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Posts posted by raistlin

  1. Hey raistlin! How come the marshmallow man, the Pillsbury doughboy, and the Michelin mascot all look alike? Do you think they're related?


    If you were to be reincarnated as a flower, what kind of flower do you want to be and why?


    If the government were to pass a law that would make everyone pick one color for everything that they own (for you, you have to pick between lilac and fuschia pink), which one will it be and why?


    What song would best describe your feet?


    When you're not thinking of anything, what's going through your head?


    Why do you think people close there eyes when they sneeze?


    Which of the Backstreet Boys do you think is gay?


    What would you do if you found out God smoked canabis?


    What would you do if you found out your best guy friend is gay and is fantasizing about you?


    Have you ever peeked over at the next urinal in the men's room while you and another person were peeing at the same time?


    If you were stuck in an island, why do you think you were stuck there in the first place?


    What do you think of Fat Bastard?


    What's more important to you, tissue paper or table napkins?


    Which one would you give up, sex or food? Why?


    Do you look good tanned?

    hey zerriet,


    tough questions... let me think.. hehehehehehe


    Hey raistlin! How come the marshmallow man, the Pillsbury doughboy, and the Michelin mascot all look alike? Do you think they're related?

    - hmmm this brings back to mind of stay puff the marshmallow man from the ghost busters.. nyahahahaha to be honest.. I don't think they are related.. they just like white fluffy people.. hehehehe so that could be ther reason... I know the marshmallow man and philsbury concept.. but about the michelin... no idea... :P


    If you were to be reincarnated as a flower, what kind of flower do you want to be and why?

    - hmmm I think an orchid would be best.. since I like to be watered and smell good.. hehehehehe


    If the government were to pass a law that would make everyone pick one color for everything that they own (for you, you have to pick between lilac and fuschia pink), which one will it be and why?

    - yikes.... hmmmm lilac.. since lilac is close to purple/violet.. and I heard violet is the color of royalty... :P nyahahahahaha


    What song would best describe your feet?

    - hmmm never thought about it.... any suggestion? hehehehehe


    When you're not thinking of anything, what's going through your head?

    - sleep... I need sleep.. hehehe most probably on line games....


    Why do you think people close there eyes when they sneeze?

    - it's kind of a natural reaction that we close our eyes.. some sort of defense mechanism....


    Which of the Backstreet Boys do you think is gay?

    - hmmm tough one.. I would say.... hmmmm let me research on that..... hehehehe


    What would you do if you found out God smoked canabis?

    - hmmm no idea what canabis is.. but I would ask him why is he smoking it....


    What would you do if you found out your best guy friend is gay and is fantasizing about you?

    - ewwwwwwwww :sick: I would tell him that we could be friends.. but pls stop fantasizing about me...


    Have you ever peeked over at the next urinal in the men's room while you and another person were

    peeing at the same time?

    - ewwwwwwwww :sick: no way......


    If you were stuck in an island, why do you think you were stuck there in the first place?

    - either the boat I rode sank, or the plane I rode crashed..

    or I joined survivor... nyahahahahahaa


    What do you think of Fat Bastard?

    - hmmmm what about fat bastard? :unsure:


    What's more important to you, tissue paper or table napkins?

    - hmmmm tissue paper... hehehehehehe


    Which one would you give up, sex or food? Why?

    - sex... cause a person could survive several days without sex.. however, food on the other hand.. a person can die of starvation... look at the monks and all the people whom became chaste.. they have lived up to this time.. without giving it to sex... :lol:


    Do you look good tanned?

    - I haven't tried it yet.. though I did turned tanned before.. but it was not complete... so I really am not sure...

  2. hmm ano kaya pede ko itanong?


    1. what was it like the first time na ginawa mo yung "deed"?


    2. how does it feel to score a career high against the newbies?


    3. given a chance..sino sa mga mtc women ang gusto mo talaga...isa lang ha.... lam namen idol ka :lol:


    4. are you still supah bins? :D

    nyahahhaha kaw talaga baji... :P


    1) to quote the saying in american pie.. "it's like warm apple pie.." hehehehe

    it was kinda awkward.. since I was new to it.. and she's not... hehehehehehe


    2) wala lang.. masaya.. hehehehe sarap ng feeling.. sayang.. sana ginawa ko na lang ng double digits.. hehehe baka next conference na lang...


    3) nyahahahaha mas idol kita rito baji.. given a chance... hmmm I would say.. musette... :blush:


    4) what do you mean by that.. no idea baji.. :P

  3. Grabe, ang husay mo raist!  :thumbsupsmiley:


    Last batch na itu. (Salamat nga pala sa google!  :cool: )

    1. Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?

    2. If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu, would it be called a bullshit?

    3. If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?

    4. Why is Grape Nuts cereal called that, when it contains neither grapes, nor nuts?

    5. Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?

    6. Why does mineral water that has "trickled through mountains for centuries" go out of date next year?

    7. Why are Softballs hard?

    8. Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself?

    9. If the professor on Giligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

    10. Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?


    11. Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn't it be called an inlet.

    12. Why do we scrub Down and wash Up?

    13. Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

    14. Can blind people see their dreams?

    15. Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can't go that fast on any road?

    16. Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore?

    17. Why do they call it taking a dump? Shouldn't it be leaving a dump?

    18. Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?

    19. Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

    20. Why do banks leave the door wide open but the pens chained to the counter?


    21. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

    22. Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower, when he doesn't usually wear any pants?

    23. How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?

    24. If an orange is orange, why isn't a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?

    25. If a cat always lands on its feet, and buttered bread always lands butter side down, what would happen if you tied buttered bread on top of a cat?

    26. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why's it still #2?

    27. What color would a smurf turn if you choked it?

    28. Where's the egg in an egg roll?

    29. Why aren't blue berries blue?

    30. Where is the lead in a lead pencil?


    and finally...


    31. Why is Greenland called green when it is covered in ice?

    Thanks ulit!  :lol:


    nyahahaha grabe ka wolf.. sa google mo pa to nakuha... :P


    1. Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?

    - hmmm ask the one who made the phrase.. cause I honestly don't know.. either that or it's a trick question.. nyahahahahahahha


    2. If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu, would it be called a bullshit?

    - ummm no.. I don't know what they would call it.. most probably a hybrid of the two.. sorry.. not a dog lover here...


