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  1. Past hour
  2. Haha onti nalang
  3. Zone 3 training. To build speed you need to do long sessions at a slow comfortable pace.
  4. it's a rough habit, but i've been clean 2 years after my lung surgery! good luck guys.
  5. A nice and picturesque place, ideal for bringing tourists or those looking for IG worthy photos
  6. Why not both? Either can lead to the other.
  7. Bad combination. Kills your cardio. And not to mention, shortens your lifespan. Balewala exercise mo din.
  8. It's great for beginners who have no idea on where to start. They can teach you the correct forms, and show you alternate exercises to mix up your routine. But also for experienced people who have plateaud or lost who need extra motivation to keep going.
  9. Zumba, lol. Yeah pang Tita siya, but if you do it right, grabe makahingal din.
  10. Do HIIT. It's incredibly punishing, but if you can keep at it consistently, it'll build your cardio resistance fast.
  11. Do more cardio, drink less beer. Even better if you replace beer with shots for less calories.
  12. Reduce carb intake, and avoid sweetened beverages. Eat fruits for dessert instead of sugary pastries.
  13. Cycling is great, it's just not fun doing it in Manila.
  14. If you find something that you forgot you even had.
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