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thank you.....


for giving me wonderful children.....

for relieving my elder daughter of the pains in this world.....


for giving me a second chance.....

for being alive to this day....


for knowing a friend....even just online.....

for her understanding of me....even when she feels I am pushing her against the wall.....


for the little chit chats.....

for the little hellos and hi's......


for still having a job despite the economic situation.....

for still being trusted despite the negative information drive against me.....


for the little and big blessings that I continue to receive.....

....despite being remiss........


thank you......O My Lord...... :hypocritesmiley:

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Thank you for lastnight..spent with really good friends... make me feel that there are reasons to laugh and stay happy despite everything goind around us.


Thank you for making me rest today after a loooong week working.


Thank you for showing me how much i am loved by friends.


Thank you for making me feel your presence always.


Thank you.

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Thank you ... for food that comes our way ... thru the kindness of neighbors ... or a troubled teen who "treats" us to pizza, coz she's found a safe haven here in our home


Thank you ... JDGH passed the auditions and now finds herself active in the theater group of her new school


Thank you ... for the companion mom has ... when Ate N is not around or available to be with her

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I thank you God for the talent you have gifted me.

I thank you for the times I have been able to use it with ease for the task at hand.

Thank you for making me realize that in each moment that I can use my talent and share it with others,

You are creating, and continuing your creation to make life beautiful.

Thank you for making each life and each day new.

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an incessantly inquisitive mind...

a bruised knee...

teary eyes...

an open embrace...


reassurances of one's meaning.


a hiccup...

a lingering ailment...

a misunderstanding...



reminders of one's limitations.


a kiss...

a warm bed...

a good book...

steaming coffee...


fruits of one's labours.


life is really good! :)


because you'll never know what you'll be missing... :)

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im not a perfect Guy, sometimes i dont comb my hair, im clumsy, i spill things, i drop or slipped, im clueless, my friends call me a "dumb to earth" but when i step back and remember all the things happen it made my life as good as it get right now for being imperfect my life is good

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let me be focus on what's important

and allow me to settle in the calmness of your presence.

i never know what keeping a quiet heart means

but you've always managed to appease me everytime.


thank you for trusting and loving me endlessly.

i hope to wake up one morning soon

that things will be looking bright and sunny.


to you be the glory and praise, amen.



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Thank You for all the blessings You have given my family

I realize that You have blessed me so that I may return the favor.

Teach me humility and service for others and for my family.

Soften my heart, so my mind will not be clouded by fear and selfishness

I have always tried to be a servant for others Lord

but I know I fail you a lot more than I succeed

I will not relent Lord because You have not given up on me

I will forever be a servant to You and to others Lord, even my wife

and with that final leap of faith at 1am in the morning

I can finally say,


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