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my dear SL,


have had a long day and i was hoping that i can easily drift to sleepyland.

but for some reason, i cant seem to fall asleep. but of course, after

a while, i soon found out why! it's because we havent said our good nite

to each other yet. (oh well, its good morning for you!)


i know i dont get to tell you often how important you are.

i guess m not just that type who says it all the time.

nonetheless, i want you to know that i am so thankful to God

for you. you've been there all along.

you came at a point when i wasnt totally ready to get into another one.

of course now, we've established that i was wrong and u are right!


your patience and your positive attitude has made me appreciate you more.

you're never busy for me... even in the middle of your meetings,

staying up so late and waking up so early in the morning for me.

you have a way of making me feel soooo important and soooo loved.

everything you do, especially the little ones keeps on adding up as to

how much you make me happy.


baby, you are truly a blessing. something i still cant understand

why i am blessed to have. even in the worse of times, just having

you and your words of wisdom can make any of my storm calm down.


thank you for being who you are in my life.







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thank you for the rest period.

my system isnt use to this

but i know this is what you want for me.


thank you for new friends.

they make my life much more exciting.


thank you for a good afternoon.

was able to do alot of the errands

that i've been putting on hold before.


thanks for the good readings.

also for the blessing that allows me to but them.


most of all, my everyday thanks to you

for my inspiration. he never fails to amaze

or surprise me with something. he makes

me see things that i wouldnt even dare think

about before.


thank you, lord... for loving me this much.

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Thank you, My God, for making me pass the nursing board exams. It was a really wonderful birthday gift from you and from all the saints I venerated. :)


Thank you, for always being an uncondemning Savior and God to me....for making me realize that you unconditionally love me.


Thank you, for making me feel blessed the whole day... for giving me friends who share my happiness...and for giving me my family who shows support and love unconditionally too.


Thank you.... :hypocritesmiley:

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Thank you, My God, for making me pass the nursing board exams.  It was a really wonderful birthday gift from you and from all the saints I venerated. :)


Thank you, for always being an uncondemning Savior and God to me....for making me realize that you unconditionally love me.


Thank you, for making me feel blessed the whole day... for giving me friends who share my happiness...and for giving me my family who shows support and love unconditionally too.


Thank you.... :hypocritesmiley:




pa-OT lang...




what a wonderful bday gift for you!



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Thank you for today..


for making me feel rested...

for making me savour my little success...

for making my dad proud of me..


thank you for my friends who share my little joys...


thank you for your presence in my life.

Edited by wyette
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Thank you for today. Thank you for all the Blessings and all the wonderful things that you have brought our way. Allow us to be strong in times of pain, and never let us falter. Life is ever so beautiful, as it should be, help us never lose track of the gift that you have given.


I have been taught several lessons, one after the other, as if somebody is making up for missed classes. I understand. I know what I must do. Stubborn I may seem but I will fight the urge to scream.


But please I need an extra dose of strenght and patience. Make that two extra doses of each.


Your Will be done.

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thank you for listening to all my prayers (i know i'm so makulit!)

thank you for giving me good friends

thank you for giving me wonderful parents

thank you for taking care of my dad

thank you for taking care of me, mom and buchokoy

thank you for giving me strength and direction

thank you for showing me what real love is


thank you.

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Guest PK_pang_alis_kati

grateful is my heart for the love that i see and experience everyday.

grateful is my soul for the life that i have been selflessly given.

grateful is my spirit for the happiness that i have been generously blessed with.

grateful i am for finding peace in all these.

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thank you..


..for making me realize tonight that I cannot have what I want and that I should feel contented with what has been given to me.


..for small blessings today...


...for the miracles we had experience this noon...


..for making me feel loved tonight..

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