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musings over batirol & bibingka


between an uncertain yes and a definite no, always settle for the latter for it gives one the direction where to head. the former only sets one in a space where you can neither sit or stand, run or walk, talk or be silent. always go for certainty, life has much to offer that lingering in limbo.

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The True Professional


When you work on something

work on it because the task is worthy of all your best efforts

any task big or small should be worthy of your best efforts

think not of how many people you can impress with your work

think only of giving justice to the work itself

remember that not at all times we are appreciated for a job well done

but at least we should always make sure, that justice has been given to the work itself

An actor may not always impress all of his audience

but he should always give justice to the character he portrays


Learn and continue to learn.

The reason why something is worth doing,

is because there is always a way to do it better.

When you unlearn before you learn.

forget whatever previous knowledge you have.

So that you may relearn it again better.

A cup that is already full can never be replenished.

How can someone be better at something,

when one refuses to accept that there is much more to learn


Gain respect trough friendship, and not friendship trough respect

remember that even between adversaries respect can always exist.

respect others space, though the universe is infinite

not all of its space can be monopolized by you.

Respect other peoples time, for time is not reimbursable.

Most of all, never waste time that is not yours.

Acknowledge other peoples ability over you.

Never size them up, when you know you can never measure up.

Avoid giving unsolicited advices,

for this is insinuation that you are better than the other person.

Insinuation of being better, can sometimes be taken as an insult.


Learn to accept criticisms. Because criticisms aim to improve you

no one is a true professional when he cant take one for himself.

The greatest motivation is always the truth.

Because more often than not, we have to drink better medicine to be better.

Remember that truth is left to the honest people, and eloquence is for the tailors.

Be careful of giving your own criticisms.

Be an authority first before criticizing something.

Otherwise, people will rather appreciate you for what you don't say.


Be objective and be dispassionate.

Anger and emotions only cloud your judgement.

Remember that the person you meet at work,

is not always the same person outside of it.

Don't be too picky with tasks, rather, let the task pick you.


Succeed properly and fail properly.

Be modest with your triumphs.

Lower yourself even in days of glory

so that other people will raise you up and look up to you.

Modesty is encouraging other people to find out for themselves how great you are.

When you fail, never make excuses

you can come up with a thousand reasons for failure

but not one of them should be an excuse.

People are never interested in either the reasons or excuses you have.

But some of them can appreciate your acceptance of a responsibility.

Let your failures become part of your success.

Because even in defeat, there is always glory.


Finally, let other people be proud of your work.

and never forget, that in a job well done

its not you who deserves the praises

but only the work itself

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ngayon ko lang napansin, mabait pala talaga ako.

imagine, natiis ko lahat ng super bad traits mo ng pitong taon?



tapos hihirit ka na ibang tao ka na ngayon?

naku, hello naman.

personality change at our age is a red flag for a psychiatric consult.

even you know that.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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