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May mga gusto ba kayong pa-hagingan ng inyong nararamdaman? Anger, Admiration, Love or kahit ano para sa kapwa MTC Member? Post it here malay mo baka mabasa nya :rolleyes:


Note: You don't have to indicate who or for whom, bawal dito ang away :)

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There are times that you have to close your door my dear friend... and you will see that new doors will open for you. You have your whole life ahead... live it... leave the past behind. You have the right to be happy... we all do. I'll guide you if you want to... :hypocritesmiley:

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You mesmerize me... I take effort communicating with you...but lately I could see you're just a typical yuppie lady, with black skirts, spaghetti tops, and Marlboro Lights... just like the others... no offense, i see you as a fine young lady... but you're sense of fun and social life are ideas i share barely a decade ago... - the bar, dinner, movies, and stuff... i've been there... done that. i live a simple and reclusive life now. ;)

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Getting acquainted with you could cause a lot of stir... I may be accused of pedophilia, cradle snatching, or statutory rape. But technically, all of these accusations will be baseless... as you are already 18. :P I see no age barrier in having friends, and having that in mind, I chose to open up and level with you. I am very appreciative of the warm response you've manifested... accepting to let me in your life... to know you. Do not be afraid my child... I offer nothing but an elderly brother's concern and love... :hypocritesmiley:

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Being nice is never prejudicial... you choose noone, but everyone. All my life I have been a true friend for countless of persons, trying to help people...some of which I don't even remember their names now. But it's what makes me happy... it fulfills me. To the extent of my limitations, I will continue to be a friend to all those who are willing... and never think of bringing back the favor... as I expect nothing. Seeing you happy is all I need. :blush:

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I miss a friend like you, you're not frequenting the board anymore samantalang dati isa kang MTC addict :P Lie low ka na ba? Why? May iniiwasan ka ba or busy ka lang talaga? I hope you realize namimiss ka ng MTC, naming mga friends mo. Take care and Good luck sa lahat ng iyong plans sa life. :)

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it's more than 3 long years since i've joined MTC.... i'm one of the first 5,000 members. :mtc: you were the first person i knew, i conversed with, i confide with... we may not have been in constant communicationw ith each other but our friendship is unfathomable... and yet, we still haven't met. maybe, we're just showing the whole damn world that two people can be friends even without seeing each other... ;)

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To: Sarah Sensible (a.k.a. Sarah Ruth Pulanco)



I have read your letter in my mailbox. I did not reply for the reason that what you have done still hurts. Though I have already forgiven you, all the tears that have fallen from my eyes still burn my heart and soul into ashes; like acid rain, it pierces and melts.


You have given me your number but actually, I don't have a plan to record it in my phonebook. Maybe someday. A year is not enough to heal the wounds. But I will forget the pains soon.


Thanks for that email anyways.



From: Me

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you will never have any idea how much what you have done has hurt me.


i have chosen to keep my silence because i have no wish to get in the way. i took the good along with the bad.


thing is.... you and your friend seem to take delight in taunting and hurting me. i have no idea why, and i dont want to find out.


but fact remains -- what goes around, comes around.


what you took away... someone else will take away from you too.


and when that happens, you will have an idea exactly how much you have done to hurt me.


and by then... id have moved on.


and on.


and on.

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C says you didn't even enjoy sex with her.




i mean, really. you're in a loveless relationship with a woman who can't even make you cum.


really. it's so absurd, it's hilarious!!!


and earlier, i was with M... you were brought up. and honestly, i didn't even want to hear it.


i am so done with wanting you back. i am so done with waiting for you to realize i'm the best thing that will EVER happen to you.


i am so done.


i really, seriously wish you happiness with her. hope everything works out.


and i also hope that someday, you can will yourself to cum when you're f**king her.

Edited by missmanners
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I really suck! I still have this feeling for you!

After that night! I still care for you until now!

Your tita said you are happily married with a beautiful baby girl!

I should not care right?! But damn I still do! I want to be honest with myself! I want to project I dont know you! I dont care! I dont love you!

But that would be bull right? Hahahahahaha I wish you the best lot....

I wish I would start to heal. 2 years? I should have healed. I should have forgiven him. But I dont know. All I can do now is laugh at myself. Take care of your angel lot. I know she is the most beautiful thing in the world.



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you dont even know what youre saying.

how dare you meddle into my life.

who do you think you are, and who died and made you in charge?


dont you ever dare presume you know what i am speaking about.

if i were you, i would worry about your own life first...

and never worry about mine because its not your life.


quit living vicariously.

get a life.

you need one, bad.


yeah, this is for you ....go lose some more weight or something. that should make things better for you.


Edited by Wyld
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