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Don't Fall

25 Sept 06




Hey babe, just wanna talk to you,

The coffee's good, let's a have a beer or two.

The movie's bad, just drink the night away..




I'm all alone, I know you are as well,

Maybe you and I have tales to tell.

I know it's weird we don't know what to say...




No matter how hard you try to hide

You know that I see it in your eyes.

No matter, whatever you're thinking of

Don't fall in love...




Hearts are beating, temperatures rising.

The scents and senses, so mezmerizing.

How did we ever end up in this state...




Flutterbyes, don't know what else to do.

You wanted me to tell you what I wanted too.

Could we stop before it's all too late...


(repeat chorus)




Accidents happen every day,

But nothing like this to me.

Oh I can't pretend, no, I can't be scared (at all)

Maybe it's just a mistake...




(repeat chorus)


(ad lib)


No matter, whatever you're thinking of,

You don't have to look at the stars above.

No matter, whatever you're thinking of,

Don't fall in love....

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kaya naman kitang kalimutan eh...ang dami dami ko nang kinalimutan sa buhay ko...may selective amnesia nga ako diba?...bat ba ayaw ko pa?...nahihirapan na ko...nasasaktan...malapit na...mapipilitan na siguro akong isama ka sa kanila....konti na lang...hanggat may iluluha pa....nakakapagod narin....parang gusto ko na....bahala na...malapit na.....

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It wasn't my pride that what I advised wasn't followed. I know my job. I'm just an adviser.


What hurt is not being paid for doing my job the best I could. You wanted best efforts, I gave it. I delivered more than what I promised & no more than what you said you wanted. You know I don't mean the money, I meant your promises, your palabra de honor.


Your credibility from hereon is less than zilch. You do not have my respect until you recompense people for lost opportunities. All is too late to simply live up to your word.


You can keep the largesse. People will die by what they live by.

Edited by TNT Hsia
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Im lost and alone baby.Who am I?.Not sure anymore looking to run right out the door.

Been running so long it's hard to see,don't know what I'm doing or what to believe.

Can't take the pressure or much more pain feeling of emptinessI'm going insane.

Ready to crash nothing left for me been gone too long living in a dream. Rattling on words but nobody cares no love in my life for me to share. Praying to God please help me now show me the way please tell me how.

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Having a broken heart hurts more than words can say sometimes you often think you can't make it through the day. Overwhelming as it seems time can heal the pain forgiveness is important sometimes people change. People grow apart sometimes when something is missing everything then turns around but loving is a risk. Don't blame yourself for trying it just wasn't meant to be soon it will get better although now it's hard to see.

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My head is filled with thoughts of you can't change the things that we've been through.

It's sad and lonely not expressing the love holding it back when push comes to shove. Maybe one day things can be right my heart is confused and losing the fight. Knowing deep down it will never be but my head refuses it just doesn't see.Keep on moving so the mind is full life without you is certainly dull.

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how strange. i'm having a hard time composing this short note for you.

could it be the fluctuating electricity, the memories of hot nights and afternoon delights?

or could be because i've said too much already? you don't have to worry about me and the impending departure. i've conditioned myself to think like you.. only happy thoughts allowed. and i have enough and i know more will come my way.

just be well, be safe and know that you are loved and cherished. i'll see you in december. :heart:


no matadors. no ladies in waiting. they will be killed with kindness :P


and no. this is not a love letter. neknek mo :lol: :lol: :lol:





- your evil one :hypocritesmiley:



oh, kath bloom? yeah. a standing invitation. if you're up to it :hypocritesmiley:

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oh macho dancer,


you should have been here to watch the movie with me. dialogues such as:


-are you a poet?


-good. because your lips taste sweet but poetry dampens my libido


would have made us look at each other, cringe then laugh like our favorite YM smiley nevertheless...


it wasn't that bad at all. and i could hazard a guess it would make an interesting conversation piece :P but then again, you're there and i'm here :D



:lol: :P :lol:



are you lonesome tonight? :lol:

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as we have both said, its just another long power outtage we have to live thru and yeah, i think we have stacked enough happy thoughts to last us thru.


we had our fun, dear, and we willl have more. if you think about, the only difference between what got us going and what we hope will keep us going at it is the timezone but posting this now and knowing the way we've been raiding the joint anyway only prove even that isn't much. so sige lang ang padungol a and we will keep on seeing each other the way we always did and for that we don't even have to say goodbye. well, we do if only to keep the promise that it willl be proper between us.


so until then, i'll just be here. oh, btw? you stilll owe me a transcript. hahaha. heart you, lungs you and stomach you, hahaha! take care, k.


