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Everything posted by stayawayhelp123

  1. Excited about my race tomorrow. It won't be my fastest ever but I am running pain free (mostly) for the first time in a couple of years.
  2. Close to someone with ADHD, the constant fear of setting them off is real.
  3. First million is definitely the hardest. Took me until the age of 45 but I did start pretty late.
  4. I would agree with a "normal" president but seeing the picks for this guy what the US is in for is not going to follow the "normal" pattern. US economy historically has done poorly under Republican control anyway. Stock market is at an all time high now. Add those together and there is a reason Warren Buffett is pulling out of the market right now to sit on dragon pile levels of cash. Good news for those who can weather the storm though is that we get to buy the dip soon. Bad news for anyone retiring within the next 10 years.
  5. Been watching all the Walking Dead series in order. FINALLY got to the last season!
  6. Any game that requires 2 joysticks to walk and look around. I am old school.
  7. Anyone know if the doormen at I’m Hotel can give good recommendations for massage?
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