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Random Thoughts Thread

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In fever last night, fighting the flu, I dreamt of my family library room back home, the rows upon rows of encyclopaedias, the authoritative Britannnica,(the google of yesterday), the hardbound books and the cheaper paperbacks of history, war, and classic literature. Awakening, I looked up Alfred, Lord Tennyson's immortal Ulysses.


(Thanks D)


It is refreshing to read Poetry through an Engineer's eyes. Masters of either field must wield creativity and discipline at once: for creativity wthout discipline is mere chaos, whilst discipline without creativity is mere routine.


For the masters of any and every field respect the same ultimate principles, and thus all are shards of the same Eternity; individually reflecting facets of the same Creator's glory.


To cross mental swords with masters - now that, that gets me horny. Despite this flu.



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you knew each other from west point but now you are enemies. the evil empire and the barbarous south. as you sat on your horses atop your hills and confronted the sight of the other across you, across fields that would later be littered with the dead, your dead, did you think of the men, did that weigh heavy on your hearts that they would do as you commanded and perhaps pay for it with their lives...or was it more like a video game played between two competitive, but close friends

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