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i miss Boracay (not the algae though!) my sister was there last week and she said okay nga yung Tides, not beachfront but the view is great. I miss Jonah's shakes! :D for those who frequent Boracay, malumot pa ba pag around last week of May?

Unfortunately, the green stuff (which looks like fine sea weed) will be there until the strong waves come in and break them off. This will be around the start of the monsoon season, which isn't really a good time to go. Best time to visit without seaweeds is from December to February. In Dec, the amihan winds are starting to blow so the water is starting to calm down in White beach, but with no seaweeds. It will take until Feb before it grows to unsightly levels. By March, it's quite abundant already.


Hope this helps.

Edited by floppydrive
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@floppydrive, actually it's also what the locals said before , I guess I was just hoping that around May it will be gone already ~wishful thinking ba?hehe~ haay, so malumot pa rin talaga siya...thanks! :)


i was there last holy week. ibang parts lang naman ang may lumot. actually it seems lang sea weeds pero maliliit kaya parang lumot. siguro 20% of the beach is affected by the green stuff. kaya pili ka na lang ng swiiming area. when we were there katabi pa namin nag swim ibang artista

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its still one of the nicest place to be... but overdevelopement has somewhat spoil it... i was there during the 90s and its amazing specially at night when there was no electricity and you have all the resort with their own PETROMAX that illuminate the beach a beautiful sight to behold.... plus you can leave all your personal things at the beach without any fear of people swiping it... imagine nowadays if you could leave your ipod, laptop, cellfone at the beach without anyone watching over it...those were the days.... the local also are very friendly... specially mga bata... they are curious and often play around with you at the beach....

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