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The Mail Box

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Dear Mr. Future Husband,



20 years ago, I was a starry-eyed young woman who felt that being in a relationship (that leads to marriage) with someone I love (and who, by some miracle loves me back) is almost the end-all and be-all of my existence. That even though I am capable of excelling in my chosen field, such achievements are hollow if I am unable to share them with my beloved.


The years have come and gone, I have seen my friends and relatives enter the marital life only for most of them to crumble before my eyes. I watch them helplessly try to mend, repair, and give up on their marriages. The happy portraits I see are all that: mere illusions. Some of them have lost themselves in the process as they struggle to raise their families. Some find themselves unable to maximize their potentials because a family held them back from really expanding their horizons. I frequently met couples where one or both excelled in their chosen fields only for them to pay a high price--the collapse of their marriage.


As I continue to live my single life well past into my 30s and entering my 40s, I have been blessed to finally reach a milestone where I can say that I am finally working in a field where I find plenty of satisfaction. Yes, we have not met (or maybe we have, only you have not introduced yourself to me as my future spouse), but it does not stop me from finally working on my goals even if their execution will take years from now. I have learned that sometimes, you have to think years ahead if you want to achieve something that is seemingly inconceivable at the onset.


I will be honest, I am afraid now to be in a relationship. Of course, the thrill of being with you will always bring this giddy smile to my face, but still, I am afraid.


I am afraid that I will place my complete trust in you only to be hurt by slightest of betrayals.


I am afraid that I will lose myself in the relationship because I need to make compromises with you in order to make us work.


I am afraid that my fullest potential will never be explored because I have to put US first above all else.


I have been alone for so long that I do not know anymore how to be with someone I can truly be intimate with. Amidst my walls and my defenses, are you brave enough to look beyond what your naked eyes see? Or are you simply like the thousands of people I have met in my life, they take me as they see me.


I choose to not look for you anymore. The guys I have met in the recent past are mostly jerks who think that they can pull a fast one on me. I simply refuse to go through all that s@%t now. Dating is such a waste of time. You pretend to be someone you are not in order to snag a potential mate.


I leave it to you to find me, and to drag me out of my shell. If you and I are not meant to meet in this lifetime, so be it. As long as I have my books and my languages, and my oppas, I am fine. Really.


Lonely at times, yes.


But never always lonely.


I look forward to finally meeting you. Here or in the next life.











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Guest Riveria

Dear M,


Remember... I will always choose to move on in peace


rather than fill my heart with hate for a


circumstance that I can't control,..




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Dear Chicago,


Spring has sprung after our long, deadly Winter. How you've been?


I'm doing fine, I haven't gone back to Manila - maybe June, tickets much cheaper then it appears. I don't know what to expect when we finally meet - it's been years since we've known each other. I'm excited, i think i'm ready!


The giddy emotions in my chest and the wanton speech i want to convey. I'm starting to write gibberish but you know what i mean.


I'm ready to fall in love again. Are you all set?




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To take in the beauty of the garden's first blooms and to get intoxicated with the fragrance and dizzying array of scents.

To lose myself in the pathways and hallways admiring the priceless creations of masters present and past.

To feel the electricity and get absorbed watching one of the greatest sports there is and perhaps come away with a flier memento.

And to do it all with you... would be absolutely lovely.




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Guest Riveria

Be an example…

show kindness to unkind people.

Forgive people who don’t deserve it.

Love unconditionally.

Your actions always reflect who you are.


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Dear mailbox,

You got me all wound up and supper excited about the news you contain.

It's the promise of something new and exciting and the validation that I am still relevant and wanted.

However, after the emotional high subsided and letting rational thinking rule,

... sad to say it was short lived as it's a good news that I had to decline.

But I thank you though, as it was the highlight of of an otherwise long and dreary Wednesday.


All the best,


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I've been fighting the urge to call you for a few weeks now, but I know you would never answer my calls. Truth be told I really miss you, but I'll never admit it to your face.


Hope you're doing fine. Me I'm fine as usual, I'm back to my usual routine.


Well I hope you're happy and I wish you all the best.



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I dont know what to do with you.


Am sacrificing my life NOT having a fulltime job coz we dont have "help" to look after you if/when am gone from the house ...


Stop making things difficult for me.


post-50365-0-85192000-1525623219_thumb.jpg post-50365-0-95746100-1525623286.jpg post-50365-0-33710000-1525623337.jpg


Am already stressed/frustrated enough as it is ... esp. since there arent any events/mtgs sked this month!




I pray, God ... help me, pls!





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You USED to send a text/SMS ... when/if you will be coming over.

Why dont you anymore?!

It's totally DISRESPECTFUL of me & mom.

I may no longer go along to what/where-ever you will take mom ... but still, she rightfully deserves to prepare.

Oh, well ... things will NEVER go back to the way things were.

To think you are the ELDEST ...

Am sure dad is looking down with disappointment on what is happening to us.

C'est la vie.



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