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The Mail Box

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Spending time with you is pure bliss. Bear in mind that I\'m not holding back. I just want to be as sure as possible. Contrary to what you think, I bet. Give me enough time to know you. Remember, patience is a virtue :)

Edited by lovelybabe
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To the Best Man at my wedding,


I'm sorry to hear that you and your wife are filing for divorce after close to 10 years of marriage. You were lucky to have had a wife like her. It's unfortunate and it saddens me a lot that you don't seem to realize what you're giving up just because of your stupid pride.


I wish you the best my friend pero I have to take your wife's side on this one. I blame you for the failure of your marriage. You fell into the company of people whose narrow-minded views influenced your views on life.


I don't know where your life's headed and I don't think you do either.

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(The management of dumb superiors)




I saw the short insulting note by which a senior manager belittled your statement. I also saw how flimsy the senior manager's note was, and who other senior managers he had copied in. Understandably, you are hardly able to see the computer screen in your rage and irritation.


This is expected.


No, I will not counsel you to let go of your anger, to let this one pass mutely, since the senior manager is a full four levels above you. (Heck he is even above me) Neither will I counsel you to explain your side in great detail and to thoroughly prove him wrong in all counts. Nor will I counsel you to go for a win win situation in this scenario.


You must realise that what has actually happened is that he has swung a blow at you...and missed, thanks to his incompetence. Now that he has fired his bolt without killing you, he is therefore vulnerable to your counterattack while he loads a fresh bolt. Therefore do not lose your temper seeing the bolt that just whizzed by. You must react now and attack while his pants are still down. Focus on just the one most blatantly mistaken statement he made, and force your corrections down very deep with a quick, cool, well chosen, intelligent words, incontestable words. One quick deep stab - enough for one k*ll - all you need. Do not lose time and focus by trying to correct all his statements - you just give him breathing space to raise his defense and possibly even reload a bolt.


A single well timed violent blow today is worth five well-aimed violent blows tomorrow.


(You can get away with this even as a junior officer only because you are sure you are absolutely correct in that one deep stab, and because he is not your direct boss)


He can respond in two ways - counterattack you - which will probably open up more opportunities for you to stab him given his ignorance and weaknesses - or keep quiet and nurse his wound. If he is smart, he will chose the latter. If he indeed does that - do not press the attack anymore. Sometimes our goal is to just win the battle, and survive to fight the rest of the war.


If you do nothing to this blatantly wrong statement, you will lose credibility to others, credibility that will be so hard to gain down the road later, when you aspire to be more senior and then toughness is expected of you. I know you will fear opening the email tomorrow to see his response, but only through the proper trials do we toughen the steel of our swords.


There is no better way.


You must also realise that there is nothing wrong with earning your stripes using the mistakes of other managers as steppingstones. The win-win principle is not encompassing; they teach that crap at the management seminars for young officers merely to neuter the future competition. Some things in life must remain a zero sum game - you must win, even if it means others must lose.


We go win-win only if it suits us. We go only for whatever strategy suits us best, period


You will realise soon enough why I had laughed when you first told me about it. I was not laughing at you, I was laughing at the senior manager. If you play him just right, and don't get too greedy, you can steadily earn so many points, at his expense. Next time you meet him, gladly shake his hand and smile. Just smile. Show your teeth for about 2 to 3 seconds.


Who has truly something to lose now?


Happy stabbing!




P.S. Never underestimate the dark side, nor old politicians.

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Odd ... I have dreams and you're in them.


Do you want to tell me something?


My first was you arriving at the airport, while I was to depart ... we met at the arrival gates and we hugged. I guess it's my subconscious trying to "close" that chapter of my life ... coz I wasnt able to properly bid you farewell.


I do MISS you, daddy! Hope you know that deep in my heart I loved you and appreciated you ... even though I never got to fully express my emotions. You guys never brought me up that way.


Mom does too ...


The 2nd one ... you were encouraging me to renew my driver's license. I dont see the need to ... have no vehicle to drive. Just unnecessary expense for me.


The last was quite recent ... you were with my TM peers, wearing the same outfit/uniform. Weird. I guess, I need to go back and achieve my CTM ... huh?


Have to ensure that I have regular funds ... attending the mtgs can be costly. Food, fare (should I just need to travel to Makati from home to attend a meeting) ... I know I owe it to myself and the club/org.


Guide me ... with my applications.


Help mom get her visa ... she's getting restless here.



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Sonnet 28 - My letters! all dead paper, mute and white!


My letters! all dead paper, mute and white!

And yet they seem alive and quivering

Against my tremulous hands which loose the string

And let them drop down on my knee to-night.

This said,—he wished to have me in his sight

Once, as a friend: this fixed a day in spring

To come and touch my hand . . . a simple thing,

Yet I wept for it!—this, . . . the paper's light . . .

Said, Dear, I love thee; and I sank and quailed

As if God's future thundered on my past.

This said, I am thine—and so its ink has paled

With Iying at my heart that beat too fast.

And this . . . O Love, thy words have ill availed

If, what this said, I dared repeat at last!


Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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