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Describe Your Personality


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In a nutshell


Q - quality conversations are my weakness

U - unafraid to voice out what's inside my head

E - enjoys long walks or running during the afternoons and then stop to watch the sunset

E - enjoys good conversations from the shallowest of subjects to something that would make me think

N - NOT for hire. PLEASE, do not pm me for rates, services or promos. if you're still persistent, be ready with a million bucks.


D - devoted to family and friends

A - an angelic psychotic therapist to my very good friends

R - respectful to those who deserve respect

K - keen to learn new things

E - effortless in dishing out sarcasm to those who deserve it

I - introspective at times

N - not a smoker nor a drinker. gave up those things 4 years ago.

J - just an ordinary girl who likes eating and cooking

E - enamored by black and white images whether i take them or they are taken by someone else

L - loves freely. (nope not just the romantic type. i do love my friends to the ends of the earth as well)

Edited by Queen Darkeinjel
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Im Leon,


I love a lot of things in life from adventure to art, career and hobbies,

Im very picky with music and movies, i like to watch dvd a lot.

but my true passion is in motorcycles from mopeds to big bikes.


I also have fantasies specially romantic relationship with women. (which until now, i know i havent put so much into it)

because im to cautious about love life so i rather not dwell so much about it and find happiness on other things.

Im married , and i have 2 kids.


I wish 1 day is 48hrs para madami ako magawa. .


"Never Love someone because of Pity, Love them because the are Pretty"

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I'm patient and I don't burn bridges. If I can, I would cross it multiple times even. :ninja:


I conquer and I embrace the conquest. I am honest. I'm definitely a flirt. It's an art I enjoy. Sex of the mind is always a good start for actual sex.


I'm quite hairy hence, the avatar. :D


I haven't actually met anyone here yet who has tickled my brains. I mean some have pleasured my manly flesh but no one has connected with me intellectually.

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