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The Mail Box

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to truly love someone one needs to die a little.


well i guess im dyin now.


big time.

A poet once wrote that with love, it's not enough to suffer, you have to ask for suffering. But know that every thing passes and when times get rough, no matter how much pain you're going through, always remind yourself that "this, too will pass away".

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Guest LovingSouL

It's enough to have you for a moment to have a lasting mark on me

Thanks for the wonderful times....


Just stay as sweet, nice and gentle as you are ;)

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A poet once wrote that with love, it's not enough to suffer, you have to ask for suffering.    But know that every thing passes and when times get rough, no matter how much pain you're going through, always remind yourself that "this, too will pass away".



Magaling ka nga. What you said is right... true love does not count the tears shed or wounds suffered. True love is just that -- true love.


And yes, wounds will heal. This, too... shall pass ...


Thank you for bringing a smile to my heart. :)


I hope today gives you countless reasons to smile as well. :)



Edited by WyldChik
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you had me scared there, you know. i didn't find it the least bit funny or amusing. please don't expect me to be just fine and take things as calmly as you would want me to. i hope you understand that.



Edited by mayella76
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hey B,


it's amazing how so much can change within just a week. somehow, things aren't the way they used to be anymore. i wonder what went wrong. i hope i can find clarity in all of these soon. i don't want to keep on forcing myself on something or someone when there is really nothing there for me to hold on to anymore.



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i should not be in this mood anymore but i still am...part of me is wondering if i should have done something different.....i had no money, no job, nowhere else to go except u or my family but u were in a tight spot too and i just didn't want to add to it...i do love u and i still do...it may be hard to belive but thoughts of u still linger in me.....can't seem to get past it at times....things,places and memories trigger thoughts of u that at times i'd rather be stuck at home than anywhere else right now.....one step at a time..im moving on....sticking to the plan i have in store for my future....hopefully i find peace there and i hope u get there too....take care always....... :blush: :wub: :wub: :wub: B)

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Hi baby!


I am just as proud as you are with what we've accomplished in 10 months. I love how near-perfect our relationship turned out to be...considering the odds we're up against.


You say I'm wonderful and I'm incomparable - honey, you are too. And I'm proud of you. I'm proud of the woman that i am with you. I'm proud of us.


I love you. Insanely.

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Guest LovingSouL



I remember us,

the way we used to be,

I'd hold you in my arms,

your smile so sweet to me,


But now when I see you,

you look right through me,

I feel so alone now,

but when I close my eyes...


...All I see is you.


The love we used to share,

gone up in whirl winds,

will I ever love,

or ever live again,


I am tired of crying,

and I am done trying,

To remember all about you,

but when I close my eyes...


...All I see is you.


All the love I am sending,

the memories I won't sell,

I know there must be an ending,

to the story I will tell,


I dream only of your love,

and happiness in life,

I try not to think of you,

but when I close my eyes...


..All I see is you.




Edited by LovingSouL
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