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Posts posted by raistlin

  1. darn when equitable and bdo merged.. nagkaproblema... I use to pay my bills through atm.. no I can't. I was debited by gas station by charging me accidentally or swiping my card twice.. I use a visa electron debit/atm card so the charge is directly to my savings which to my annoyance was a bit of hassle to complain.. I had two experience prior to the equitable merging with bdo and was able to resolve the problem within a week or even less.


    However with the recent experience. I had my debit card debited twice for gas and I called on the same day upon discovery that the charge was twice since I checked my balance on a different atm bank. I called bdo or the hotline and informed them about the double charge. I was advice to wait 7-10 business day. I followed up on monday since it was a holiday, was advice to follow up on friday. I followed up on friday which was beyond the 7-10 business day and the rep told me that they don't have any feedback yet. I was upset. I told the rep to do what she could other wise I would call and be speaking to someone. I checked my balance monday I still didn't get credited back. I received a text msg with the # of the main branch informing me that the money was credited back on monday. I've had it with their customer service to the point that I called the main branch about my complaint. Spoke to a jr acct mgr so she claimed and didn't handle my concern properly. Just flat out told me didn't you receive the text message? Didn't you check your atm. Like hello I told her check my atm in the morning I didn't received the money back. I asked specifically when was it credited back. She told me she can't disclose the info. She call the said office that handle this matter and they mentioned it was due to the merger. For the delay. I asked what can they do to satisfy me as a customer with the frustration and the hassle of what had happen. She even asked me what do i want? Like I said I don't know how you guys handle this type of situation. Like you guys are representing bdo. I ask for her supervisor. In which the supervisor informed me that the problem has been on going since sept. I replied to this response. You knew the problem since sept and what have you done about it. Imagine it's dec and you still haven't resolved the problem. If you knew the problem will take longer than 7-10 business day, then adv your reps that it will take longer than what was expected rather than saying something that is not true. She mentioned she will have this matter raised to the management, I told her that I expect a response and was advice 3-5business days.. guess what.. I didn't receive any response.. I called back to the hotline since I can't get through to the said main branch. I spoke to an agent and asked to that if he can't help me to connect me to the proper dept to assist me. Normally they would say it's credited back. Don't they get the pt. I am not after for the credit or anything, it's the pt of customer service. I was on hold, informed that he emailed the previous supervisor I spoke to and was informed that they are looking into ways to fixed this problem, I reacted and what else? that's it... I told him to inform the supervisor that I expect a phone call.. Otherwise I will close the account.. Though I am an individual and it's a payroll account I don't care. The least they could do is provide good customer service in which I work in a call center we provide to our customer so what's the difference?


  2. I recently had a bad experience with globe, where I lost more than 320 credits. I reported the matter and spoke to the agent, was advice a report has been created and wait 24hour. Called back around 2 or 4hr after, was advice that the matter was not recorded. I got upset, the agent assisted me adv 24hr and i will get 240 and the 80 (unlitxt) will be credit after 3 days. I wait 24hr. I didn't receive it. I called back and spoke to another rep after loading again and was advice that they have a landline to call to globe. I said why is it no longer being informed to the people and rather that everyone should call 211. agent apologized about it. Adv me within an hour will get the credit. I did get the 240 within the hour. The 80 however i wasn't able to get it. I called back and the rep hang up on me. I called back after 10min and complained about the rep. I don't care if it's dec... I am not being heartless, but heck why would you hang up on me. Found out that the amount was canceled. I asked why? I asked to speak to his superior and he said he can't get one.. nice... but he said he will take ownership. He did text me back to confirm if i got it. I got the load, no idea what happened to the previous rep.. should i check.. nah.. why bother or should i?

  3. didn't know you were at the hotseat.. :lol:


    it seems that a lot have ask you questions.. :)


    I don't know if it has been asked or what..


    anyway here goes..


    What do you look for in a friend?


    What would you do for love?


    What do you recomend for a person who is in love?


    What do you do to a person who fall out of love?


    Have you fallen out of love before? Why?


    What do you have to say to a heart breaker?


    What do you recommend to a person who is mending a broken heart?


    :) that's it for now

  4. aba si aga pala.. hmm maitanong nga..


    sinong 1st na meet mo sa mtc..


    sinong 1st gf mo na non-mtc


    sinong niligawan mo muna sa mtc...


