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Posts posted by amante

  1. nothing beats an original hard rock band, wolfgang.




    Tumatananda na nga talaga ako! Naabutan ko pa kasi ang anno domini. If I recall it right, they were rocking way before Wolf got his gang.


    At any hoot, I remember these guys nung nde pa sila the icons that they are now. They were a bunch of fun-loving guys with an sick sense of humor.


    Again, however, in terms of techinical prowess....Razorback takes the cake. Though for the record I think they're equally good!

  2. I've always been a wrestling fan.


    Bata pa ako...so that's almost a lifetime to some of you guys...he he he.


    Although, I've always known it was fake, cant help but enjoy the story plots and sub plots. Parang violent na soap opera.


    What I guess I like most about wrestling is the fact that all problems can be solved by stepping on the ring and bashing somebody's head out.


    If only life was that simple....

  3. 1999.


    Part time job as a teacher. Wag na tanong kung ano school.


    I got 800 buckeroos for 2 days work. Ok na din considering inabot kasi ako ng payroll cut off.


    200 pesos nag uwi ako ng Jolibee.


    100 pesos, I said I would keep it in my wallet to remind me of this momentous day. Though I think I spent it on taxi fare a couple months after.


    500 bucks I gave to my Dad. He still has it to this day.

  4. Back in the day.....


    We used to go this tiny hole in the wall sa Makati and listen to Wolfgang and Razorback, back to back.


    Parehong magaling, but I think RAZORBACK is better.

  5. brothers,

    pls help!!! do you know of a motel nearby the NAIA 1 (old) airport?..with reasonable price?...thanks much



    You can always go for ORANGE.



    Though the last time I was there, mejo nde appealing sa akin ung set up nila para sa rates.


    1. Parking nila nasa tabi ng sucat highway...masyadong exposed.

    2. If you go there, dinig mo ang El Shaddai fellowship.

  6. For me....i've been wanting to get my MBA for the past 5 years...kaso finances and work schedule didnt give me much room.



    Why? Dati kasi I felt the only way for me to climb the corporate ladder is to strengthen my credentials with an MBA.



    Today.... Gusto ko pa din kumuha ng MBA but for different reasons na. Though the years kasi, I've probably learned what an MBA should have taught me through hard work and experiencing stuff first hand. Kung people management lang naman ang paguusapan, I believe hinde naman ako papahuli from those who have MBAs.


    I want to take up my MBA simply because I want to validate my knowledge. If I can gain some insights along the way.... edi mas maiigi.


    But in the end, I am already an alumnus of the School of Hard Knocks!

  7. Please let me get what I want





    Good times for a change

    See, the luck Ive had

    Can make a good man

    Turn bad


    So please please please

    Let me, let me, let me

    Let me get what I want

    This time


    Havent had a dream in a long time

    See, the life Ive had

    Can make a good man bad


    So for once in my life

    Let me get what I want

    Lord knows, it would be the first time

    Lord knows, it would be the first time

  8. Miss ko tuloy ang Kalye bar 


    I second the motion!


    Those were the days! Dati nakaka inuman pa ang Razorback tsaka Wolfgang.


    I guess only rock stars are allowed to live the rock n roll lifestyle while the rest of us have to grow up and move on. :(

  9. Para sa akin Oasis.


    I think deathsaurer meant best British na active.


    If you're talking about all time best British band, then mahaba habang debate magkakaroon dito.


    You of course have The Beatles, The Rolling Stones. Can Cream be considered British, at least I know Clapton is.


    Pero kung ka contemporay lang ng Black Sabbath ang pagbabatayan hands down...........LED ZEPPELIN will take the prize any day. As good as Sabbath is, I dont think biting the head off a bat would qualify as good music.



    Just a thought! Peace!

  10. Mejo luma na (halata tuloy na tumatanda na ako!) Pang COLD WAR era pa.


    Favorites ko.


    The Fourth Protocol by Frederick Forsyth


    Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy



    Currently reading...actually WALA sa ngayon. Masyadong busy to just sit down and pick up a book. Panay magazine tsaka short stories ng Playboy lang.


    I actually buy Playboy for the articles! :rolleyes:

  11. Sa Hollywood Flicks


    1. Schindler's List - Puts the horrors of war into the perspective of ordinary people lie us. Galing!

    2. Godfellas - Cool getups , cool story.

    3. The Usual Suspects - I love movies with twist endings.

    4. Gross Anatomy - Little known movie pero it really reflects what Gen xpips like us goes through

    5. The Lord of The Rings (series) -

    6. Bonfire of the Vanities

    7. Brewster 's Millions - Wouldn't you like to be Brewster?

    8. Other People's Money

    9. The Godfather

    10. Cool Runnings - A stupidly feel-good movie




    1. Sa lingo ang bola - A Lino Brocka classic

    2. Kakabakaba ka ba? - Great comedy by the bad banannas about Filipino life. Calassic satire of our society.

  12. Pero seriously,


    I find myself attracted to ladies with rather long hair and shapely shoulders and arms.


    But guys if you really think about looks alone cant really make a girl attractive. At the end of the day, you will eventually end up talking to her.


    Kung iisipin mo i very attractive para sa akin yung mga girls na witty. Yung bang tipong marunong sa mga bagay-bagay. Yung confident ang dating but not self-centered.


    I guess it all boils down to personality.

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