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  1. Are we alone in the Universe? Actually, I simply bought a small book at the National Bookstore and made a thesis out of it. My thesis is full of nonsense, its like visiting a zoo... waste of time hehe. 😄
  2. complete ban in producing and using of sachet. Only big companies benefit from this modus while ordinary citizen are being mind-job to always think of "makatipid" at the expenses of producing waste. we should think of ways how to reduce not produce. waste management.
  3. Antichrist only means "against doctrine of Christianity". It's not automatically means they are Pro-Satan, Satanist.... one of the great deception of this world.
  4. when your kili-kili KILLS...it a KILI-KILLER... ☠️☠️☠️ if you can't afford a FORD, buy a bike... 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️
  5. Talking to oneself doesn't mean nobody might be listening... God or the Devil ? Good person or a Bad one...?
  6. Mining... for rare minerals... this is the main objective for MARS. At certain point in time, we will run out of raw materials here on Earth. (not entirely run out but out of reach...) of course manual labor may still be required...this future mining company may be the sole supplier of raw materials for future electronic parts on devices, vehicles, industrial or household etc. The future will tells us that however advancement we achieved in science and technology, the limitation of required raw materials will always be the catch.
  7. Visit Zoobic-Safari specially if your a animal lover. You will experience deep compassion towards the "malnourished tigers" and might be willing to spare some of your money feeding them with newly chop-chop chickens...😂 Seriously, a few weeks ago I got to experience close view of the French Navy aircraft carrier with there Rafale fighter planes. 👍👍👍
  8. Having higher intelligence means having respect with intelligent life. They haven't bothered us means they are. If I remember correctly, there was this theory says that in every intelligent civilization to prosper/develop will require certain distance between. To avoid conflict of interest etc. for if they are two intelligent civilization within reach, the one is doomed to be taken over by the other.
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