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Who, What Made you SAD today???

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12 minutes ago, paulmarcel0619 said:

Thank you, only a few people can see the good in me. Even, I myself don't know if I am or not. I just do what I think what will make other people's lives a little bit more comfy. I mean, I want the people around me to have the things I have. Most of the time, I give more that what I can offer, but it's me. Like I said I want them to have a good life, too!

Thank you for the prayers and positive thoughts. I will try my best to stay strong, not for me, but for my son. I REALLY want to be with him and teach him things like what a father should. I really don't know anymore. I JUST WANT TO BE W/ MY SON.

It's 7:03 pm. And in a few more hours, people will go to bed, and finally I can find peace again, in the silence.

You are always welcome brother and it's good to know your son is the reason you get up in the morning and be the special person that you are...

whatever happens, your son will look up to you with utmost respect and love because of the devotion you have shown to him.

stay strong always buddy!!

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