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The Mail Box

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I ALMOST cannot believe how the Dilbert principle can apply to you. What makes it so fantastic is that it applies to you not as an employee, but as the seed of the offspring who sprung forth from my loins.


You've sunk to new lows of incompetence. How is that at all possible? A whole week, food and lodging at my expense. A whole week, and you couldn't even try to drive her someplace more than 5 kilometers from home.


Such incompetence is astounding. It takes a real, conscious effort to sink that low.

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Dad, Tatay, Ama, Lolo ...


Thank you for:


* giving us all an education ...

* the courage to work abroad so you can provide opportunities for your family ...

* the various occassions you picked me up at "labasan" when I'd come home late ...

* the opportunity of living, growing up and being exposed to Western education (elementary and HS) ...

* for my appreciation of the world, experiences, different cultures and people ...

* the example of service ... to the officers and members of FAPNG (Filipino Association of PNG), Lions Club, Red Cross, church, Macaria Village Stage 5 Homeowners Association and your family (wife, children, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and granddaughter)

* the delicious food you'd prepare ... tapa, hamburger, adobo, escabeche ...

* accompanying me to my appointments after my accident ...

* driving me around: to work, Toastmaster meetings and other work/personal activities

* the EXTREME sacrifice ... your life!


We love you ... Dad, Tatay, Ama, Lolo!


We miss you ... Dad, Tatay, Ama, Lolo!

Edited by barenaked
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I have sold my soul to my vocation. Day and night I live, breathe and eat work. My best wordsmithing, my subtlest twists of phrase, my accurately timed replies, my finest selection of metaphors, have been prostituted in the name of projects, deadlines, and tasks all meant to supply more and more goods and services greedy world, as more and more of our brothers and sisters taste of the benefits of modern technology.


And ask for yet another fix.


It is indeed most unfortunate, to paraphrase MacArthur, wisest of all Generals, that our almost matchless advances in technology, industry, science, and education these past two thousand years has not been accompanied by proportionate advances in the human spirit. And it is this deep disparity between the material and the spiritual that would ultimately destroy the human race. He spoke these words at the end of the Second World War, on the eve of his ascension as Shogun of conquered Japan.


And these words remain true to this day.


In this season, during this time for reflection, we are again reminded to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and to give unto God what is God's, to seek the spiritual equally with, if not more than, the material. These words were spoken two thousand years ago,


and remain no less true to this very day.


So we must force ourselves to pause, to attend services, and to reflect. Have we been giving Caesar too much, and of what is not his anyway, and have we given too little to those who had want of our giving?


The world and its many wants can await as we attend to ritual, remembrance, redirection, and rededication, all long long overdue.



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I do miss you ...


It's hard to fight or convince myself that I'm better off w/o you.


I can only say you were the only one who treated me as a woman should be ... taken to dinner, movies and enjoying each other's stories.


At least I have those memories ...


Tears are steaming down my face as I type this ...


I love you ... still and will ... my heart holds a special place for you.

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Yes Art, you're not cool, you're not hip--I mean that word isn't even used anymore. You're not charming enough, not handsome enough and no, you're no Cassanova. Get over it.


Not all ladies are waiting for their Cassanovas. Some are just waiting for their valiant prince, cuddly bears or funny fools. Free yourself from conventional thinking. Free your spirit.



Your Ego


PS Now if only I can get you to believe this.

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it was your birthday, and were together. you made the same last new year. you called to say that youre all alone. youre family's at zambales and again i was the fool who offered to spend time with you... to make you happy. to make you smile on those special days...i did it all for you. f#&k, i have to leave my family and friends and a five-day vacation just to be with you...i just spent a night at subic and hurried home to be you. i was so happy....


you, the aristocratic, social being, fastcar-riding, lovely you, spending time with me in the most special day your life? well, i am over you. leave me alone. you have your someone now. you have you list of suitors...why torture me with sweetness...singing again our odes, giving a spark to our love then leave me again, hanging, then banging my head on the floor?


sometimes, i think that you are holding me on a short,tight leash. if im too far way from you, you'll jerk it a little, i come running again...is this karma? if it is, it did a good job and more... i dont love you anymore... then again, im a good liar...according to you atleast...






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