    3. If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?

    - I would say yes.. or they would have to radio for help asap... otherwise they would have to perform 1st aid till the next ambulance arrive


    4. Why is Grape Nuts cereal called that, when it contains neither grapes, nor nuts?

    - hehehe well.. that's just a name that has artificial flavoring claiming it has the flavor of grape and nutty flavor... similar to the other cereal like nestle honey star, fruit loops, cocoa pebbles... etc...


    5. Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?

    - cause you need a car to do a drive through... hehehehehehe


    6. Why does mineral water that has "trickled through mountains for centuries" go out of date next year?

    - that you have to ask the manufacturer.. i guess due to the minerals and microorganism located inside the water bottle...


    7. Why are Softballs hard?

    - cause it's not soft.... hehehehehehehehe

    the term softball is a sport and that they use similar play in baseball... however the rules differ from the ordinary baseball team for the softball team.. likewise this is was created for women, cause the US has the mlb (major league baseball) which caters to all men who love to play ball... whereas women who like to play baseball but couldn't join the men's league at that time.. so for equality sake.. softball was created for women's baseball team...


    8. Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself?

    - for the movie itself...


    9. If the professor on Giligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

    - I have no idea.. I don't watch giligan's island.. either it wasn't my time.. or I wasn't born yet.. :P hehehehe but an educated guess would be... he is no carpenter.. that is why he can't fix the hole... hehehehehehe


    10. Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

    - cause that is where the watch would be located.. on a person's wrist.. where else.. :P

    concerning about the bathroom.. would you be willing to point to your crotch area.. hehehe that would be abit embarrassing..


    11. Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn't it be called an inlet.

    - cause it is called an outlet, where the electricity flow out.. that is why we plug an electrical cord there...


    12. Why do we scrub Down and wash Up?

    - what do you want it to call.. :) hehehe

    the reason is to be grammatically correct...


    13. Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

    - even though both are dogs.. could pluto talk... I know goofy could.. hehehehe


    14. Can blind people see their dreams?

    - dreams are part of a person's subconsciousness.. so I would say yes they could


    15. Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can't go that fast on any road?

    - cause the manufacture does it to allow the people to keep track on the max speed a car could go.. but then again.. it can't go to a max speed for a while.. that is why there is the average speed... hehehe


    16. Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore?

    - I have no idea...


    17. Why do they call it taking a dump? Shouldn't it be leaving a dump?

    - hmmm honestly.... no clue on that one dude...


    18. Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?

    - try the last stanze.. all the king's men could never put humpty dumpty together again.. so it could mean that humpty dumpty is an egg, since you could never put the yolk the egg white back inside an egg...


    19. Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

    - cause they want to be clean...

    it's a sop for all who would be using needles... to avoid infection or complecation in the injection of the fluid...


    20. Why do banks leave the door wide open but the pens chained to the counter?

    - the reson is for the customer to have easy access on the pen and that the customer will not accidentally take their pen... hehehe


    21. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

    - nope.. it doesn't


    22. Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower, when he doesn't usually wear any pants?

    - to show to the children about decency and modesty... heheheheehe


    23. How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?

    - cause those people who do it.. think they could still make the battery come to life.. hehehehe


    24. If an orange is orange, why isn't a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?

    - actually those are just skin color.. but honestly.. ask the person who discovered those fruits... hehehe


    25. If a cat always lands on its feet, and buttered bread always lands butter side down, what would happen if you tied buttered bread on top of a cat?

    - no idea what would happen on that.. hehehehehe law of gravity?


    26. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why's it still #2?

    - cause it's not called the # 1 pencil.. as far as I know the density and the content inside the lead of the pencil.. thus called the # 2 pencil...


    27. What color would a smurf turn if you choked it?

    - purple.. hehehehehe


    28. Where's the egg in an egg roll?

    - it's already part of the roll..


    29. Why aren't blue berries blue?

    - cause they aren't blue.. they are purple... whoever discovered it.. might have been colored blind.. hehehehe


    30. Where is the lead in a lead pencil?

    - which one.. mechanical or the #2 pencil... the lead in a lead pencil is located in the center... hehehe


    31. Why is Greenland called green when it is covered in ice?

    - whoever discovered the area.. may have called it due to the trees though covered in snow still have their leaves... hehehehehe

  4. Ang ang usual laman ng initial PM mo sa isang female member?

    I would ans your question with a question.. kc medyo vague e...


    the ans would vary on a case to case basis.. :lol: depending on the situation on what I usually put in the pm...


    if the person is violationg a rule.. I would inform her and would either delete/invi the post or move the post to the appropriate thread...


    if the person is not sure where to post.. I would direct her where...


    if the person is someone I know it depends on the situation.. normally bday greetings etc... :P

  5. belated hbd bins :*


    1) bakit late mo ako sinundo noon :P


    2) asan na rin ang tikoy ko :P  if u could do it over, would u have kept ur virginity?  would u still have done it with the person u did it with (the first time)? 


    4) how do u deal with rejection?


    5) when was the last time u cried?  why?


    hello dyosa... thanks for the greeting.. :*


    1) bakit late mo ako sinundo noon :P

    - uhmmm nawala kc ako... :P hehehehe seriously.. I am sorry about that incident.. di na mauulit....


    2) asan na rin ang tikoy ko ;)


    3) when i met u, u were a proud birjin...but i heard d ka na birjin :P if u could do it over, would u have kept ur virginity? would u still have done it with the person u did it with (the first time)?

    - nyahahaha tamang tanongin ba ako... well... yeah.. true.. I was before.. but guess the temptation was there... :P


    If given the chance.. I might have the opportunity to resist temptation. I would have stopped myself.. but who knows...


    honestly.. I don't know.. maybe not.. then again.. I can never tell.. :P


    4) how do u deal with rejection?

    -uhmmmm not that too well before.. but of late.. I am handling rejections quite alright.. I kept myself busy and try to remain friends with that person as much as possible... but hey.. I don't force myself... it's really hard.. since you tried your best.. and that is what matters...


    5) when was the last time u cried? why?

