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....thank you for last Sunday and today's achievements. It made me realize someone All mightier than me is working in my life with all the struggles I am going through...


....thank you for the gift of friendship. It gives sharing a wonderful twist.


....thank you for my mentor. For her wisdom and strength. It gives me more force to move on.


....thank you for my faith. It strengthens me. :)

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thank you for answering my prayers, it again proves to me someone up there listens,


thank you for that all important call from the agency of a much awaited event,


thank you for the simple priceless joy that Aijah brings, as well as the company that Posh provides


thank you for the fortitude, the discipline that experience have taught me, all of which is according to your will

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thank you for an early pack-up yesterday and today.


thanks for the blessings. i got the surplus to buy what i need.


thanks for the time to rest.


thanks for quiet moments.


thanks for family and friends.

just being with them takes my stress away.


thanks for last saturday.

it was worth every minute of it.

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thank you for blessing me with SL.

he's such a good man.

always looking after my welfare before his.


thanks for a good shoot.

always good to work with calm people.



thank you hardships.

makes us stronger and learn to hold on to you more.


thanks for the good weather.

not too hot but not raining either.

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simple joys:




wakin up to a brand new day

knowing that ur still alive

hearing birds chirping by ur window

seeing the clear sky



talking to ur best friend over the phone

having ur best friend sleep over and

talk about the old days and

wat the future might bring



having dinner with close friends

catching up with relatives



ending the day with a smile

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Thank you that despite the calls am getting ... am STILL keeping my wits about me. Aye!


Thank you for the opportunities coming my way.


Thank you for the clear head I have on my shoulders ... to map out my days, weeks, activities and appointments (with MEN!). ;-P


Thank you for the time spent w/ C ... last Saturday! Mmmm ... ;-)


Thank you for being there ...

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Thank you for letting me play a good game last night. Although I lost, it was my fault. It has been more than a year since I played serious billiards and I went yesterday without practice. It won't happen again. I'll make sure I'll be prepared. :hypocritesmiley:

Edited by TheGeneral
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