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Who, What Made you SAD today???

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>this is the standard of teaching at my school

>get marks back for computing lab from my marker

>want to discuss marks next lab

>she's not in

>email her, she sets up meeting for friday

>i turn up on time, she's told someone else she's going to be late

>i have s@%t to do so I send her another email

>'oh very sorry, let's meet in lab'

>last wednesday in lab she's not in again

>i email her and cc the course supervisor

>next morning i get an email saying 'let's meet up today at 4pm'


>at 4pm she has my code and her marks for my report, but not my report

>i have to get out my own laptop do we can discuss it

>we go through the marking scheme

>'no i definitely did this, it's in the appendix'

>scroll down, it's in the appendix

>'oh very sorry, but you could have linked it in the main report'

>scroll up, it's clearly linked with 'refer to appendix A'

>she ends up giving me 10% additional marks because of her incompetence

>one of the best engineering institution in the Philippines.

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