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Random Thoughts Thread

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I'm the only one you've got. I wish you would be nicer to me. It wasn't my fault that you're in that situation. It was never my fault so don't talk to me like I was the one to blame in everything. In the first place I do all the stuff for you to be better. Don't make me regret my decisions just to be by your side. I'm not a robot. I get hurt too. You may have never seen my cries for the longest time but that doesn't mean I don't. And with your condition you still get to threaten me? Go and k*ll me now if that's what you please. Where does being mean and stubborn leave you when I'm gone? Your money can't buy you love, care and attention. Don't drive me away because when I finally decide to go, it's gonna be real.

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I just realized that there are two things you can do to gain like points from people in this forum.


The first is the most obvious one. Post a naked picture of yourself or something close to it, what they call a teaser pic. It doesn't really matter whether or not you have the physique that men salivate over or that women get hot and bothered by. People can appreciate anyone who is comfortable with his or her own body, and soon enough you will get a 'like' from even the most discerning member of this forum.


The second one is like the first, minus the baring of skin. You can post your most naked thought, without fear of scrutiny. It doesn't really matter how well read you are, how wide your vocabulary, or how flawless your command of the written word is. What matters is how you express yourself in writing and the sincerity, intention, and purpose behind each word.


Dare to bare or dare to express. Your choice. And they're not entirely dissimilar either.

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