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The Mail Box

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For my love, JdL...


Maybe if I had said yes, you would be sitting beside me right now.

Your arms holding me close.

Your masculine scent tantalizing me.

Your strength protecting me.

Your passion engulfing me.

Your love making me whole.


Maybe if I had said yes, we would be laughing like old times.

Your three-piece suit and my big muddy backpack.

Walking in the rain and dancing in the streets.

Staring at the stars and losing ourselves in each other's eyes.

Midnight trysts, hungry kisses.

Intimacy beyond belief.


It took all of your extra eleven years to understand me.

It took but a moment for me to love you.

You were my Bubuts. I was the girl you called your life.


Maybe if I had said yes, it would have been bliss.

We would have been living as husband and wife.

We will be putting a name into the bond that has long made us one.


Maybe if I had said yes, you would not have gone from this world so soon.

You have always told me all I have to do is say the word and you will stay.

You have always looked out for my happiness.

But I was too damn selfish to recognize it's time I give you yours.


I refused you.

Not knowing that I will never see your smile again.

Not knowing that it will all end so abruptly.

Not knowing that denying you this lifetime would mean losing you forever.


My life didn't end when yours did.

But I know nothing and no one can ever make me feel the way you did.

The way you still do.

The way you always will.


You could have filled any space, but the space you filled was me.

Now that you're gone, I am empty.




What you risk reveals what you value.

I risked too much. I am paying the price.

Not in a million lifetimes would I be able to make up for what I have lost.


I miss you so much it breaks my heart.



Yours forever,


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You who played me very well.

You who did me wrong.

You who taught me that hell was here in heaven,

in the empty spot where you used to sit.


You who first broke my heart.

You who made me forget about love.

You who made me belive that men are all evil and

deserve nothing good from me.


You who has been dead this past six years.


You made time to make that long distance phone call so many years ago,

to greet me a Merry Christmas.


I who was only one of your hundred women


Why oh why didn't he?


He who made me believe that men are capable of loving,

and are deserving of my love


Why didn't he?



Edited by swit_lass
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and if i ever do send you a Xmas card it will be very late maybe in June.

Like they say what does not k*ll you will make you stronger.

you're lies did not k*ll me. and i was on to long befor you knew it

you're not as smart as you tell every one. and not as good looking as you say. you're face maybe but you have mean cold eyes. you're key board must smell really bad by now.

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if that matters so much to you as you say, then why did you never ask me? i would have told you! i thought coz you diden't ask that you diden't bother. or diden't really matter to you. it happen long befor i knew you. you with you're pure life who looks down on me for the past things i did. now i have a lower self esteem

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dear prend,


do u know how much i miss you?

do u know how much i miss talking to you?

do u know how often i think about you?

do u know how often i wonder how you are doing?

do u know how many times i reminisce the memories we shared?

do u know how often i ask myself what went wrong?

do u know how regretful i am now for losing a friend like you?

do u know what i feel?

do u know how many times i smile when i remember you?


i know you dont.. and perhaps u'll never will...

for i have lost u already. i lost the friendship..

and its too late to go back now..

u're no longer there...

u went back to where u truly belong, ur home.


u were standing in front of me. but i dont know why i failed to see u.. i dont know if i REALLY didnt or just pretended that i didnt see you... if only i could bring back the time.. i will do things differently... but i cant.. so there's not much i can do but accept this and tread on the path that is laid in front of me... a path far from you.

all there is left for me.. is regret... regret for not doing the things i should have done.. for not saying the things i should have said.



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to you,


i've never seen you

nor met you

nor heard your voice

nor touched your face


all we have between us

are written words

avowals of love

promises of tomorrow


i have never experienced

a sunset with you

but when i close my eyes

all i see is this image of you


an image i created in my mind

the image of someone i could love

oh how i wish my heart

was mine to give.


i'm scared

scared that you might be real

then my heart would give way

to this forbidden love we have


i can't throw away everything

in exchange for your promises.

no! no! no! i can't!

i love him and he loves me.


you are but a dream

he is my reality.


i loved you even for a time.

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I may not be able to see once more

But your love will be cherished forevermore

You will be forever in my heart

With that, we will never be apart


For sure I'll be missing you...

I love you ma....

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To my forbidden fruit,


It seems like a lifetime ago. I can't believe it was just last night when you held me.


I am haunted.


Your smile. Red, bow-shaped lips. Perfect teeth. The tiny dimple on your left cheek. You are aware how much it affects me. It has become a refuge, my solace. Inviting. Tempting. Beautiful.


Your eyes. Smoldering. I caught you looking at me so many times I've lost count. My eyes never left you as well. Unspoken longing. Did you feel it in my gaze? I went outside to escape the eyes that pierce me. But you followed.


I was alone. I looked far into the horizon. I held my breath. At the speeding cars below. At the city in lights. At the starless sky. Not knowing that a more amazing sight now stands beside me. Until I breathed in.


Your scent. Even from afar, I can sense you. That sweet, sweet smell that is distinctly you. It assaulted me so strongly that night, with my nose pressed against the side of your neck. Intoxicating.


Your hair. Softer than an angel's touch. As I clasp my hands behind your neck, I felt it. Every single strand. Going through my fingers like silk. Like a kiss. Like a dream.


Your arms. You took me by my waist. You pulled me close to your body. I felt your heat. I felt your breath on my hair. I felt you tremble. I felt like losing control.


I felt like I would drown. I should have let myself drift, even just a little. Surrender to the moment. Let myself be carried away by the waves of desire. Gently ever lapping against my body, my mind, my soul.


I should have have taken my chance. I should have given in, even only for the night.


I should have. But I didn't. I fought against the current.


I will forever be haunted.


I dare not think of what will happen should your lips once more meet mine.



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