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    Big ass and thighs

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  1. Lonely but not alone as long as you can freely do your needs and wants
  2. Be a man, drive your car in a tree because this days, you're one and only company in your battles is you. Be a wise man, have fun til you can.
  3. This is kinda random but i heard this somewhere online that "sometimes, not helping is helping" IYKYK đŸ¤«
  4. I've heard a great quote way back 2019 in tiktok and it says "how can you help others if you can't even help yourselves"
  5. Got a PSExperience with one of my IG following after finding out she offer service as well other than nude pics and vids. P.s imma find some models for more options
  6. Pahinga muna sa di outcall haha, lugi tayo pag na-tuss
  7. Money games, bet games, competitive games in PC which involves betting lol
  8. Wildrift, i miss LOL days when computer shops are still a thing
  9. What can u provide haha i can be ur sds pm ur pics
  10. Unrealistic pa rin my bro HAHA. Yung "loyal", they will lie anything the want
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