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Preferred ko sana ung at leats 2ghz na processor. Kelangan pa kaya? Kasi usually panay 1.7Ghz standard nakikita ko sa malls

Also, is it ok if i upgrade to 1Gb or will 512mb be fine? I will probably play some occasional games sa Laptop but not high end games. Do you think ok na ung built in VC? Mahal kasi pag dedicated ung Video card. Also, would it be ok if I get a core duo/dual core proc? Or is it not needed? Kasi pag centrino baka super bagal.


Thanks for the input


Please don't ask me about games. Games consume a lot of computing resources just to waste time and amuse an unproductive computer user. Its a waste of time, and a waste of money. Buy a deck of cards.


As for memory, if you can afford it, the more you can install, the better and more than an additional 300 MHz in on your processor clock, maxed out memory will make a bigger performance difference. You will not feel the difference between a 1.7 and a 2.0 GHz CPU. Perhaps 5 minutes less for every hourd of encoding time.


If you start talking about whether to get a unit with shared video vs. dedicated video hardware or dual core vs centrino, remember your basic premise in your first question was a laptop for P20k to P30k for that kind of money forget the video and forget the dual core.


Talagang mabagal yan. If you are expecting me to tell you that it is okay and will not be intolerably slow, well 'slow' or 'fast' are very subjective perceptions. Even a fast machine starts feeling slow when you get more familiar with it. But I will not mince my words here. The hardware I described to you will do the job you wanted. But will it do it fast? No. It will be slow. You want unquestionably fast video encoding in a laptop? Spend P100k more and get a Macbook Pro. But even if you have the bucks to do so, stop and think.


Are you going to be doing this for a living? If you are, then by all means, get the best hardware you can afford. But if this is going to be just the occasional video of home movies to give away to friends and relatives, You're better off with teh cheap hardware.


Bear in mind that laptops, especially the cheap plastic ones rarely last over two years so a P30k laptop will probably start falling to pieces way before it reaches its EOL (end of life). EOL is the point where you lose support for the hardware not just from the supplier but also from the OS publisher and applications publisher. For example, 80486 CPUs have hit their EOL a decade ago when Windows 2000 would not run on them.

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sony vaio N170

intel dual core 1.66

2 gig ram

120gb hd

128mb video ram shared




free upgrade from winxp to vista so vista na ako now.


sulit talaga pag may kamaganak or kakilala kayo sa US dun kayo magpabili ng laptop. 1000 USD is very high end na specs na (1000x44.5). pag budget meron din mga nasa 700 USD.


pag dito sa pinas try nyo tipidpc.com dami dun.


my only complaint with my laptop is it only has 2 usb ports. I still have to use a usb hub. im looking at newer laptops that have 4 usb ports already but their a bit expensive and the cheap ones have specs lower than what i have now so it wouldnt be an upgrade if I switched to those.

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for the 30k i think you can get an acer (forgot the specs already but i think dual core... not core2 duo ha, the older dual core of intel) pero linux yung software. you can just upgrade the OS yourself medyo hassle but for 30k diba you get a known brand laptop. nothing against ECS or MSI or other brands but the known brands really have better looking laptop. function wise they are all the same. depende sa kelangan mo.

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