    - the last time I cried.. I don't know if this counts.. it was on my bday (yesterday).. cause I fought back the tears that is ready to fall due to my friend died.. her sister is also my friend.. and I saw how devasted she was and I attended the funeral and her burial was yesterday.. she died due to complications and she was just 21.. she would have been 22 this coming august... unfortuanately she was taken away..


    if that doesn't count.. I guess the last time was when I was in 2nd year college... where my classmate/blockmate died... due to pancreas failure.... she was only 19 then... I was really sad that time...

  6. skaterboi hapi bertdey... weeeeeeeee...


    1. pede magtanong?


    2. sino nagbansag sayong "supah bins"?


    3. kanino ka nagpatahi ng costume?


    4. bakit lagi kang late? supah hero ka pa man din!  :unsure:


    tikoy.. tikoy.. tikoy..

    hehehe si mang abet.. peace daddy....


    salamat sa pagbati...


    1. pede magtanong?

    di pwede.. :lol: nagtanong ka na e...


    2. sino nagbansag sayong "supah bins"?

    kayo nagbansag ata.. o si teo... hehehehe


    3. kanino ka nagpatahi ng costume?

    wala... di ako nagpagawa e...


    4. bakit lagi kang late? supah hero ka pa man din! :P


    5. bakit lagi kang naliligaw?

    ewan ko ba.. usually i have a good sense of direction.. pero paminsan naguguluhan din... :P


    6. bat may LPG tank sa sasakyan mo?

    wala na ngayon.... dati kc mura ang lpg yun sa may shaw e...


    7. magkano isa litro mantika? :unsure:

    nyahahahaha malay ko na ngayon..

  7. Wahehehe hotseat si raistlin ngayon :lol:


    1. Bakit Super Bins ang tawag sayo?


    2. Alam mo na ba ang sagot sa tanong mong "What's up"?


    3. May bago ka na bang wheels ngayon?


    4. Sino ang date mo ngayon?


    5. (eto pareho kami ni teio ng tanong) Nasaan din ang tikoy ko?




    hello aj.... oo nga.. grabe na ito.. :P


    1. Bakit Super Bins ang tawag sayo?

    - malay ko sa inyo.. bansag na ata sa akin ni teo.. kaya di ko nga alam kung baket e.. :P nyahahahaa


    2. Alam mo na ba ang sagot sa tanong mong "What's up"?

    - di ko pa alam.. kaw.. alam mo... hehehehe :P


    3. May bago ka na bang wheels ngayon?

    - wala pa.. yun dati pa rin... katiwala ko na yun e...


    4. Sino ang date mo ngayon?

    - date ko ngayon.. wish ko lang.. wala ako date e :cry:


    5. (eto pareho kami ni teio ng tanong) Nasaan din ang tikoy ko?

    - tikoy mo.. pareho sa sagot ko kay teo.. nakain na ng pusa.. :P

  8. raist, baka naman sabihin mong kinokopya ko lang ang questions mo sa akin, kaya eto naman.

    Thank you!

    1. Why does the sun lighten our hair but darken our skin?


    2. Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?


    3. Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?


    4. Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?


    5. Why is a boxing ring square?


    6. Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?


    7. Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?


    8. Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?


    9. Why is it that rain drops but snow falls?


    10. Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on "Start"?


    11. Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the

    volume on the radio?


    12. Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real



    13. Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?


    14. Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?


    15. Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?


    16. Why is the word dictionary in the dictionary?


    17. Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet?


    18. Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?


    19. You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes?  Why can't

    they make the whole plane out of the same substance?


    20. Can fat people go skinny-dipping?


    21. Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?


    :lol:  :lol:


    nyahahahaha kaw talaga wolf... ewan ko ba sa iyo.. hehehehe grabe.. parang si timmy or di kaya si pokie nagtanong mga ito e.. hehehe


    1. Why does the sun lighten our hair but darken our skin?

    due to the pigmentation of our skin that the cells dry up and does it darken our skin...


    2. Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

    cause of the coating of the bottle.. and it isn't exposed to the air... the chemical inside the bottle allows the glue to retain it's watery form...


    3. Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

    hehehe are there any real psychic.. as a line in charm.. we don't use our powers for personal gain...


    4. Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

    I have no idea.. ask webster.. hehehehe


    5. Why is a boxing ring square?

    cause it's not round.. nyahahahahahahaha


    6. Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?

    nyahahahaha i have no idea.. ask lipstick herself...


    7. Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?

    to keep the dead from rising.. :lol:


    8. Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?

    cause they practice their craft.... most especially when they diagnose a symptom that is new to them.. hehehehe


    9. Why is it that rain drops but snow falls?

    due to the density of the rain and the snow flakes...


    10. Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on "Start"?

    cause bill gates can't think of anything to use to turn off the comp.. :P


    11. Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the

    volume on the radio?

    I guess to avoid the distraction...


    12. Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real


    not all lemon juice are made from artificial flavor, not unless it's powedered milk...


    13. Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

    cause they can make or break you in the investment.. hehehehehe


    14. Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?

    cause the watch maker doesn't know what to call it... :P


    15. Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

    cause that's how it is when snails are rushing to their destination...


    16. Why is the word dictionary in the dictionary?

    cause it's a place to look for words... hehehe


    17. Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet?

    I have no idea.. ask the scientist....


    18. Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

    cause there is a law enacted to be kind to animals.. kidding.. I know there was a law passed for animal testing... so I doubt you could use mouse as a flavoring.. and I highly doubt people would warm up to that idea... not all cat likes mouse...


    19. You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes? Why can't

    they make the whole plane out of the same substance?

    cause it's expensive...


    20. Can fat people go skinny-dipping?

    of course...


    21. Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?

    cause that is to prove you are of legal age and know what you're doing.. hehehe

  9. why do you have so many questions?

    do you like being asked so many questions?

    what's up with you and all your questions?

    will you ever run out of questions?

    what question do hate being asked the most?

    hello eight...


    hmmm concerning your questions...


    why do you have so many questions?

    - I guess the reason is for those people who don't know the person truly well to get an idea who the person is.. at least the person can be candid with his/her ans on the hotseat...


    do you like being asked so many questions?

    - hmmm it's alright.. not that too hard.. hehehe


    what's up with you and all your questions?

    - nothing really.. just like to ask questions to let others know who he/she is...


    will you ever run out of questions?

    - life can never ran out of questions.. we always have what if, could have been.. etc..


    what question do hate being asked the most?

    - nothing really... :P hehehehe there are those questions though that I might not ans..

