.. anyway here goes my round of questions.. :)




    among the ladies you met in mtc thus far.. excluding the bangers.. who among them would you consider to be your gf or your partner in life name at least five and why? :P


    if you were to be a lady, who among the male populace would you go out on a date and why? :P let's just pretend on this part dude.. :P hehehehe


    what would you wear if you're going to the daungan party this sat? :P


    what do you look for in a woman? :)


    what's your fave song right now?


    if you were to discuss anything in the world to a certain person, who would that be and why?


    why are you always being compared to dobs? :P


    hehehe that would be my round of questions as of the moment

  14. hmmm interesting ans you have given out.. :)


    hmmmm here are my other querries.. :)


    what would you do to the person that you find yourself attracted to?


    what would you do to get his attention?


    how do you seduce the one that you love? :lol:


    how are you as a friend?


    how does one regain your trust when they lost them in the 1st place?


    what are your pet peeves?


    what do you hate in a person?


    will you be going to the rated r event?

  15. hmmm nice ans... :)


    well it goes to show that you want something for yourself in the future.. education is one thing that a person won't be able to take away from you...


    if you were to be stranded on an island.. sinong gusto mo makasama at baket? :lol:


    what are your basic essentials in life?


    what is your daily routine in life?


    what do you look for in a guy when you feel that person is for you? :)


    have you found the person you think that your willing to settle? :unsure:


    let's say you have your significant other. he wants you to stop doing what you're doing.. would you do so because you love him or would you still continue what you would do despite his prevention?


    that's it for now.. :)

  16. hehehe nice ans... hmmm


    here are my next questions..


    if there are some things in your physical outlook that you wished to change. what would that be and why?


    if you were given an opportunity to turn back time.. will you go back to the past to change anything or not? why or why not?


    any regrets in life?


    have you been in loved before?


    how are you as a gf? :)


    take care

  17. hmmmm so it's hfc's turn in the hotseat.. what would be an interesting question for her.. hehehe


    what qualities in a guy are you looking for?


    among the male you mentioned. any of them has a chance to be your special someone given the chance? :P why or why not?


    how do you want to be courted? :P


    if you have a lesbian tendency (or pretend your a guy), who among the ladies here in mtc would you try to seduce? :P (give 5 and why)


    who are you fave actors and actresses... :P

  18. hehehe ayos sa sagot..




    what qualities in a women are you looking for?


    if lt isn't your girl, who among the ladies here in mtc would you probably try to win her heart?


    how does nataraki win the love of his life? :)


    are you a romantic type of person?


    are you more of a player? :P peace pre..


    are you into sports? if so what are they?


    what makes you bc? :P hehehe


    yun lang pre...

  19. hehehe uy si nataraki na pala... hehehe matanong ko nga....... :) hehehe


    ano yun nakita ni LT about you na sinagot ka.. hehehe


    what makes you different from the rest of the rr boys..


    if you were to describe the rr boys how would you describe them?


    top 5 desirable men other the rr men.. hehehehe :) baket?


    top 5 desirable female in rr and why? :)


    top 5 lovely ladies for you (bawal rr) :P hehehe baket?


    yun muna

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