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Its been a LONG while ...


I hope that what's happening around the world isnt a indication of the end ...


It does seem all too overwhelming from one disaster to another ... I guess your way of reminding us.


Yes, we need wake-up calls ... to jolt us from living in our own little world.


May we continue to be your instruments here ... to be and do good!


Lead us ... especially when we are lost!

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hi god.. a few things:


please help those who are suffering from the tsunami tragedy. i watch helplessly and wish there was more that i could do than tear a bit. i'm sure there's a reason why it happened.. and i'm sure you will provide for those who've lost so much. also, watch over those who've died. i pray for their peace.


thank you for the holidays. thank you for giving me the opportunity to get calm and quiet again. thank you for my family and friends who always give me reasons to smile. and i will even thank you for our new dog who's brought so much happiness to my family lately.


thank you for the new year.. and even the past year. thanks for everything i had to go through to get here. and thanks for giving me new chances everyday to make my life and those around me better.


thank you for all the business that you're bringing my way. i'm always fearing things will crash but it hasn't yet. i plan on baby steps but allow me to take leaps.


thank you for answering my christmas wish. i trust in you completely now and know that you won't forsake me because you never have.


oh. and thanks for my new books and the time to read them. :)


and one tiny wish: i pray that i will earn extra cash fast either to repair my car or replace it completely with a new one. i really want a mazda3 but if all you'll will for me to afford is a kia, i won't mind. :lol:



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"Dear God, please help me to understand

the purpose of pain in my life and realize that you want to

use it to help me grow and become a better person while

the dark side wants to use it to discourage me and make me bitter.

Help me to choose the higher road and therein become a

healthier and more mature person as well as an encourager

of others who are experiencing pain. Thank you for hearing

and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."



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O God, please bless the members of this community.


Grant us the wisdom to understand your heavenly will and


give us the humility to accept it.


We, in our own personal way, try to be good and avoid sins,


but You Lord created us not as perfect as You are.


Forgive us of our sins and transgressions.


Forgive us when we our deeds were not right,


when our thoughts were impure, and


when what we said were vain.


Lord accept our humanity with all its frailties, look not on our sins,


but rather look on the faith of your people and their love for You.


We ask these through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

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God, please help me to be open,

honest and real with myself and with you, and to find at

least one loving safe person with whom I can be open,

honest and real and confess my fears, faults, failures and

sins ... and in so doing experience healing and learn to

love and accept myself as you love and accept me. And then

make me a loving channel through whom your love can flow to

every life I touch. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen.

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Forgive me for I continue to do things I should not.


Open my eyes becoz I seem to be blinded by the desires of the flesh rather than focusing on my current dilemma.


Make me realize that CPO's enough ... the others I tend to meet do not come close to the kind of MAN he is.


Bestow upon me the will to be loyal even though I want more.


Grant me the right frame of mind when I go out for interviews so I will be able to get *that* job soon ... rather than some "other" jobs.




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Dear Lord,


I do wonder what you must be thinking of me now. I ask and you give. Yet I get dazed by the grandeur of your gift. I always think they are too much for me. And in my ignorance, I turn away from it, only to regret my action afterwards.


Please, forgive me for my ingratitude. I will ask no more of what I cannot take. But please, do guide me as I rebuild what I destroyed.





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