  10. hehehe raistlin.... sorry for the typos.... medyo nagmamadali sa pagtype e...  paumanhin...


    next batches..


    1) what will you tell to the ff people?


    a) malisyosa ako


    c) teo

    d) simply miss

    e) buble master

    f) jerzz

    g) gov

    h) e-butt (eraserbutt)

    i) spock

    j) pilyo

    k) mallninja

    l) shelds

    m) luvkotoh

    n) yai

    o) yoi

    p) naughty starr

    q) chinkster

    r) kenji

    s) leslie garcia

    t) leslie

    u) hot chick primrose

    v) alpha q

    w) spock

    x) wyld

    y) quickie

    z) sixgears


    hehehe next batch ulit..


    2) hmmm sulitin ko na nga... if you were given a chance to have a dream date, who would that lucky lady be? and where would your date be held? what will you do?


    3) if you were granted to have a date with any lady (actress) who would it be? (foriegn and local) why?


    4) what would you say to the lady you like?


    5) how does raistlin propose?


    6) do you believe in the saying that there is a wolf in sheep's clothing?


    7) what do you do to the person who hurt you?


    8) how do you heal a broken heart?


    9) last song syndrome..


    10) what is you most cherished moment in life that you can't forget? 


    1) what will you tell to the ff people?


    a) malisyosa ako - musta ka na ba? anong balita sa iyo?


    B) dianne/slurpme - kasama pa rin ba kayo nila malisyosa ako at ni akira?


    c) teo - oist.. musta vietnam... hehehehe


    d) simply miss - what have you been up to of late? hope you're alright...


    e) buble master - idol.. anong balita sa iyo? kita-kits sa hard court muli...


    f) jerzz - saan ang mga pics.. hehehehe paturo nga ako sa idol ko... hehehe


    g) gov - nawawala ka sa basketball.. musta?


    h) e-butt (eraserbutt) - kita-kits sa playoff.. mukhang busy tayong lahat ah... hehehe


    i) spock - hey spock.. see you on the next game day.. hehehe


    j) pilyo - musta ang idol ko sa rated r.. kilang kila ka na roon.. grabe...


    k) mallninja - hey dude.. nice to see you last night.. how did you fare?


    l) shelds - hey.. been awhile.. how's life going to be now that you'll be a father...


    m) luvkotoh - musta na ang expectant mother?


    n) yai - anong balita sa iyo? it's been a while since last I saw you...


    o) yoi - oist.. anong balita sa work mo.. hehehe


    p) naughty starr - when is the wedding day? :)


    q) chinkster - kailan ang kasal? hehehe


    r) kenji - musta na idol.. nagbadminton kayo nila bernice?


    s) leslie garcia - musta work sa call center?


    t) leslie - hi... uhmmm we haven't met yet.... welcome to mtc though.. mukhang marami na kilala sa iyo e...


    u) hot chick primrose - hey.. what's the latest buzz with you and alpha?


    v) alpha q - hey dude.. anong balita sa iyo?


    w) spock - oopss.. double again.. hehehe


    x) wyld - when will you be back?


    y) quickie - musta na ang dyosa? kailan ka bibisita?


    z) sixgears - nice to see you prof... hope you had fun while you were here...


    2) hmmm sulitin ko na nga... if you were given a chance to have a dream date, who would that lucky lady be? and where would your date be held? what will you do?

    hmmm si coco lee nga.. hehehehe I guess.. in a nice little cozy restaurant with a candle lit dinner with serade plus roses by her side...


    3) if you were granted to have a date with any lady (actress) who would it be? (foriegn and local) why?

    hmmm Julia roberts or catherine zeta jones - they're great actresses and crush ko sila.. hehehehehe

    kristine hermosa or joyce jimenez... crush ko e... hehehehe


    4) what would you say to the lady you like?

    hmm I would tell her that I like her.... :P


    5) how does raistlin propose?

    hmm haven't crossed my mind.. but if ever.. I would be down on bended knees.. with roses and with romantic music in the back ground....


    6) do you believe in the saying that there is a wolf in sheep's clothing?

    hehehe oo naman.... lalo na kay wolfie... peace dude...


    7) what do you do to the person who hurt you?

    hmmm let him be.. unless it comes to violence... that's when I get even....


    8) how do you heal a broken heart?

    I kept myself busy.. playing computer games.. online games... listen to music.....


    hang out with friends...


    9) last song syndrome..

    I'll never get over you getting over me.. by mymp... hehehe


    10) what is you most cherished moment in life that you can't forget?

    hmmm dami e.... di ko na mabilang... hehehehehe


    tsaka na pagnakapagisip na ako... :P

  11. well.. eto pa mga tanong ko sa iyo...

    1) what can you say to the ff people

    a) labuyo


    c) labuyo

    d) psychosexy

    e) bratty bernice

    f) ma

    g) bmw

    h) rebel chick

    i) clb

    j) camerie

    k) bhang

    l) bulkswagon

    m) patch zero

    n) zorro

    o) bizman

    p) tamago

    q) oks

    r) icee-t

    s) lady dhen

    t) lady anj

    u) jr/johnryvel

    v) tequillajoe

    w) jorps

    x) admin dennis

    y) debs

    z) nataraki


    yun muna.. hehehe next batch muli


    2) where do you want to settle down?


    3) paano magmahal ang isang supah bins?


    4) sino kung pinagpala ka na pagbigyan ka.. maging gf mo sa mtc?  baket?


    5) hmmmm paano kung pinagbigyan ka ng ganitpala.. anong gantimpala ang hihiling mo..


    6) granted a super power.. which one would you like and why?


    7) sino ang crush mo ngayon?  hehehe


    8) given you have 3 wishes.. anong hihiling mo...  hehehehe


    9) bsb or westlife...


    10) hale or cushee..  hehehe


    11) what's with raistlin that makes the ladies swoon to you..  hehehe


    12) what's you preference in life?


    13) dreamer or realist?


    14) sunshine or cloudy.


    15) how do you court the lady you love?


    yun lang muna.. hehehe


    Di ko edit ang typos ha? Wala akong panahon!  :lol:


    wolfie.. hehehehe ikaw talaga.....


    1) what can you say to the ff people

    a) labuyo - saan ka na? kailan ka babalik?


