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What's The Last Book You've Read?

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Guest bitchy_witchy

The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris.

It is really surprising to know how much of human behavior are observed with our not so distant cousins - apes and monkeys.

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While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from the Inside by Bruce Bawer.


Below is an overview of the book - I didn't write the review. The book however does make some striking points and some of the issues it raised were quite scary.


The struggle for the soul of Europe today is every bit as dire and consequential as it was in the 1930s. Then, in Weimar, Germany, the center did not hold, and the light of civilization nearly went out. Today, the continent has entered yet another “Weimar moment.” Will Europeans rise to the challenge posed by radical Islam, or will they cave in once again to the extremists?


As an American living in Europe since 1998, Bruce Bawer has seen this problem up close. Across the continent—in Amsterdam, Oslo, Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, and Stockholm—he encountered large, rapidly expanding Muslim enclaves in which women were oppressed and abused, homosexuals persecuted and killed, “infidels” threatened and vilified, Jews demonized and attacked, barbaric traditions (such as honor killing and forced marriage) widely practiced, and freedom of speech and religion firmly repudiated.


The European political and media establishment turned a blind eye to all this, selling out women, Jews, gays, and democratic principles generally—even criminalizing free speech—in order to pacify the radical Islamists and preserve the illusion of multicultural harmony. The few heroic figures who dared to criticize Muslim extremists and speak up for true liberal values were systematically slandered as fascist bigots. Witnessing the disgraceful reaction of Europe’s elites to 9/11, to the terrorist attacks on Madrid, Beslan, and London, and to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Bawer concluded that Europe was heading inexorably down a path to cultural suicide.


Europe's Muslim communities are powder kegs, brimming with an alienation born of the immigrants’ deep antagonism toward an infidel society that rejects them and compounded by misguided immigration policies that enforce their segregation and empower the extremists in their midst. The mounting crisis produced by these deeply perverse and irresponsible policies finally burst onto our television screens in October 2005, as Paris and other European cities erupted in flames.


WHILE EUROPE SLEPT is the story of one American’s experience in Europe before and after 9/11, and of his many arguments with Europeans about the dangers of militant Islam and America’s role in combating it. This brave and invaluable book—with its riveting combination of eye-opening reportage and blunt, incisive analysis—is essential reading for anyone concerned about the fate of Europe and what it portends for the United States.

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Just bought a second hand copy of The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain for Php20.

I know the story but I was too lazy to read it back in high school.

Now I'm re-educating myself and re-reading the classics.. :)


I know what you mean. I'm planning to read Moby Dick next.



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Currently Reading : Torso by Max Allen Collins : an investigative account of the unsolved "torso murders" in depression era America


Last Book Read : Porno by Irvine Welsh : a continuation of the Mark Renton and Sickboy story arc in trainspotting. Sickboy decides to be a porn director, Renton goes home and Begbie gets out of jail.

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