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Falling For A Therapist - Merged Thread

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Well the profession will always be an issue, but as much as possible I won't talaga. :D Para saakin di mo parin talaga maiiwasan isipin from time to time kungano kapangit actually talaga yung profession na ganun in real life setting. No offense but thats what i really feel talaga about it. Yeah, yeah, it's love alright, but in the real world, things are totally different. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
let's not judge a lady by her profession. she may have reasons for being in such a predicament. i have lady escorts here at mtc... but i treat them as friends, i was never a client. you might be surprised to know the underlying reasons why they're are doing it. no offense, but i do believe they're much better persons than most of you.  ;) they are people too, much like you and me... capable of having true feelings and have the right to express them freely as you. what right do you have to judge them?


nice reply from The General. Fair response. Society might dictate not to respect and take MPAs seriously as a partner.... but we should always be reminded that MPAs are also human. They need to be respected, cared for and loved as any other person. dito sa mga ganitong topic lumalabas ang pagka-double standard ang mga tao. They deserve to be taken seriously as ordinary girls. they may be in a job which society is not amenable to but we should try to find out what causes them to do it. and still give the love and respect due them. I am sure given the opportunity, they will not be in that kind of business.


reality....may struggle to love and accept them for the person loving them. on the other hand, if MPAs would want to be loved and taken seriously later on...kailangan when the right person comes...they'll decide somehow to leave the business and start anew. :)

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nice insight heavygatin


thanks po.


anyway, most MPA's have boyfriends who don't know their line of work...usually from the same social status who think their girls work at some office in Cubao or Makati or something...


well..if that is the way to do it para they can be loved and respected why not...but they should find the opportunity to tell the guy and be true later on..kasi diba sabi nga..walang apoy na di umuusok...so..malalaman pa din later on..bottomline..honesty.

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