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The Mail Box

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i hate to sound insensitive... pero i do this to protect myself eh...


if i have no use for you then i have no choice but to get rid of you... we are friends because you have a purpose for me and hopefully i have a purpose for you.. when that purpose is gone... it's time to move on...


no regrets...no pain... just plain anger.


there are only two places in this world here and there. you are currently here and you wanted to get there because there is better than here. your there will eventually be here and when your there is here you will have a new there that is better than your old there which is now your here. and you are back where you started you are here hoping to get there.



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awwwww. how sweet SWEET P  :wub:

for i know no other way...


ahihihihi :blush:


to you

You think i'm going to let you get away with what you did girl? Think again.

Whatever thread you run to, I will follow..and Unseat you.


And I have already done that. You think you are so pretty? think again.






ei sis,

mmmm same person? :unsure:

same girl?



Edited by sweetpsyche
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Dear God,


Thank you! Celebrate with you in a while...give my thanks to Mary as well. Throughout this journey the past 6 months not once have you let me down. You know what I desire, all my needs - more than what I am aware of so I surrender these to you... and guide me always.



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To: Jen


It was never an error loving you

It was not a mistake that I fell

I should have told you earlier

If only time stood still


Now Your out of reach

Your fine wherever you are

Life is going fine without me

And you really dont mind


Even if its too late to say I love you

Ill still say it for you

Cause I know even if you did'nt say it

I know once you loved me too

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Dear God,


I know its not my place to question you. just wondering lang why am i in a crossroads of my life wherein the next step may either make me or break me for life. But i thank You at least i get this opportunity that some people may never get to ever have.


That is my professional life. my love life is shot to hell. Ana i know you may never read this but i want you to know that if ever life were just a little different, i would not have allowed you to leave. and now that we are apart i miss you so much. I know that i might never have said it but I LOVE YOU. I hope that after i win in this upcoming gamble i may be stable enough to marry you. but can you wait for me that long..........

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Dear Rol,


Man, I've really missed you. Life has been good down here - everyone's been really nice and have gone out of their way to make me feel at home. I SHOULD be really happy but I really miss all of you guys.


I don't really have any close friends here. I have people who work for me - not really good "friendship" material. My cousin Leo and I hang out every once in a while, but he leaves for Bicol in January - he starts his new job as a med rep for a pharmaceutical company.


Manny and I ended up chatting online the other day after he put Brianna to sleep. He's amazed that the older I've gotten, the more and more I've become like he was when we were still in school. I don't really know if I like that.


Brandon saw me online the other night & IM'ed me with his new handle. He's working on a new project. He and Nina have broken up so he's drowning himself in work again. I mentioned that Rob had finally gotten married last month. I told him to come visit me here when he wants to take a vacation.


I called Karen the other day to see how she was doing with the new baby. She sounded really good but she had to get off the phone because of Emily.


I haven't spoken to Jen lately, but she emailed me when Karen gave birth.


How are YOU doing? Are you and your dad OK again? Where are you staying now? Now that you and Jeannie are through are you and Nick close friends again? I hope you are again - he and Denise really miss your friendship.


Charlene & I are still dating. My whole family is pressuring me about marriage - they're really set on seeing some grandchildren soon. I think about it and I think that Charlene would be such a good wife but I don't really know her. I see her only once a week if that much. I haven't even told her that I love her yet because I don't know. I just don't know.


Annie still sends me text messages. I try to ignore them. I wish she would finally move on so she could be happy. I definitely know that she will be happier without me.


We were supposed to open the new restaurant in Pampanga this past week. It didn't happen - the contractors did a horrible job. I think I got mad more than I normally would because I didn't want my Dad to have a heart attack because of the mess the two architects have made of the store. I've been on edge all week because of it. I stayed home today to relax and do nothing. It's helping. My Dad thinks that we may finally open before the end of the year. I hope so. Otherwise, it's been a huge waste of time and money.


My parents are well, though my grandmother died at the end of last month. She was in a lot of pain so it was actually good that the end came quickly. Everyone really took it hard specially my Dad, because he was her favorite. She was my last grandparent so now everything changes. We all used to visit her on Sundays, but now there's less reasons for everyone to get together. Eventually, I'll see my cousins only on BIG occassions like weddings and baptisms. Hopefully, that wouldn't happen that quickly.


