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  1. Luxor Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  2. How would you even define a free thinker? We're all influenced in some way by our environment. Are we still considered free if we're still subject to influence outside our direct control? Or does the consideration that may even be a possibility, enough to be considered "free" thinking?
  3. I'm not religious whatsoever, but I appreciate that some people need faith in their life. The two need not be mutually exclusive. It's more a matter of perspective. The ideas of God creating the world in seven days and the Earth being as old as written, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, doesn't mean it was designed with malicious intent. A week is just easier to conceptualize for the average person in ancient times rather than 100s of millions of years, which we only know now, because of advancements in science and technology. It's just important to remember to recognize that the Bible was written and rewritten constantly by man, not god, paired with the egos and motivations that are associated with them. It is important not to take the Bible literally as they were a product of the times they were written in. And not all of what it has to offer has stood the test of time, though it may have had practical relevance then. While I lean heavily towards sciences, bad science exists as well. Poor methodology can negatively affect scientific progress, things we may have believed to be true for the longest time, can turn out to be wrong. Dinosaurs turned out to have had feathers, our galaxy is heliocentric not geocentric, etc. Thats also the beauty of science. It's allowed to be wrong sometimes and more importantly, allowed to be challenged and changed to better reflect our growth and understanding of our own place in the universe. It is important not to regard either blindly and dogmatically as there can be no progress without understanding.
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