-the yet unnamed one. hahaha. :P

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Thanks for giving me cash when you arrived and before you left.


Am glad I was available to accompany you to renew both our passports. I know HOW happy you were when we finally received them. I know you want me to leave here.


Who knows ... my CV is with Tia A. It's ALL up to them. Am open and willing naman. ;-)


Take care of yourself there.


We're sad that you have loss SOME weight. Dont let Ate N and her activities get to you. She wont change. You're just wasting your time on your anguish with regards to her. Just enjoy the time you have there.


Love you, Mom!



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I have a feeling I am treading on dangerous soil. I want you to know that I do not intend to stay and should it happen that I linger longer than what is appropriate, remind me to take leave and depart, chase the wind and to never come back.


I shall look after my self, my interest, and make sure that I stay protected from harm's way. If I neglect to take care of my being, remind me to pick myself up and search for the foot of the rainbow and to not return without my pot of gold.


As for you, please do not forget to look behind you for the image you have in front of you, that of me, is a mirage, a self indulgence and self exploration of what I am capable of. The image I don't want you to leave behind is what is real and true. Hold on to that. I am but dust and I shall be blown away, find myself on this earth, but never with you.

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I can still taste you.

Your smell is lingering in my memory.

I regret that you came just now.

But I appreciate the fact that you came at the most imperfect time.

Thank you for the sweet, sweet, sweet moment.


I know you keep brushing off my remarks about not being together again.

You are so confident that we will not be able to refuse.

That like magnets, we shall gravitate towards each other

and "have a blast".


But then again, I am being sensible.

I have to be. You seem to be so game.

But life is not a game, though it can be a gamble.

And my heart, rather than expose it to a crucible.. I'd rather keep it from the fire.


Been burned... Don't want that again.


I just want to have fun, you know.

I got it... Time to move.

I realized what I can do. I did it.

Time to move on and not do it again.


I just couldn't tell you, because you might think I'm going over board.

I'm just being practical. But no, I will not let you know.

I can handle this myself.




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a few more days.....i'll be able to let go of whatever it was i had for you...still sad that things turned out this way but i understand and I'm not complaining or anything. "Nanghihinayang"....is the appropriate word...it's not everyday that i feel whatever it was that i felt for you...it was just so amazing, unbelievably beautiful...i think it's even phenominal :lol:


But I'm a little better now....i'll be over you very soon...I hope.....and i pray....I don't know...I'm not sure...but i have to...i have to.....right? :( ...right. :(

Edited by iwalkalone
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how can you be such a jerk? i have met a lot of jerks before but you take the cake. you use us as if the only reason for our existence is to be a receptacle for that thing you have between your legs, and you can't even control it. ang pathetic mo talaga, kami na lang pinagiinitan mo just because you don't have the balls to try that kind of crap with another guy. you're 27 years old but you have the mind (and IQ) of a 5 year old bully. the only reason that you have a life is because the internet allows you to spew your venom without retaliation. too bad you can only go to ktvs and mps, the only way you can have female companionship is to pay for it. i'm just waiting for the day you get careless.

Edited by passion^in^pink
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Its crazy how things are turning out between us.

And to think that it is just starting.

But how can I say it is starting when I insist that it is nothing?

Or am I making such a big deal out of it for the sake of making a deal out of it?

I do want to see you soon, but I don't want to see you again.

Its confusing knowing I want something that I don't want.

But I am hanging on to what you said -- tomorrow, we'll talk (even if it is about work.)

So I am foolishly counting the hours, just like I did when I waited for you.

The hours to tomorrow when we will again talk (perhaps you will call?).

A friend said it might be a combination of the desire for intimacy and the desire for liberty.


Maybe not.

It is quite bizarre at this point to even contemplate about it.

Anyhow, good night, baby.


Edited by chiquezee
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Full of broken thoughts

I cannot repair

Beneath the stain of time

The feeling disappears

You are someone else

I am still right here

What have I become?

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know

Goes away in the end

You could have it all

My empire of dirt

If I could start again

A million miles away

I would keep myself

I would find a way

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It's been few weeks? a couple?...oh i don't know...i can't remember...last night....i found myself crying ...*sigh....even after you called...i still felt the sadness...of knowing you're gone already....still around...but gone.


I guess it's the feeling i had for you...that i cry for...more than the thought of having lost you. It's just sad....when you have to k*ll something that is so beautiful. Sayang. :cry: *sigh

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