    B) bubuy - hmmm pwede paturo ng mga trade secrets mo.. hehehe


    c) labuyo - oo nga.. nadouble ko... hehehehehehehe


    d) psychosexy - hey, how you doing so far?


    e) bratty bernice - pasama sa mga gimmick ninyo.. kakamiss na sobra... haay.. hirap ang buhay sa call center...


    f) ma - hello my dear.. how's life treating you of late? enjoying the new lifestyle? :)


    g) bmw - just believe in yourself and life would treat you good..


    h) rebel chick - good luck in all your endeavors and hope you could accomplish your dreams...


    i) clb - good luck with your love life...


    j) camerie - musta? mukhang marami na nagaaya sa iyo lumabas ah.. :)


    k) bhang - oist.. nawawala ka raw.. musta ang feeling in love kay.. :rolleyes: hehehe


    l) bulswakman - oist... musta na kayo ni :rolleyes: hehehehehe


    m) porch_zero - musta ang game ninyo kagabi....


    n) zorro - what's the latest news with you? saan ang mga gimmick natin?


    o) bizman - good job on having this forum a success.. keep it up..


    p) tamago - take it easy dude.. blood pressure mo.. hehehe hinay lang...


    q) oks - saan ang next outing ng pp?


    r) Icee1 - so what have you been up to?


    s) lady dhen - oist.. anong balita? kailan kayo lalabas ulit?


    t) lady anj - how's things with you? good luck with your endeavors...


    u) jr/johnryvel - musta na ang bathala.. grabe.. idol.... may scandal na ba? :lol: :P


    v) tequillajoe - hey party boy.. what's up....


    w) jorps - saan ang next party ng rated r.. hehehe


    x) admin dennis - bossing.. saan ang next big party ng rated r.. pasensya na.. busy e..


    y) debs - hey debonaire... what's the latest buzz with you?


    z) nataraki - musta na ang idol ko... hehehehe


    2) where do you want to settle down?

    somewhere safe.. hehehe baka sa canada.... wish ko lang...


    3) paano magmahal ang isang supah bins?

    nyahahahaha supah bins ba... hmmmmmm


    I give my all.. my time, attention to the one I love.. as much as possible I try to make time for her inspite of the hectic schedule.. I would like to give her room also for her to have her own space to enjoy her own life...


    4) sino kung pinagpala ka na pagbigyan ka.. maging gf mo sa mtc? baket?

    hmmm I guess.. anyone on the list I mentioned above... the reason is also there.. :)


    5) hmmmm paano kung pinagbigyan ka ng gantimpala.. anong gantimpala ang hihiling mo..

    hmmm gantimpala.. siguro maging maayos na ang mundo natin.....


    6) granted a super power.. which one would you like and why?

    I guess psychic powers like prof x or jean grey... hehehehe so I could move objects and read minds if necessary... hehehe so I don't have to second guess things...


    7) sino ang crush mo ngayon? hehehe

    hmmmm I do have alot of crushes... hehehehe local or foreign or mtc? :P


    8) given you have 3 wishes.. anong hihiling mo... hehehehe

    hmmmm I would wish for a better place for all of us to live.


    that all the problems of the world would be resolved


    world peace.. :P nyahahahahaha



    9) bsb or westlife...

    need to ask.. bsb... nyahahaha


    10) hale or Cueshe.. hehehe

    hale... of course


    11) what's with raistlin that makes the ladies swoon to you.. hehehe

    hmmm I don't know.. has there been someone who swoon to me? maybe to you wolfie.. you might have charmed someone.. nyahahaha


    12) what's you preference in life?

    I guess my preference in life is to have a good outlook in life... a positive attitude...


    13) dreamer or realist?



    14) sunshine or cloudy.



    15) how do you court the lady you love?

    I guess I would treat her like a princess.... the works.. :lol:


    I would spend some time being with her.. talking to her.. giving her flowers.. remembering special occassions...

  12. nyhahahahaha yari ka raistlin.. 


    dahil wala akong internet bukas.. eto na ang mga tanong ko..


    1) name all girls na naging crush mo dito sa mtc since naging member ka


    2) what can you say to the ff people

    a) pokie


    c) sikosci

    d) misb

    e) ngneer hk

    f) adolf

    g) iki

    h) tim

    i) ybp/dwayne

    j) lips

    k) eight

    l) dobs

    m) debonaire

    n) witchcat

    o) illuminati

    p) teo

    q) Wolf

    r) rhein

    s) collen

    t) mitchiko

    u) fishken

    v) abet

    w) river

    x) slick

    y) necromancer

    z) limp


    (yun lang muna... heheheehe)


    3) if you were to date any male member (kung babae ka) kanino ka magpapaligaw? baket (name at least 5)


    4) sinong gusto mong ligawan sa mtc at baket? (name at least 5 pwede rin lahat kung gusto mo...


    5) gaano kadami ba nasa listahan mo sa black book mo...  pwede ka ba magshare?


    6) sino mas magaling si wolf or si bubuy? 


    7) what can you say about your team's standing in the basketball tourney?


    8) what are the chances of raistlin scoring this week?


    9) sino ang ideal date mo?  hehehehe baket?


    10) where would did you bring your date nung valentines...


    yun muna.. isip pa ako mamaya... heheheh


    Familiar questions ba?

    Pasensya ka na... tinatamad akong mag-isip ng questions e.






    tamang bawian ako sa mga tanong ko.. :lol:


    sige... sasagutin ko.... bossing wolfie... hehehe


    1) hmmm hirap na tanong yun.. sige... no particular order


    MA, swit lass, jessiebaby, nene, suplada, sara, musette, rhein, jennybaby, camerie, clb, bmw, ninya pinya, suplada, fire, sweetequilla, shya, b1 at b2 psychosexy, vixen (yari ako kay mall :lol: )... hehehehehehe


    2) what can you say to the ff people

    a) pokie - nice job with the wnb


    B) switlass - stay swit as always....


    c) sikosci - patulong sa cell ko pre.. ayaw gumana.. :P hehehehe


    d) misb - book 4 ko po... hehehehe


    e) ngneer hk - kailan ka babalik bossing... painom ka ulit...


    f) adolf - nice game... sayang.. napagod ako...


    g) iki - musta ang gf natin? hehehehehe


    h) tim - oist.. may utang ka pa sa akin.. nyahahahahaha


    i) ybp/dwayne - nawawawala ka.. kailanga ka namin....


