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What's The Last Book You've Read?

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Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono - good book that introduces the concept of parallel thinking which is basically letting the people in a group think in the same direction rather than the usual off tangent paths a normal meeting would go into. Since i facilitate meetings on a regular basis, i've had to exert a great deal of effort in making sure that the relevant topics are covered. With this book, i can further refine my methods.

In short, the author advocates that we should attempt to point everyone in a discussion to wear the same perspective in order to make it more productive. The 6 hats are White Hat - objective/ fact based, Blue Hat - organization/control, Black Hat - risks/ caution, Red Hat - Emotion , Yellow hat - optimism/ positive thinking, Green Hat - creativity/ progress.


Well, at least i prefer it to the methods that Stephen Covey is advocating since i am more of a rational than an emotional person.

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Try reading Bram Stoker's Dracula. Its an Epistolary Novel. That is, you understand the story from reading newspaper clippings, diary entries, police reports and the like. It's truly and extraordinary read. :mtc:


Yes, I've read Stoker's Dracula and I have no problems with it. What I find tedious is something like Mary Shelly's 'Frankenstein'.

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