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"Dear God, please help me to live with

eternal values in mind realizing that what I sow in this

life, I will not only reap the rewards/results of in the

here and now, but also in the life to come. Thank you for

hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus'

name, amen." :)

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Dearest God,


You know how very sad and broken I have been these past few weeks. The trial you put me under right now is taking a toll not only on me but everyone.


I'm sorry for being very angry that first week after receiving the news. And while I realize that you never send us a cross we cannot carry I cannot help but beg you this time not to let this happen ... please please God, not this way, not this soon. It is not only my heart that will break but my daughters' as well.


I am grateful for everything you have afforded me. And the only miracle that I ask of you is for a little more time. Not more time to prepare for his death as one is never prepared no matter the amount of time given. But just a little more time for us to be a family, my one simple and yet big dream. Please allow my girls to experience that, please give them a lifetime of memories in whatever short period you can graciously spare us.


I've never begged you for anything as self-serving as this in my whole life God. I have embraced everything you've sent my way. But this time, please grant me this.


Thank you for the love you continously show me in the form of family and friends. You know your love, through them, has been the source of my strength in my darkest moments. Please do not let me go God, please take care of my daughters and me again this time.



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Dear Heavenly Father,


I awoke from a restful sleep. The first one I've had in more than three months. I was looking forward to this day with mixed emotions.


It's the 3rd time that my Dad will be celebrating his birthday up there with you instead of down here with us. Usually by this time, my siblings and I would have met at the nearest mall to coordinate our gifts. :blush: He was very particular about what he wore although when he really loved what he received, he would wear it out like the other things that I bought him. It had become a competition as to which would be his fave gift and I always won. :cool: Didn't they realize I was his girl??? :rolleyes:


I can just imagine the banquet you set for him. Please tell him we are okay down here. Mom is okay too. He knows we love him but tell him just the same.



Edited by Macy
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an excerpt from Chiaroscuro's "Cast the First Stone"


to whom it may concern...


....so sick of work, tired of our beds

we never asked to be this way

but it's dictated anyway...

...for we are born and then we die

it's just hello and then goodbye

wishing always there would be

a better future we could see...

...a paradise devoid of pain...

...hearts of gold and souls unstained...

...and for all of us I pray my wish comes

not tomorrow but today...

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i pray to ease the pain in reminiscing

i pray for calm, for i fret the future

i pray for patience and understanding,

i pray for better health for my friends and loved ones


i pray that whatever sufferings there is in the world, relief be in sight

that amidst the hardships, a just reward be instore


i pray for a friend, lost and suffering, two friends who are ill, that they find relief in what troubles them


thank you lord!

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