    j) lips - how you doing.. it's been quite some time since I last saw you...


    k) eight - anong balita sa iyo... been awhile....


    l) dobs - papi.. what's new?


    m) debonaire - could you teach me your style... :lol:


    n) witchcat - hey.. it's been quite sometime.. what's the latest buzz between you and illuminati?


    o) illuminati - hey... thanks for the offer before.. I might go back to dell.. hehehe


    p) teo - nawawawala ka pre.. anong balita sa vietnam... nyahahahaaha


    q) Wolf - paturo ng mga tricks idol.... pashare sa black book mo... nyahahahaaha


    r) rhein - hi.. hope you get enough rest and hope that you're doing well with your career.. don't overstress yourself...


    s) collen - musta na ang muse ng rated r? :)


    t) mitchiko - anong balita sa iyo? kayo pa rin ba ng bf mo? :unsure:


    u) fishken - isda.. saan ka na.. nawawala ka na.. magparamdam ka naman... hehehe


    v) abet - daddy... anong balita? saan ang outing.. nyahahahaha


    w) river - hmmm easy lang sa mga pasaway.. hehehehe


    x) slick - hey there.. how's life so far?


    y) necromancer - joey!!!!!! pasensya na.. musta na kayo ng gf mo...


    z) limp - nice turn out on the games for the league.. hope it would be a success come summer after the mini-tourney...


    3) same as my ans to lady anj...


    necromancer - he's cute and most of the ladies would like to know him


    sikosci - kc aalagan ka nya talaga...


    flamming bullet - he knows how to take care a relationship


    mallninja - he's a cool person and knows how to please a lady


    dobs - no questions asked.... hehehehehehe I bow to the man....


    4) hmmm ligawan sa mtc.. grabe.. hirap nun.. kung pwede lang.. wishful thinking... hmmmm


    yun sagot ka lady anj...


    Sara - mabait sya and sweet.. mataray paminsan... hehehehe


    nene - she's a really nice and understanding person


    swit lass (off-limits) - she's smart, witty got what it takes to be a cool gf...


    musette - she's smart, nice, quiet and responsible. I like her company and we can just enjoy the silence between the two of us when we ran out of things to talk about...


    bmw - she's a sweet lady who knows what she wants... and very emotional type of person


    MA - need to ask more... hehehehehehe


    rhein - there's something about her thinking that would make people think about situation that you wouldn't even think of... hehehehe still... she's funny and sweet...


    jenny baby - need to ask... hehehee she's a great singer, nice and a lovable person...


    ninya pinya - I like her eyes, the way she smiles and laugh...


    suplada - i like her because of her attitude in life and likewise being nice and open... at the same time being sweet.. pero paminsan nagtataray.. hehehehe


    5) grabe.. wala ako black book tulad mo wolfie.. heheheehhehe


    6) pareho ko kayong idol... nyahahahahahaha wala na iba...


    7) wala ako magagawa... hope we could do well come playoff.. given a chance....


    8) hmmm I don't think this would apply to me.. nyahahahahaahahaha


    9) ideal date ko.. hmmm my dream date or ultimate fantasy date.. that would be a date with coco lee... hehehehe


    10) grabe.. demanding sobra ang kadate ko... kadate ko yun office.. nyahahahahahahahaha


    yun muna.. isip pa ako mamaya... heheheh


    Familiar questions ba?

    Pasensya ka na... tinatamad akong mag-isip ng questions e.




    oo nga.. familiar.. yun ang mga tanong ko sa iyo dati... hehehe

  13. Nice one! another dater ang hot seat ngayon...


    1. Ano fave mong color?

    2. ano gusto mo sa isang babae?

    3. ano fave mong sex position?

    4. ano ideal date mo?


    hello sweetmind.. thanks for asking... hmmm eto mga sagot ko...


    1) fave color... blue and yellow...


    2) gusto ko sa babae.. like I mentioned in my response to lady anj's question

    hmmm simpleng tao.. mabait, maaruga, understanding, patient and kind...


    someone I could share my joy, laughter, sorrow and a person who could help me out with my problems...


    Someone I could count on at times when I am feeling the blues....


    I also look for the in a girl a sparkle in their eyes and their smile..... hehehehehe


    3) uhmm... next question pls.. :lol: :P nyahahahaha :evil:


    4) ideal date ko... hmmmm I romantic candle lit dinner with a dozen roses for the love of my live.. enjoying a nice romantic evening with a serade or romantic music in the background...

  14. hi raistlin.. newbie ako at di mo pa ako kilala...

    so here's my set of qs

    1. what can you say about the fact that a newbie like me is asking questions sa iyo?

    2. kung pupunta ako sa isang eb na ikaw ang nag organize, ano yung distinctive characteristics ng party eb na iyon na mai aasosciate sa iyo?

    3. in that party, aside sa name tag, how would i know na ikaw na yung nasa harap ko?

    4. kung aayain kitang makipag eb sa akin sa birthday mo sa friday, at papayag ka, san mo gusto kitang dalhin?

    5. anong gusto mong iregalo ko sa iyo?

    6. kung makakaharap mo itong mga ito, anong itatanong mo?

    - nora aunor

    - vilma santos

    - boy abunda

    - kris aquino

    - sharon cuneta

    - Lorna tolentino

    7. do you have any hobby/ies? ano2X yun? at bakit?


    yan na lang muna... mwah!


    hello lonelytigger,


    thanks for passing by.. though I may not know you yet.. I am glad that you took the opportunity to ask these questions.. I hope I didn't disappoint you in my ans.....


    1) hmmm that she wants to learn about the person on who he/she is... likewise get to know whether the person would be an approachable person or not... whether he/she could be considered as a friend... Likewise when you go to an eb, you get to know the person before you met him/her and that when you met the person there would be no tension in the air or at least you have an idea who he/she is as a person... :)


    2) hmmm characteristic about my party if ever I organize it... I would say... spontaneous and accomodating.. meaning that anything goes on that event... and at the same time.. the person who attend it won't feel left out or that they are out of place....


