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The Mail Box

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Christmas won't be the same without you

I won't hear you call my name

But I'll whisper my Love for you when I wake

And at night,before bed, I'll do the same


I'll go through the day thinking of you

And wishing you were here

As we empty our stockings & open our gifts

For you, I'll say a Prayer


That your day will be filled with Happiness

And You'll be surrounded by those you Love

Through smiles & tears I'll think of you

And Thank the Lord Above


For the time we shared together

And the beautiful memories

Of a warm, caring, wonderful man

And the Amazing Love that used to be

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there's someone who evidently brings out the devil in you sis! :rolleyes:

i have always thought that angelina jolie was a cut above the rest, your current avatar makes that an understatement. can I ask the big favor of you sending me that as an attachment in an e-mail? (neriv@ngha.med.sa) many thanks and happy holidays!


psyche hi baby sis! where's the cookie? :lol:

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hey sis. how are you? sorry i haven't been around lately.

hi sis :D

pansin ko nga hehe... hope ur ok :D


A New Years Wish

Sent to you

May you flourish

In all you do


May you have friendship,

Love that's kind

More happiness,

Than most would find


May you have courage,

Strength and peace

Your purpose in life,

May it never cease.


May you have wisdom,

To keep strong.

Forgiveness from others,

When you do wrong.


May God guide you,

In all you do

This is my New Years

Wish for you.

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A Letter to He-Who-Must-And-Will-Never-Be-Named,




Did you know I had marked that day in my calendar? I willed each day to pass by a little bit faster. I didn’t know it was still possible for someone to incite such longing in me. I had a bad night. The only thing that kept me going was the thought that come the morning, I will see you.


You were waiting for me outside. I was nervous. My heart was pounding so hard, my stomach was tightening in knots. I mustered up all the poise, all the self-control I have. I hopped in your car, a cup of hot tea in my hand and longing coursing through every single part of my body.


Breakfast. You had corned beef and egg. A simple meal for an extraordinary man. I was contented just by looking at you. Did you know the mere sight of you satisfies me? Every time you bit, every time you opened you mouth and every time you swallowed, I was imagining I was the morsel you were devouring.


You spoke. I was enchanted. Rarely do I meet a man so full of life and spirit, of brutal honesty and endearing charm, of strength and honor. A man who incited such desire in me.


We went out to find a four-pronged adaptor, for reasons only the two of us knew. The search was doomed even before it started. We never did look for one. We were too busy with more urgent things.


The first time you kissed me, it was so swiftly and shortly it only registered after you had pulled away. Nevertheless, it was enough to make be burn. You have kindled a fire inside me. I couldn’t help myself. I ran my fingernails down your arm. I marked you. Little did I know you will do much worse in a few minutes’ time. Later on you gave me the perfect combination of pain and pleasure.


How would people take it? A man and a woman caught in an accident. Inside a perfectly conditioned, fully loaded car. On a two-lane, perfectly serviceable, one-way road. With no incoming traffic. In broad daylight.


You took risks. Sharp turns. Eyes closed. Lips on mine. Hands off the steering wheel. That moment, I knew. There was no turning back. I would rather be splattered all over EDSA than not have you.


In the car. On the stairway. Waiting for the elevator. You were counting every stop it took, kissing me, touching me. It felt forbidden. It excited me. The wait was excruciating. The pleasure to follow, exquisite.


We were savages.


The balcony. Did anyone see us? I care not, nor did you. We left with big smiles on our faces, laughing our bare asses off. Off to bed. I was so comfortable being with you, it took no effort at all for me to enjoy myself.


The look on your face while I fondle your pink nipple as you talk with him is priceless. It’s amazing how something so small and so delicate could create such a spirited reaction. And baby I must say, your soft cherubic mouth sucks like a starved leech.


I admit. I was a bad, bad girl. I teased you, teased you so much you had to take action. You slapped my face. You pulled at my hair. I was more than willing to take the punishment. You spat. I wanted more. I lapped your saliva like it was honey.


The volcano erupted. I took the explosion. My eyes were blinded. My face was slick with your hot life. My mouth greedy. Spurting. Salty. Delicious. Like manna from heaven.


You had your revenge on my earlier assault. You bit me. Once. Twice. Who’s counting? You marked me. I am a mass of black and blue. I will wear the wounds as a badge of honor.


We ended it with a “small kiss.” Perfect.


Will I get the chance again? I may. I may not.


A smart lady never lays down her cards all her cards at once. And yes, I still have my aces on my hand. Of bottles and trailer park tramps. Of strap-ons and table tops. So many possibilities still unexplored.


Baby, you are exceptional. I don’t think I can get enough of you.


Thank you.


Your PP (Personal P***),



P.S. The pictures, my dear. You know what I want.

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hokay sis heto promise ko dalaw ako sa thread na 'toh. whoh mejo very sentimental ha. and at times parang moody to the point of iya iyak time. hmmm sige post tayo ng not too sad as in moving muna. let's a post a sentimental favorite.


It might have been luck


Dream Girl,


Last night at about 11:00pm I remembered that I left my bag at my grandma's house. I asked my mom to go get it but she told me that I had to go myself. I got my bag, and on the way out through the garage I saw a b-ball. I said, "one shot won't hurt". I took it out to the middle of the driveway. It was about 30 feet away from the basket. I said if it hits the backboard and goes in our love is just puppy love. If I miss we are just friends. If it's nothing but net it's True Love. Well, I dribbled a little, looked up, and shot. It might have been luck, but I swished it. I'll always love you!



Dream Boy


o hayan ha sis. nag post ako as promised. umm mejo take time muna yung Heloise and Abelard ang haba ng letters. it's from a book kse so parang wala ang typing powers ko kse. siguro for Valentines Day na lang yon sis. Meanitime, post ako ng iba na hindi masyadong tragic ha. ;)

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to my "ex",


yes i love you but somebody else makes me happy. as to your question... could you give me more time to think about it?


to FHM,


it's too late now. you said you left her. you said you needed me. you should have realized that when i was willing to take a risk on you. now it's too late. we should be friends. that's all i can give you now.


to you,


tell me if you want me to take a risk on you and i would. why can't i be happy with you and love you too? why? our time is running out. and i have to make a decision soon. or is it because you can't take a risk on me? it hurts you know.

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To the big man on campus,


thought you were gay!!!! we're friends right? and we laugh at the rumors... i thought you were gay!!!


damn. imagine my surprise... you started the rumors??? or are people trying to break us apart because they know that together we have total control of everything?


Me, the sho-gun and you , the daimyo of the largest and most powerful organization... together? trying to make a difference? those people don't stand a chance.


we are friends. please tell me that you didn't start the rumors about us. i thought you were gay!!!!


i only know one person who would want to overthrow me... and you hate him. we all hate him. we have isolated him already and his organization. he won't stand a chance...if i were him i'd commit seppuku.

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