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To my good friend,


I’ve always thought you were a very special friend. You’ve always had such a wonderful way of doing things for me without making a big deal about it. Just simply being together, eating, talking anything about our lives. All of this I miss most when I’m not with you. You’re the kind of person I enjoy being with and I respect your opinions even when we disagree. Thanks for all the support and encouragement you given me.


See you later!

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I guess you've made your choice. I haven't made mine, the new one that is, since I'm not at liberty to make any rash decisions now. I'm not in a hurry, and I'm not desperate. Work, regardless of the pressure it has given me the past few months, seem to be my only recluse now. And I'm not complaining.


The thing is, there this side of me, my tiny, human side, who needs that small amount affection I used to have from you. Again, I can't complain, I am simply content being with myself, but I do miss your touch. I miss your whisperings in my ear how much you want me.


Then again, by the time I get to work, everything else won't matter. I just want you to know that...




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i still think about you...


iniisip ko kung nasaan ka, ano kayang ginagawa mo ngayon, do you still stay up late at night...


minsan naman iniisip ko walang dapat panghinayangan...


hindi dapat paghinayangan ang isang bagay na di naman naumpisahan...


minsan naman iniisip ko kung paano na dun na lang talaga matitigil ang lahat


na araw-araw, gabi-gabi, ganito na lang ang takbo ng buhay ko




at palayo-layo ka nang palayo


pero ako patuloy pa ring bumabalik


sa mga lugar na dating naroon ka


nagbabasakaling babalik ka rin






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Dear Ferdie,

It's so disappointing that you had to say all those mean things last night. You even made a big deal out of me being ur smokescreen to mom. I love you with all my heart but don't you see that you break it every freakin' time you lie to me? mind you, i'm the victim here, not you. You caused so much trouble. I'm letting go. If you don't see what the hell is wrong right now, then i'm sure, you haven't seen your marriage license in a LONG time. You're the best friend that i have always wanted. And now, i guess i have to let you grow on ur own. I'll be here to look at you from afar, but for now, let's just keep things real. We can't be seen together anymore. You, me? We're done. There was never an "US".




wishing you luck and success,


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What do you get from playing with my feelings anyway??? Am I not worth anything to anybody? Does it not matter how I feel? Do you not know that since I love you (this goes for both friends and lovers alike), every time I find out that youve lied to me about something, ANYTHING, it kills me BIG TIME? It hurts the very core of my heart and it just adds up to the lacerations my poor heart is suffering from. Yes people, I hurt A LOT when you lie to me so STOP LYING to me! If you really know me, youd know by now that I CAN HANDLE ANYTHING you tell me as long as it is the TRUTH. And heres a newsflash for all you guys out there: I KNOW what I AM and I KNOW what I AM NOT. I KNOW what I DO and DO NOT DESERVE so you better treat me right. I do not need to demand for respect for I know I HAVE EARNED it so you all better give it to me. I am sick of being treated like crap, so I am fighting back. I will treat you in the same way you treat me. If youre a DIMWIT NUMBSKULL and CANNOT comprehend these things, you STAY AWAY from me.

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It was pleasant to work with you for three long years. I lost one of my reliable and hardworking staff. I do hope you learned something under my guidance. Learn to be independent and mature your professional outlook, and i'm sure you'll go places someday.


I can't help but think that you deleted those files on purpose. Why??? You know it will make things more difficult for the rest of the team.


Now i'm thinking of giving you a hard time for your clearance. And i have to be objective with this.

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sometimes life gives you the weirdest things.......hmmmm and its so hard to actually to swallow it all at once.......

then you look back and see the humor of it all......then just when you think you can accept it all....BAM!!!! life again throws you a fastball......and me wondering if i can catch it when am still trying to breathe from the last one......what the heck........

as always everything happens for a reason....hmmmmpppp........


how does one live in a crazy world?????? hahahahah just taking it one minute at a time i suppose.... and hope for the best hehehe

Edited by tessa215
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if i choose to be silent around you, if i choose to just smile at every word you say, if i choose to just close my eyes when i find myself falling, please, respect it. it's not just for you, but also for me.


i don't think this can ever work out and i know you know that too.

let's have fun, enjoy what we have. but please, nothing serious.


it's so hard to believe that this is coming from me.

i'm not that type really, but for you, i can pretend that i'm just playing...


for you, i can..

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dear you,



as in the past, what you said earlier made more sense than what i was planning to do. that was sort of a suntok sa buwan, sending you an sms, doing the rain dance in the hopes that the gods find my booty shake cute enough to make you realize that i desperately needed to talk to you.


thank you. so much. you're the first to tell me i'm going to pass. at least if i don't, i only disappoint one person :lol:


i don't know when we'll have time to talk (not much of a good idea?) again or at least bump into each other, i hope soon so i can give you a thank you kiss or hug or handshake maybe.


i feel over the moon. really.


thank you again.


halong lang..



besos y abrazos,





now if only you get rid of my fever or find my missing usb, whoa! anything you want- you get... :D

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To all the ladies who posts in the D2B thread,



First of all, I admire your guts in placing your photos there. Posting photos of yourself in the internet is a double-edged sword. I hope it won't hit you smack in the face.


Now the fun part. I'm really disappointed in most of the photos I see some of them I'm actually disgusted to look at. I believe this is a forum and not a porn site. While I admire your guts, it doesn't mean that I want to actually see them. I know some moron will actually tell you how beautiful you are... but then those idiots will tell you anything just to get to your pants. Some of them will actually tell me "If you don't like them, then don't look at them". How the f*ck will I know what I like if I don't see them? I believe the premise of that thread was for you ladies to post a photo that would somehow merit it to be in sexy men's mags not friggin tabloids. I hope you ladies get my drift. I have met some of you personally and I know you can actually do better.


To the select few... I love the way you presented yourself. Sexy, confident and yet you manage to dignify yourself. Thus, you earned my respect and admiration. Kudos to you. You left some things to the imagination which really shows your taste and how much you think of yourself.



Cheers http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i280/Phrozhen_Khold/Smileys/camera.gif

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for the hypocrites,


dearies it wouldnt be so bad if some of you would just keep to yourselves what you want to say... in fairness, fo you to lambast other members when you yourselves have no guts to even show your faces or even participate in events just goes to show that its envy that reigns in your mind and hearts coz you dont have the balls that the other person has...... keep the credo "if you cant say anything nice then dont' say anything at all" instead....... the funny thing is that some of you even do worse by being such a**holes in real life. PEACE!!!!!

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The Blade (aka Edzabu),


I am really, really irritated with the way you talk and with the way you look at women... You stare at them like you're so hungry for sex (because I think no one would want to do it with you anyway). To me, you look and sound like a total maniac and I honestly think that your brain needs some rewiring. I usually dont judge people with their looks alone but with you.... Im sorry, but it's evident that neither do you have the looks nor do you possess a good heart.


Good luck with your "ambition" but seriously, I think you should reconsider that. Because no one would want to have their pictures taken by someone like you,you squirt. <_<



B*tchy Me


PS: Don't even dare bringing out that camera sh*t of yours whenever me and my friends are around,because if I catch you,I don't care how much that thing's worth for, once i get my hands on it, it'll split up into a million pieces,and you'll have to put it back together yourself! <_<

Edited by hushpuppy20
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