    3) hmmm I would say either my eyes or my smile.... Alot has mentioned that they like my eyes.... masyadong cute raw... hehehehehee


    4) hmmm kaw... where would the lady want to go and what does she want to do.. does she prefer a quiet dinner, coffee or just a stroll in the park... :blush:


    5) hmmmm gift... any would do for me... I don't have any preference for gifts... either a simple pen, card or stuff... would be alright for me... :)


    6) kung makakaharap mo itong mga ito, anong itatanong mo?

    - nora aunor - anong balak mo sa mga kasong hinaharap mo ngayon?

    - vilma santos - so how's life being in the politics.. any plans in running in the future?

    - boy abunda - so what made you decide that you're gay.. :lol:

    - kris aquino - could you stop being so open about your personal life.. as if I care... :P nyahahahahahah ( I am being mean here)

    - sharon cuneta - what are your plans in the next 15 years.. will you run for position like your father?

    - Lorna tolentino - so what have you been up to?


    7) I do have alot of hobbies....


    I love to collect cards.. (magic, basketball, pokemon, l5r) I just like to collect some of the nba players at the same time.. like to play collectable card games...


    I love to watch tv.. most especially reality series like survivor, amazing race, fear factor


    I love csi also...


    I love watching anime... gundam seed, initial d, ranma 1/2, bubblegum crisis - i like to collect some of the series also


    I play chess, basketball, table tennis, badminton, swimming, bowling, billiards.. this allows me to get some exercise and have fun...


    I also love to read books.. among them usually fantasy and mystery novels...

  15. Congrats Raistlin :D


    1. kelan ka huling nakipag sex?

    2. with who?

    3. saan nyo ginawa?

    4. naka ilang round ka?


    yan lang muna! :lol:


    hehehehe kaw talaga dl.... tamang itanong mga tanong na ito.. :P hehehehehe


    1) could I refrain from incriminating myself... basta matagal na... hehehehehehehehe


    2) with whom... uhmmmm secret... basta she knows who she is.... hehehehehe


    3) uhmmmm somewhere private of course... somewhere in pasay... nyahahahahahahaha :P that was a long time ago.....


    4) let's just say........ :rolleyes: I didn't need any added helped.. :lol: :P

  16. ako naman ang magtatanong.. :lol:


    1.bakit ang sipag mo magtanong dito sa hotseat?


    2.anong gusto mong gift sa birthday mo?


    3. ilang taon ka na?


    4.may gf ka ba?


    5.anong qualities ang hinahanap mo sa isang girl?


    6.sinong top10 mtc females ang gusto mo maging gf at bakit?


    7.kung babae ka, sinong 5 mtc males ang gusto mo maging bf at bakit?


    8.ultimate fantasies?


    9. favorite song?


    10.favorite hangout?


    11.favorite food?


    12.kelan ka huling nakipag-do?


    13.sino best friend mo dito sa mtc?


    14.sino huling nag-pm sayo?


    15.what makes you horny?


    16.anong body part ng babae ang gustong gusto mo?


    17.anong sexiest asset mo?


    18.nakakailang gf ka na?


    19.how would you rate your sex libido?


    20.favorite sex position?


    thanks ;)


    hello lady anj.. thanks for asking your questions..


    eto yun mga sagot ko...


    1.bakit ang sipag mo magtanong dito sa hotseat?

    hmmm wala lang.. para mawala ang mga tension yun mga ibang taong gusto itanong sa tao na di kaya magtanong.. also a good way for the members to know the person much better....


    2.anong gusto mong gift sa birthday mo?

    gift ko... hmmm peace on earth.....


    seriously... nothing really.. I am not expecting anything... though I do hope na sana may gf na ako... :)


    3. ilang taon ka na?

    hehehehe pwede di ko sagutin... I am in my mid-20's hehehehehe


    4.may gf ka ba?

    as my ans on # 2... wala pa ako gf sa ngayon... :(


    5.anong qualities ang hinahanap mo sa isang girl?

    hmmm simpleng tao.. mabait, maaruga, understanding, patient and kind...


    someone I could share my joy, laughter, sorrow and a person who could help me out with my problems...


    Someone I could count on at times when I am feeling the blues....


    6.sinong top10 mtc females ang gusto mo maging gf at bakit?

    hehehehee ganun... top ten.... hmmm no particular order...


    Sara - mabait sya and sweet.. mataray paminsan... hehehehe


    nene - she's a really nice and understanding person


    swit lass (off-limits) - she's smart, witty got what it takes to be a cool gf...


    musette - she's smart, nice, quiet and responsible. I like her company and we can just enjoy the silence between the two of us when we ran out of things to talk about...


    bmw - she's a sweet lady who knows what she wants... and very emotional type of person


    MA - need to ask more... hehehehehehe


    rhein - there's something about her thinking that would make people think about situation that you wouldn't even think of... hehehehe still... she's funny and sweet...


    jenny baby - need to ask... hehehee she's a great singer, nice and a lovable person...


    ninya pinya - I like her eyes, the way she smiles and laugh...


    suplada - i like her because of her attitude in life and likewise being nice and open... at the same time being sweet.. pero paminsan nagtataray.. hehehehe :P


    7.kung babae ka, sinong 5 mtc males ang gusto mo maging bf at bakit?

    hmmmmm tough one...


    siguro sila


    necromancer - he's cute and most of the ladies would like to know him


    sikosci - kc aalagan ka nya talaga...


    flamming bullet - he knows how to take care a relationship


    mallninja - he's a cool person and knows how to please a lady


    dobs - no questions asked.... hehehehehehe I bow to the man....


    8.ultimate fantasies?

    hmmmm what type of fantasies... hehehehehe


    to be honest... I would like to win the mega lotto and be a millionaire.. hehehehe


    sexual fantasy... hehehehe basta.. secret... hehehehe :P


    9. favorite song?

    right here waiting for you by richard marx


    incomplete by bsb


    10.favorite hangout?

    hmmm marami e.... starbucks, dencio's, gerry's internet shop for online gaming.. heheehe


    11.favorite food?

    corned beef!!!!! hehehehehe


    12.kelan ka huling nakipag-do?

    umm... next question pls... :P could I refrain from ans... hehehe


    13.sino best friend mo dito sa mtc?

    I would say.. teo and necromancer


    14.sino huling nag-pm sayo?

    kups17.. nagbati sa akin ng happy bday.. heheheehehe


    15.what makes you horny?

    hmmmmm no comment.. hehehehe I wouldn't want to incriminate myself...


