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Mixed Martial Arts


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hey guys in the qc area you might wanna check out capoeira at bodyworx gym in west ave. i tried it out and its pretty neat medyo mahirap lang sa una dahil hindi sanay sa movements nila pero enjoy after a while.

for the sweat value ok sya!

Wow. Capoeira is something I've been wanting to try since last year. Last I heard, there was a capoeria group (not school) somewhere in Makati. Poknat, can you tell me the details of the session you went to in West Ave? Would appreciate any info. Thanks, dude. :)


Nice thread you got here, Bo :cool:

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Wow. Capoeira is something I've been wanting to try since last year. Last I heard, there was a capoeria group (not school) somewhere in Makati. Poknat, can you tell me the details of the session you went to in West Ave? Would appreciate any info. Thanks, dude. :)


Nice thread you got here, Bo :cool:

hey vixen did you get the pm i sent you regarding capoeira?

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hehe... got judo as my PE back in 1998.. 1st year college pa lang ako non...


anyways...liked it a lot.. it's just that other school activities and my studies hindered me from furthering my judo skills....


hope to find time to improve on it soon...

probably by next year may... i don't have anything in my schedule for may 2004 yet.


and about this thread not having any girl posters.... i'm a girl... so that's one girl now...

glad to know may girl na d2 sa thread. welcome :)

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MTC Adults' Choice Awards!

x-mas party • awards night • new year's party


December 29, 2003 (Mon. 9pm)

The Basement, Eastwood City, Libis (CityWalk)

3 celebrations, 1 BIG event!


Mark your Calendars! Details to follow!


F R E E - E N T R A N C E

Beers at P65


Guys, see you on Monday!

!! We will have eheads' Raymond Marasigan + andwich !!


!!We will also have 6cyclemind, NU107's Rock Band of the year!!


These Recording Artists will be playing for us!

PULP Magazine will be there! El Gimikero will be there! Teaz will be there!


I hope you guys could come coz its really gonna be fun!


Did i mention that i will be giving away group awards?









• Information Architect • Creative Director • Digital Artist

• Visionary • Dreamer • Passionate Lover • RESUME • 0922 802


quoted message from Bizman! See you on the 29th!--Hansolo

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MTC Adults' Choice Awards!

x-mas party • awards night • new year's party


December 29, 2003 (Mon. 9pm)

The Basement, Eastwood City, Libis (CityWalk)

3 celebrations, 1 BIG event!


Mark your Calendars! Details to follow!


F R E E - E N T R A N C E

Beers at P65


Guys, see you on Monday!

!! We will have eheads' Raymond Marasigan + andwich !!


!!We will also have 6cyclemind, NU107's Rock Band of the year!!


These Recording Artists will be playing for us! :mtc:

PULP Magazine will be there! El Gimikero will be there! Teaz will be there!


I hope you guys could come coz its really gonna be fun!


Did i mention that i will be giving away group awards? ;)


:mtc: :mtc:


Friends from this Group, Please come on Monday, 29th, Its really gonna be fun! Bring your friends! This is my gift to you guys! :) See you all there!

quoted message from Bizman! See you on the 29th!

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you might try the krav maga website, it's got a listing of the countries that have km schools and certified instructors. you can also order the km videos and books from there. i've done a couple of weekend workshops in km with eyal yanilov, head of km intl. and it is nasty, brutal, vicious and highly effective. gotta love it. if there's anyone there who's offering km classes check the certification first. all km instructors should have some paperwork to verify their training. and it should be signed by eyal.


could you also fill me in on the capoeira there: what type do they do, angola, regional or mandinga? is it a true capoeira class with music, singing and a roda at the end of it? i've been doing capoeira for the last seven months and it's great fun and a great workout. i also enjoy learning how to play the berimbau, and learning the songs for the roda.


i've been lucky enough to meet mestre jogo de dentro from capoeira angola and mestre marcelo pereira from capoeira mandinga. for those who got interested in capoeira because of tekken 2 and eddie gordo, mestre marcelo is eddie gordo. check the credits at the end of the game, you'll see his name come up. he was approached by the game makers and brought to japan where they filmed and digitized his movements for the game. of course, some of the moves in the game are not real, thanks to computer animation, but about 80-85 percent of them are capoeira mandinga moves.

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could you also fill me in on the capoeira there: what type do they do, angola, regional or mandinga? is it a true capoeira class with music, singing and a roda at the end of it? i've been doing capoeira for the last seven months and it's great fun and a great workout. i also enjoy learning how to play the berimbau, and learning the songs for the roda.

i tried the website a couple of months back but didnt see any listing for the philippines.


sorry but i just attended two sessions and its more like an introductory thing to capoeria. visit them na lang every monday 7-8 pm at body worx gym on west avenue. look for mylen (pronounced mee-len) imao. she's the manager there.

hindi ko masyadong alam kung anong klaseng capoeira sya.

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thanks dude. if i ever go back to the islands i'll check it out. if you've got time drop by the capoeira mandinga website: www.mandinga.org

and there's a lot of capoeira music available on kazaa, both angola and regional.

there's a brazilian guy who drops in to our capoeira group a couple of times a month. he's a gracie and he was telling me how he started on bjj at 5 years old, but all of his friends were into capoeira. now his friends in brazil are starting to study bjj and he's trying to catch up on capoeira.

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