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Know Thyself (Love Your Self First)

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Easy to say but difficult to do. Perhaps we could list down some of the things that help us love ourselves? I'll start, maybe people can pick up and share what they experienced.

Look back into trauma that made you feel that you are of less worth than you truly are. Better if you have a therapist or a close friend who is willing to listen that won't judge you. My example of why I found it difficult to love myself is that I always compared myself to my siblings. All three of us are smart but I slacked off in studying because I was lazy so I eventually stopped getting recognized for my achievements. When I started getting lower grades and even failed some subjects, i beat myself up internally. This went on until I brainwashed myself that I am only worth loving if I achieve something or succeed. If I couldn't succeed I would in turn try to please people so that they would like me.

Thankfully my siblings helped me overcome some of the trauma. They talked to me about their own experiences and how they also struggled growing up trying to keep up with the expectations. They told me that regardless of what I do and what I do or don't achieve, they will still love me as their brother. 

Finally my last talk was my dad who I was trying to emulate because he was my idol. What made me forgive myself for all my failures was when I asked him if he was proud of me. He simply told me, it's my life. I have to be the one to evaluate if it's something I can be proud of. He already lived his life and he should not be the basis of my happiness. 

Loving yourself includes being patient and forgiving of yourself for all your shortcomings but never being satisfied with being stagnant. Grow and move forward. 

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