    16.anong body part ng babae ang gustong gusto mo?

    yun mata nila pati na rin brains nila....


    17.anong sexiest asset mo?

    alot has commented on my eyes.... they say it's cute...


    18.nakakailang gf ka na?

    hmmm no comment.. hehehe :P


    19.how would you rate your sex libido?

    hehehehe my libido... tanong mo na lang kay... :rolleyes: hehehehe


    20.favorite sex position?

    ummm.... hehehehehe :evil:


    yun muna....

  17. Folks, it's payback time!


    Wala nang intro-intro... sayang ang oras!

    Pagkakataon na nating lahat na makabawi.


    Birthday niya sa Friday kaya kulitin nyo na. :lol:

    Our next featured member... raistlin!


    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    Eto na gift ko sa yo ha? Namu!  :thumbsupsmiley:

    nyahahahaha tama ba gawing bday present sa akin na ilagay ako sa hotseat... tapos nalaman ko lang sa bday ko na nasa hotseat ako.... at least give me some sort of warning before putting me here.. :lol: kaw talaga wolfie... I was on vl for 3 days.. kaya di ako nakapaglogon to ans the questions.. well will try to ans all the questions that you have posted... hehehehehehehehehe


    thanks to all those who greeted me by the way... and a nice game to the newbies... (plug in) heheheheehehehe

  18. hello lady anj,


    thanks for ans my querries..


    hmmm mga tanong ko... bago matapos ang reign mo sa hotseat.. :lol:


    1) when is your bday?


    2) what do you wish for your coming bday?


    3) what do you look forward in life?


    4) what makes you cry easily?


    5) what makes you vulnerable?


    6) what makes life bearable for you?


    7) what do you look for in a guy first?


    8) do you kiss on 1st dates? :lol: :P


    9) what does a person do to date you if possible? :P


    10) how are you as a gf?


    11) are you the jealous type?


    12) what could easily break your heart?


    13) what makes unique?


    14) do you wish that you're much taller than now?


    15) what will make your life complete?


    16) what do you look for in a person?

    a) as a friend

    B) as a lover

    c) as a partner in life


    17) any qualifications that a guy would need to be able to have you as a gf? :P


    18) are you willing to sacrifice alot for the person you loved?


    19) how do you cope with a broken heart?


    20) what's your fave song?




    yun tanong ko.. kung babalik sa nakaraan.. may papalit ka ba sa nakaraan mo?


    yun lang.. hehehehe pasensya.. sulitin na agad... :P

  19. hello lady anj... thanks for ans my querries...


    here goes my other questions...


    1) if you were to have a bf.. what qualities are you looking for?


    2) matt damon, ben aflick, johnny depp, or george clooney...


    3) your fave actor and why (local and foreign)


    4) your fave song?


    5) if you were granted super powers.. what would that be and why?


    6) if you were to change your pass.. what pass would you change and why?


    7) if you were to choose a place in the whole world.. where would you like to settle down... why...


    yun lang muna... got to go

  20. hello lady anj,


    salamat sa pagsagot ng mga tanong ko.. pasensya na kung marami.... :lol:


    1) anong masasabi mo sa mga taong ito..


    a) camerie

    B) bhang

    c) ma

    d) bratty bernice

    e) tim

    f) wolf

    g) dobs

    h) lb

    i) devil lance

    j) dr. x

    k) x / chunky

    l) pilyo

    m) dennis

    n) raistlin

    o) marie joy

    p) sweetmind

    q) limp

    r) lady dhen

    s) nataraki

    t) bonito

    u) swit lass

    v) tamago

    w) bubuy

    x) hbc

    y) brianx

    z) carl vogie


    yun lang muna.. time na ako.. tsaka na ako magiisip... :lol:

  21. hello lady anj,


    mukhang ikaw na ang nasabak sa hotseat.. :lol: :P


    wolf.. sorry nawala ako hehehe ban ba ako rito? :unsure: hehehehe


    anyway getting back on the topic..


    here are my questions to lady anj


    1) among the male members you have met so far.. sino sa kanila na papayag ka maging bf mo.. baket? (name at least 5)


    2) sa mga babae naman.. kung lalaki ka.. sino naman liligawan mo para maging gf mo? baket? (name at least 5)


    3) baket parati kayo magkasama ni cam at ni bhang... :lol:


    4) what is your ultimate desire?


    5) what makes you melt?


    6) what if you dream vacation?


    7) what is your dream?


    8) kung magtatapos ka na.. anong papasukan mo na trabaho?


    9) dito ka pa rin ba sa pinas o lilipat ka ng ibang bansa?


    10) what can you say about wolf... :lol: hehehe


    yun lang muna...

  22. hello mackee,


    grabe.. kaw ang idol ko...


    I know you posted some on the thread.. but let's just say.. for posting sake...


    1) if you were to date 5 mtc ladies, who would they be and why?


    2) if you're female, who would you let the male mtc member would you go out with and why? (name 5)


    3) what is your dream in life?


    4) if you're not a lawyer, what would you be?


    5) what's your fave song right now?

  23. hehehe missb..mukhang extended ka ata rito... :lol: :P


    1) what's your all time fave song


    2) kung magvideoke ka kay aj, anong unang kanta kakantahin mo...


    3) what type of song will match the ff people.. :lol: :P


    a) aj/secrective

    B) dwayne

    c) raistlin

    d) rmi

    e) nene

    f) necro

    g) sikosci

    h) teo

    i) MA

    j) simply tina

    k) daddy abet

    l) kulit liit

    m) saling kitkit

    n) killer cross

    o) onslaught

    p) michelle/quickie

    q) john/sixgears

    r) sarah totz

    s) chawee

    t) procopio

    u) tim/wharkooze

    v) iki

    w) adolf

    x) poknat

    y) swit lass

    z) jorps


    yun lang muna.. hehehe

  24. hmm...joanne ba un? yung hindi taga mtc. shes pretty. and mas bagay kami :rolleyes:


    nyahahahaha si joan ba? :) actually.. hmmmm 4 ata yun di taga mtc... :lol:


    sure ka ba si joan? :unsure: or is it the lady that I brought sa anniv ng mtc sa sibil... hehehe


    sabihin ko na lang kung nagkita tayo...

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