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Oh Father Lord,

I thank you for the life you've given me..


I lift to you the soul of our Holy Father who passed away this morning. We deeply grieve for the loss but we are happy at the same time that He is already with you...that he is already back in your arms. I continuously pray for the Catholic church to continue his works.


A great Shepherd of the Catholic church died...and hope that you will send us an equally good one.


I thank you for the opportunity for bringing him to us...to touch us..and to really teach us what is the meaning of suffering and see the beauty of it to continue to give you praise.


thank you Lord..thank you for the Pope...thank you my Holy Father.



Edited by heavygatin_but_cutie
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Dear Lord,


Help me realize that you have a purpose for me right where I am, whether happy or depressed, secure or frightened, well or ill, going forward or marking time. There is always something for me to learn, or something I can do for you, Lord. You can use me everyday of my life! Show me how, Lord, show me how.



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Dear Father,


You are known worldwide, you have names in different languages. For someone who cannot be seen (physically) you are famous. God I know, Ive been living a life which I am afraid is against your will. I am sorry Lord Father, for failing you. I am a weak man a very, very weak man. Yet you never grew tired of being there with me. I know you are busy listening to all this prayers, petition and thanks. I know that you are listening to me, you've given me attention like no other can give me.


Lord, thank you for the everyday sun. Thank you for my family, friends (who constantly grow in numbers). I am also praying for them. Lord father, thank you for letting me experience life. I remember complaining how you always give me tests (in forms of problems and challenges) and grew mad at you for thinking that you only picked on me. Then I realize that with this test you made me stronger. Now I know that you just want us to be strong. You are indeed great God, your moves are mysterious yet the purpose is always there.


God I am asking for your blessing. Keep us all safe from all threats. Keep us enlighten with your love.


And Lord, I know this is a stupid thing to ask but I know you are reading every postings we put up here. Please understand that some of us here are just unwinding from the stress that we encounter everyday. So when the guys get together there are chances we become rowdy and a lil bit naughty. Yet please help us to know and practice true love and respect. With your power Father, I know nothing is impossible.


your favorite comedian on earth,



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Dear Lord,


Thank You very much for answering my prayers. Twelve years is not a long wait after all. They were very trying, but You always made sure I picked myself up. Every year starting now will be in Your service as I continue to rebuild my spiritual life and, in a few weeks when I leave, to start a new one elsewhere.


Thank You for Your small mercies. Thank You for the blessings. Thank You for the obstacles. Thank You for the people who were always there - family and good friends. Thank You for the former and how you made us pull together during very difficult times. Thank You for the latter. I have many, and few are fair-weather.


Thank You for everything, even when the answers were 'no'.


If You meant for that key log to stay, then so be it. Water always finds its own level. Please watch over my friend. Guide her, protect her, love her.


And please hear the prayers and grant the wishes of deserving people, including my fellow posters in Manila Tonight.


I am the happiest person in the world today, Lord. Thank You so very much.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Father,


i am not exactly in the best of times. i guess you know that. and i think you also know where this will lead to. and when this will end.


was yesterday a blessing? oh, yes. yesterday was the best day in years for someone i know. yesterday was an inspiration. having realized you could make someone the happiest person in the world (if you choose to), i believe you could do that to me too.


and i wonder what personal storms and quakes and catastrophes that person had to go through to get to the finish line victorious. were that person's sacrifices and pains as tough and as excruciating as what i have gone and been going through? and for how long?


like Y, what greatness has she been born with that you have given her what i thought was mine? what great things has she done for the world to be awarded with my world? what gives?


what am i? until when will i be?



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Dear Father,


it is not true that all i want is pizza. i don't even like pizza. i just tolerate it. and my tolerance does not make world records.


and part of my tolerance list are ice creams, cakes, and sodas. and i don't have the acquired sophistication for dishes that draw red lines in MS Word, or those not found in my little recipe books by gene gonzales.


the truth of the matter is that, i go for the simple things. so, please, i beg you, no more complicated monsters for me.





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Safely be with my parents as they fly off to Australia this afternoon for a few months w/ Ate N and JDGH.


Look over myself and E while they're away.


May I be able to take care of my financial obligations.


Be with me during my interview this afternoon.


Use me to share my talents, skills, experiences ... esp. this coming Sunday.


Hope to join more volunteer groups ... has been a longing to be of service!



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Hi there.


Hope you watch over my family always. I know you always do. I'm praying for it anyway.


Thanks for all your blessings.


Take care. Hope you're ok too. Hope people remember always to thank You. I know they do. Sometimes they're so overwhelm with what you give them that perhaps they tend to forget. Watch over all of us always. Somehow, I sleep more soundly by that thought. 'Night.

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my prayer for the past week has been that my GF comes back to me, and all the doubts she has about herself and our relationship are erased. I've also been praying that this separation leads us to have a deeper more meaningful relationship when we do get back together.

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thanks for all the good things in my life... those that keep me sane and on track. thanks as well for the bad things... those that keep me tough and on my toes.


i pray that you'll continue to bless all those i love. keep them safe and cared for always.


and you know what's really in my heart. but i'll leave that for you to decide.



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