Save up. Come visit me here. I'll even help you find a wife. I've just got the right person for you, too. . .


Take Care & Happy Holidays,



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to whom it may concern:

alam ko namang hindi talaga pwede eh...pero hindi ako nagsisisi...hindi ko nga malagay sa isip ko ang pagsisisi...nag-enjoy naman kasi ako.

pero ngayon parang nanghihinayang ako....hindi mo kasi ata naappreciate yung mga ginawa ko dati....hmmm..hanggang dito na lang kaya?

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to shades,


i tried to say goodbye. i tried to stay away. and i did. for a week i was able to. today you said you just wanted to give me something. i told you i'm busy. you waited for me.


i missed you. it's been a week since i last saw you. why? are you too busy for me? that's what you said.


and i said yes.


ok.. i just want to give you these. i hope you have a nice christmas. you said.


thanks. i will. goodbye.


and then you left. looking sad and lonely.


you have lost me. i got tired of waiting. thanks for the gifts. i will always treasure them because they're from you.


before i finally say goodbye, i have to tell you this, i love you, but things aren't meant to be.


so goodbye is the word that comes to mind. goodbye. i said goodbye to our love before it even began.





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To my future daughter,


I do not know if you shall ever come to my life. Yet a little voice inside me tells me for some reason to write to you, though now you are merely in my imagination. But then, every worthwhile endeavour starts with a dream.


You were not brought into this world to just enjoy happiness and warmth and love. You were not brought here just to make me and your mother, whoever she will be, happy and contented. Rather, you were given to us by the Almighty to raise as another of the long line of sword and torch wielders. You were here to make a difference.


It need not matter if you were a girl or guy, we would have raised you the same. You will have that naturally inquisitive and quick nature, and those violent tendencies so inherent in us. The slim height, the bony fists, reddish skin, troubled eyes, and curly hair, will all be yours too, for good or for bad. What gold, booty, and reputation we are able to grasp, retain, and accumulate in this fickle world shall pass on to you too.


If I find you deserving.


I will send you to the fires and trials early, putting you to productive work and leadership positions in your teen years even as you study, as I did. There, slowly you yourself will feel and discover your particular innate strength and skills on your own, and be so much more confident for it. Thus you will instinctively long for and fiendishly scheme for the higher posts, knowing in your quiet heart of hearts you can do better and help advance our people more than those presently sitting there. Money will control you little, luxuries even less, what will move you is that buring ambition to make a difference. You will have your own offroad capable machine as soon as you have the strength to drive one, your own gun as soon as you can carry the weight steadily, and your own business to run as soon as you can carry the entire burden. And I will also ask you to find work in another country, that you may know how the world really really ticks, and so really really know how to make it tick better.


I will pray you will not break in the testing, my daughter.


You will thrive because you will be needed, amongst all skills, leadership, intelligence, and the courage to use these, are among the rarest to find. In so becoming, you will need no one anymore, and find happiness in exercising your sharpened talents for a higher cause.


And what of love? What of affairs of the heart? Since these are inevitable, I can only leave you with some advice. Wait until you and the man are at around the third decade of life, and heavily involved in some endeavour or trial, before you let fall your iron guard. Only by that age have the trials pounded out the impurites in the spirit and left behind the real steel for you to judge properly its temper and strength.


After all, love is not very important. Living for your high dreams is. Love will not shape your destiny. You will. The men who will be able to approach you do so because they recognize a kindred spirit. The men who are merely in love, will break their simple hearts on your iron mask and jeweled fist in vain.


After all, you are here to live your dreams, not to live within another's. You will crave competence and understanding more than you do sweet sugary affections. You wield a sword deadlier than most, and will not be threatened by nor settle for those of lesser temper. You will move to take what you want, if that is what is needed.


And of children, you may ask? The time will come when you feel that desire to live forever, and you will break your heart knowing you can not. The time will come when you realize, soon, so soon it will be over, and all you can do is to pray that one you will be given the gift to have a little of yourself left behind, to carry your sight into the next so many years. That as long as the child lives, then, so do you.


And you will raise him or her in no less fashion and in no less hope, another of your line, to witness in his era the continuing unfolding of the great human adventure. To realize as you have, that age to age, certain noble qualities have kept the adventure going:







yours, in spirit, forever,


Felix Villaflor IV.

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