    1st kiss


    1st experience..


    puro 1st ah.. :P


    yun muna :P

  5. nyahahaha why do you think your hair rises every time I ask a question.. If it that bad? :lol:


    anyway moving on..


    what would have been your ideal job? :P


    who would you want to date ideally..


    if you were given a chance to date anyone, who would that be and why?


    top 5 female in mtc and why?


    top 5 male dawgs that you idolize? :lol: why do you idolize them..


    That's it for now

  6. hmm it's bonito.. hehehehe hmm time to fry someone.. :lol:




    what do you look for in a person?


    what do you look for in a woman?


    have you found those qualities in one woman? who is she?


    who have captured your heart? why? or how did that person capture your heart?


    that's it for now.. :P

  7. hehehe overstaying ka ba.. calling on tamago..


    anyway kung pwede pa magtanong..


    sino ang tunay mong minanamahal sa ngayon.. I mean you could truly say that you love the person and you're willing to do everything for that person...


    have you been burned before?


    what do you usually do to recover from that period of depression?

  8. hmmmm intresting..


    from the men that you have met thus far.. who do you think would be an ideal bf for you.. or you would like to have a serious relationship.. :P


    hmmm sino naman sa mga call boys ang type mo..


    baket mo nasabi na kakaiba ka sa mga babae rito sa mtc.. :)


    yun muna

  9. hi there seb..


    hmmm interesting ans... :P


    anyway here's my questions...


    what do you think is the best experience you had in life..


    would you still go on a ons.. :P


    what about seb? :P


    yun lang muna

  10. hmmm it's sebyang's turn to be in the hotseat.. :lol: hehehe


    what could I ask her..


    if given the chance.. you have met most of the men here.. who do you think that you could say that you have a crush on and why? (give at least 5)


    who among the ladies that you would have a crush on if given that you were to become a lesbian. why them (give at least 5)




    given that you have done some things in the past.. would you relieve those moments? why or why not?


    would you want to go back in the past and change something? why?


    what do you think is your most precious item that you own...


    that's it for now

  11. hehehe ayos sa sagot ah nyt.. hehehe


    eto ang mga tanong ko sa iyo ngayon..


    kung ikaw ang bugaw ni bmw.. sino sa mga guys maliban kay pilyo ang ireretro mo kay bmw.. baket kaya? :P hehehe


    kung di mo nakilala si orange, anong hinahanap mo sa isang babae? baket?


    what qualities do you look for 1st in a woman?


    why do you think the world is round and not square.. :lol: :P


    why do you think alot are thinking of sex of late.. :P hehehe


    anong pagkaiba ng bbg sa ibang grupo..


    if bbg wasn't around what group would you be associated with?


    so you're telling us that it was faith that brough you and orange together.. :)

  12. hehehe si nyt na pala sa hotseat... hmm anong pwedeng itanong.. hehehe


    1) how did you met orange (partee gurl)

    2) what qualities in her that got you attracted to her?

    3) what made you changed from the old bbg days.. :) hehehehe

    4) what qualities do you look for in a woman

    5) if worse comes to worse.. you couldn't attend a function that your orange has to attend, who would you trust to go with her and why?

    6) who do you think is the best hunk in mtc.. :lol:

    7) if you're going to recommend someone to date bmw who would that be.. why? :)

    8) who do you think is your idol here in mtc.

    9) who do you think would win the sexiest woman in mtc?

    10) how does nyt propose to the one he loves.. :P hehehe


    not too tough i hope...

  13. hey hey hey.. looks who is on the hotseat.. time to grill someone.. hehehe


    musta ang buhay call boy? :P


    anong plano natin sa buhay 5 yrs from now..


    anong gusto mo sa isang babae...


    paano ba si fb manligaw?


    paano ba si fb bilang isang bf?


    top 5 female mo? baket?


    yun muna...



  14. hehehe ayos sa mga sagot ah.. :lol: :P hmmm matanong nga na iba.. :P


    sino sa palagay mo sa mga lalaki na kilala mo na may katangian na nabangit mo na hinahanap mo sa lalaki.. :P


    sino sa palagay mo magiging responsible parent.. :P


    sino gusto mo sa wika ni lb.. ichurvy.. :lol: :P joke joke joke


    if you were given an opportunity to work in any company where will you work and why?


    anong pinangarap mo nung bata ka pa...


    any regrets in the men you fell in love? :unsure:


    what makes you different now from then?

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