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The Mail Box

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I know that despite us being old engineers, we need to advertise ourselves like any shameless sales and advert guy/gal.

Dearest LC,


I have to agree with Lipstick. Not all advertising people are shameless. Some of us are honest, ethical & hardworking people. :cry:





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Yesterday at 7AM you turned 25. I'm sorry. I admit, it slipped from my mind. No excuses.

It took a box with your face on it to remind me. You made me catch my breath. You are beautiful as ever, even more so now.

I never had the chance to congratulate you for landing that deal. Then again, I seldom have the chance to tell you anything anymore. We haven't talked nor gotten together in a while. I'm sorry I'm not doing a good job keeping my end of the bargain. You know how I am. I'm sorry if you feel I'm taking you for granted. I'm sorry if I can't be with you the way you want me to.

I know you've discovered my alterego here; you've read some of my posts, especially that one where I re-lived the first night we got together. I know you got hurt because you feel I could've spent all these time with you instead but I chose not to. I know you think I don't care about you anymore. But I do. Please don't doubt that.


I really do miss you. I will file for that leave tonight.


Happy birthday, my "first" lady.



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u felt betrayed by what i did...

u said i've betrayed u so many times before...

u gave me your trust me but all i did was to throw it in your face...

after all we've shared then this s**t happened then its all over...

u think i did it on purpose...

u think i tried to lie about it...

u think the worst of me, how come??

is that your perception of who i am??

am i that bad that u can't picture yourself befriending me...

do u think that im not worthy of your time, your affection??

do u think that im im the devil incarnate that being close to me will send u straight to hell, and that it is a sin to be very close??

so all this time, u've been hiding what u really think and feel

about me and just keeping a face so u think u wouldn't hurt me??

is that it??

how could i not notice... u made me feel as if im special,

but now i think that was just u being kind coz i have no friends and all and that ur my only friend... im being paranoid...

i thought i know u... but im wrong...

y didn't u tell me, that all this time u were just acting as my friend...

maybe that was it... coz if u are truly a friend u won't think of the very worst thing about someone u became personal with... because u would know whats on the mind of that person...

you could have told me that u don't really want anything to do with me...

i wouldn't have forced myself to you...

i have been always alone...

its not strange for me to be seen reading in the corner with no one...

u shouldn't have had made me think that im special, im extraordinary,

coming fro u that im not, it hurts, big time...

im being my paranoid self... hoping still that it is not true...

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You ask me why I'm disappointed?


I'm disappointed because as a friend, I am entitled to know the basic truth about you. I'm disappointed because I didn't think you have such intestinal fortitude to do those filthy schemes that men do. I'm disappointed because you smooth-talk your way into that lady's heart just so you can screw her brain as well. I'm disappointed because this is how you treat women and I see no tinge of remorse, only arrogance. Drop that mask and let's see if any girl in her right state of mind would still want you. Stop fooling innocent souls who get easily lured by your slick-tongued temptations, who know nothing of this game.


And stop calling me dear, you patronizing fart. You disgust me as well.

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The Fall



Listening to the screaming and hate

I am soaked in tears thinking of my fate


Thinking of hell

Wishing I could be well


What?s the easiest way

To end this day


A pill or a gun

Soon it will be done


With so much fear

The end is near


The pill goes down

Nothing to frown


The time here was fun

But now I am done


Thank you all

For trying to stop my fall

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Dearest ....


How I Love You...


I can't tell a soul

I love you

though my heart begs me to.

Every romantic song reminds me of you,

and every time I see a happy couple

I wish they were you and me.

Sometimes I write your name

and stare at it wistfully

as I imagine how great

our lives together would be...

but I can't tell a soul

I love you.

I can't even tell you.

I wrote a poem about you,

trying to express the depth of my emotion,

hoping to make you understand

the breadth of my devotion,

but the words were not enough.

I couldn't explain

how strongly I feel about you;

I couldn't describe

the volatile mix of joy and pain,

because I can't tell a soul

I love you.

Sometimes I feel like my need to see you

is consuming me inside,

and sometimes when I think about you

I tremble...

my love for you is never easy to hide.

I called my best friend

to explain how much I love you...

but the words stalled on my tongue,

and again, I had to pretend...

because I can't tell a soul

I love you.

I sat on the beach

and drew a heart in the sand

while I thought about you.

I imagined the joy of being with you,

of simply holding your hand.

I wanted to find you;

I wanted to tell you how much I love you,

and that I would always love you

no matter what you do.

As the tide dashed in to steal the heart

and carry it off to the sea

where it would remain for eternity,

I decided that I can never tell you

I love you,

but I will always try to show you.



just me

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dear ***,


it's nice that we've managed to keep in touch in spite of our past... at first, i was hesitant to let you in to my life again, knowing that you've hurt me so much before... but hell, i took the risk and welcomed you back... sadly though, friends are all we'll ever be...


it's a strange feeling because the chemistry is still there... it's as if we've never parted... but i know for a fact that it can never be... that breaks my heart... i loved you immensely and i realize that i always will...




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Dear Dad....


I met someone I wish you had the privilege of meeting..... he is so good to me.


I remember one of the last things you said to me when you lay there sick and I was holding your hand..... that I was a nice person and I deserve the best man.


Well Dad, rest your soul... I found him.


Your Daughter

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Fantasy -

In Memoriam

R. Luis Flores


The dream was beautiful while it lasted.

- King Arthur, First Knight


It only goes as far

as the ink runs.

Once the pen dries up,

the story will be over -

devoid of any favorable ending

or sensible conclusion.


No spare ink bottle

can ever hope to resurrect

the narrative in its sudden demise.

For to end

is to end,

is to end.

And what is left

is a story

that is both wanting

and hopeless -

the transition between fantasy

and tragedy


to the frustratingly dull fact

that the dream

has ceremoniously ceased.


In a world of dream-slayers,

the storyteller is powerless.

A victim

to the constant radiance

of reality,

from which he has no escape.


21* November 1999

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Dear sweet one


I didn't know that loving you would be this hard.

I thought love will come to me like a gentle wind

But I was wrong

It came to me like an angry thunder

ready to tear me apart.

It is like a battle

but 'm not yet ready to fight.

I'm not sure how long will I last

for day by day... it is slowly killing me.

How can something beautiful,

be so lethal :(


Loving you is too draining.



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