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Free Legal Advice


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Well after my IPOD NANO hangged on me (after 1 month), and Apple says they have to send it back to Singapore for repair, you can all rest assured that I am never buying another Apple product.


My brother warned me, after his IPOD 40 Gig was replaced by Apple customer support a record 3 times...


Having good customer support is one thing,


having to use it constantly is another...


I don't have to have to worry about something breaking down, after paying top dollar for it.


I should've bought the dam creative...


and I'm definitely buying a PC...


Maybe even a whitebox,


thanks menime

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Oo. makakasuhan silang lahat.


Aside from violating the Revised Penal Code for falsification (Art 172), if they use the said forgeries in order to gain unlawfully, then estafa through falsification of documents.Also the notary would be liable for Art 171 of the Revised Penal Code.Also include Arts 183 and 184 of the same Code.


On another note, this stands as notice in rem that linus larrabee and this representation are one and the same. Please address all inquiries with linus to this persona.



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based on your facts:


1. No they can't.


2. No, it's not complicated. Expensive, but not complicated.


3. Fiscal or Municipal Judge should conduct a Preliminary Investigation. Normally it'll take 60 days or so, but do not rely on that.


4. They SHOULD get a lawyer. And File admin cases against the policemen and a criminal case against the "victim".





can they file the admin cases against the policemen and the criminal case against the victim while there's a pending case against them?

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hi. ask ko lang po. what do i need to do to file financial support for my 2 kids. my son is already 9 1/2 and my daUGHTER is turning 8 yrs. old. my exhubby and me have been separated for 6 yrs now and it was only this year that he started giving money for the kids. he's a seaman and his mistress is the one who gets his allotment. is it possible for me to demand 50% of his salary to be directly sent to me?

File a petition for support with the RTC where you reside,. Include in the petition the facts you have stated. Only upon direct order of the Court can the salaries be garnished. (no dear, it's not bacon bits, pickles or sauerkraut)


becoz wats happening is that his mistress is the one who gives me the money and she's really a bitch! making me and my kids feel that she's the legal wife chuva. and also, can i demand that he supports his children's full education? all of the legal attorneys inside the house, i need your guidance and advices. thanks so much...

in the petition you can seek for the tuition, maybe even an allowance for yourself and reimbursement for previos costs incurred. What is imperative is that you are able to provide evidence to jusify your claim. Courts are known to be quite conservative on this matter.


As for the mistress, once you file your petition for support,and support pendente lite (during trial)

you can opt for a criminal case for concubinage...


I hope this helps.But do hire a lawyer, that for sure would help your cause.

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Guest Leviticus

^^problem might be with regards to your video card or monitor. check connections if loose. does the CPU switch on when you turn it on? if it does then video card/monitor nga. if your cpu doesn't turn on problem may be with your power supply.


more of a hardware issue kapag wala ka kasing makita.


better to bring it to a technician if all else fails.

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^^Easy enough to answer.  from an internet search:


Access point is a hardware or software that acts as a communications hub for wireless device/s to connect to a network lan.


router is a device that forwards data packets along networks.


therefore; any network hub is considered as a router whether it be wireless or not while access point is an essential hardware (or software as the definition states) to connect wireless network devices on a pre-existing local area network.



Would this mean you could use access point if you already have a network that was already setup? :blush:

Thanks so much dude!

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