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Guest kizmet

Lord, I thank You now that You are taking me where I need to go and providing me things I need to get over the rough spots along the way.. continue to guide me o Lord....

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I pray to thee o lord . . . that first may I humble beg for your blessings and that may I ask that you protect and bless the girl that I love with your grace and guide her and Let no harm come to her. . . . .


I ask in the name of our lord Jesus Christ . . .

Edited by ranter
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Dear Jesus,


help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go. possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Yours. shine through me and be so in me, that every soul I come in contact with, may feel Your presence in my soul let them look up and see no longer me -- but only Jesus.




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Dear God,


I've been wanting to write you but it has just been more convenient to talk to you. But I'm sure, like me, you love receiving letters ... in this case fan mail. :) I meant to write to you yesterday but I found myself in a situation too painful to write, too painful to put words to. I'm sorry.


I don't know the things you have planned and I try my best to graciously embrace the corner you have carved for me. It's just been very difficult lately but I never questioned you. You have given me a special gift of knowledge and discernment that sometimes hurts me more than I think I can carry.


Thank you for the allowances you afford me. Thank you for the big and small things you send my way to remind me that you will never give up on me. Thank you for sending them in the form of family, friends, strangers who care. Thank you for the tears you give me to replace the things life takes away. Thank you for the smiles and the giggles which lighten my spirit.


Please do not keep me broken for long, I have people who need me. I have daughters to be a good mother to, I have a family to be a good daughter and sister to, I have friends who will need my strength someday.


Lastly for today, thank you for that ember of hope tonight. Please guide him and walk with him. I hope you lead him to where he truly belongs even if it means it isn't the road home to me.


Please grant me the strength I need when one dream dies. I love you God, please don't let me go.



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Dear God,


Just a quick note before I sleep, thank you for today. Things aren't normal yet but thank you for that little semblance.


Thank you for my daughters and family. They have been so good to me. Thank you for well meaning friends, they have been so helpful. Thank you for the promise you kept, whichever way this goes now I will always be grateful for this dream you gave me.


Please continue to guide him God, he needs your help.



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Dear God,


Thank you for today. Really really. Gosh I sound like a kid don't I? Well you know that I still am one even if I'm like a third of a century old and have two kids. :lol:


Thanks for the gazillion meetings today that went well. Most especially that last meeting ... thank you for making my client arrive on time and thank you for the bloodless, short meeting!


Thank you for making the lil angel well, the fever is gone although she's still got that funny froggy, croaky voice due to the cough and cold. :lol: Thank you for making me closer to my eldest daughter these past few days. Thank you for making her the way she is, thank you for giving her the resilience and understanding needed having a mom like me. She is just so wonderful! Thanks too for making her not feel awkward anymore when I hug her and kiss her lots!


Thank you for friends who stood by me, holding my hand through my darkest hours. Thank you for people who don't really know me from a bar of soap but offered a prayer, a wish, a kind word. Thank you for reminding me how good it is to be alive.


Thank you for guiding him. I don't know what happened in the last 72 hours but whatever it is please continue to guide him.


Please also continue to humble me so I may not forget what it is like to be in need. That I may be able to offer the same kindness I have been shown to those who are hurting.


Thank you for giving me the ability to dream and to keep the dream alive.



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Thank you for being with me in every step of this journey; for the affirmations I received from a complete stranger; for the truth in the past; the choice to do otherwise (and that leopards can change its spots); for the infinite optimism, hope, commitment and passion to follow my dreams the source of which is your love for me and everyone on this world I live in. Thank you for kindling my fire and may I burn fiercely in this life I live. Amen.



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