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The Mail Box

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I was reminded the other day that we always have a

choice – we can choose to handle our life challenges

and relationships with love or with fear. I tried

recently to resolve a delicate relationship challenge,

but fear was my guide. The result was conflict. I felt

myself spiralling down into sadness and anger. I experienced

an escalating loss of control, and the less I felt in control

the more afraid I became. The more afraid I became, the more

I tried to fix things - but from a place of fear, which made

things worse. After a few days of this, I stopped – it wasn’t

working. I was withdrawing and risking the permanent damage of

a dear friendship and love.

I was reminded that there was another way to deal with things,

a way that felt to my ego like losing or giving in, but to my

heart felt like relief and opening. I learned that it is more

painful to try to hold back love, than to love even with the

risk of hurt. Sometimes in an attempt to protect ourselves from

pain, we create an even deeper pain, the pain of closing our hearts.


I went back to my friend but this time without holding back my love.

I let the love I felt for this dear person flow, even though it hurt

to care so much and despite my fears of risking it all by opening so

much. And what occurred was magical. Everything changed. The results

I had failed to create using fear and pushing now emerged with


and care. The relationship was taken to a new level of trust and



Sometimes we do the most damage to our valued relationships by holding

back our love out of fear – ironically we then create the thing we are

the most afraid of, conflict and even the loss of the relationship.

Don’t push the ones you love out of your heart. Risk it all by loving



During this festive season, consider who it is in your life that you

have pushed out of your heart? You cannot change others, you cannot

make them love you or like you. But you can keep them in your hearts

and love them. This truly would be a year-end gift worth giving, and

not to them but to yourself.


Wishing you and yours a peace filled 2004, and a time of gratitude,

love and joy.

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