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Random Thoughts Thread

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Tolstoy (or was it that commie Trotsky) once said that "war is the lcoomotive of progress". Indeed, the first engineers were tasked with building castles, keeps and fortresses, and many other things of a military nature. So ingrained was their military nature that when engineers first ventured to utilize their war skills for the civilian field (to build roads and bridges for example) those civil practitioners had to be delineated as "civil" engineers.


Even today, all the cutting edge fields of engineering are rooted in the field of war, without exception: from computers, to the Internet, to the rest of the tangible world, all were developed or their development was accelerated because once upon a time we had to use them for massive killings.


It is a fundamental dilemma that we strive to do much good with such tainted knowledge and tools. There is no purity in this world, not even in the realm of the engineers. There is only making the best compromise amongst the various evils, just like any trapo would tell you.



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