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South China/West Philippine Sea

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^^^ Its not that I cant believe that you know something, Its that I don't believe most of the things you say. Mahilig ka mag palusot and mahilig ka mag imbento. You have no credibility to me.


Nasaan ang palusot at imbento sa pinag-uusapan namin?


And what's the point in you joining the conversation? If I don't have credibility, why bother respond?


All your posts on the issue shows your ignorance. Do you butt in because you desperately wanted to show us how clueless you are?

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Nasaan ang palusot at imbento sa pinag-uusapan namin?


And what's the point in you joining the conversation? If I don't have credibility, why bother respond?


All your posts on the issue shows your ignorance. Do you butt in because you desperately wanted to show us how clueless you are?

FYI this is an open forum and anyone can butt in at any time. You do not monopolize this conversation.

My conversation with you is for entertainment. I get a kick out of hearing your crazy answers like you claiming to be in the know while everyone else is clueless. Spare us the bullshit. When it comes to China and the WPS, Duterte's inaction is obvious.

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I get a kick out of hearing your crazy answers like you claiming to be in the know while everyone else is clueless.

Not everyone else here is clueless. Ikaw lang.


And you get a kick out of being pawned every time. What a masochist.


Pero di mo pa rin kayang sagutin yung tanong: Nasaan yung palusot at imbento sa pinag-uusapan namin?

Edited by camiar
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  • 1 month later...

Hate to beg the question after all the back-and-forth over which president did what and disagreements over what constitutes 'noise' but what has the investigation yielded? Asking for real since I've not heard news except for a July piece from Raissa Robles about a leaked report from the Manila side.


Also, why the double standard in defending the president? You can be critical of the man while still supporting him or his policies right? So why not call cowardly behavior just that? If he can be noisy over Canada's sh*t, he sure as heck should have a ready response when it comes to defending our fishermen and our territories. I think when we clamor for a response, this is not tantamount to calling for war. That much should be plain. As for actions, he can beef up our defense and have a firm response when Filipino lives are at stake, while still maintaining good relations with China. That would be true leadership. Sure, speak softly, but not gutlessly, yun lang naman hinihingi. But maybe that's too much to ask for, especially of a tired old man.

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^^^ I'm not sure exactly what the Raissa Robles leaked report is. Raissa has nothing but negative reports about the President, she has lost her relevance.


Regarding Digong's style of commentaries... three years into his presidency, we should have learned to pay attention to his actions, executive decisions, and policies, not to his rambling words and speeches.


I don't listen to his speeches. I wait for his official actions. I observe that his official actions are consistent with his program of governance. By focusing on his actions rather than his words, I have less confusion figuring out what he's up to.

Edited by camiar
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I do the same. But you must admit, the optics were disappointing and the response left much to be desired.


That's how he keeps his detractors off-balance.


He rambles on and on in his speeches, knowing fully well that his detractors are eagerly absorbing his every word, looking for slips that they can use against him. What's funny is, he can always get away by saying he was just joking or he was taken out of context. Works everytime.

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It'd be nice to think he was that intelligent, yes maybe he has the press figured out, but that that doesn't ring true in his dealings with China, which is the only issue of any importance here. The optics bad, the direct response awful. And I don't believe his weak response was anything but a dangerous mix of cowardice and exhaustion. I hope I'm wrong for our country's sake.

Edited by dungeonbaby
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Abnoy had a lot of saber rattling and brave words to say against China about the West Philippine Sea.


Did it help? No.


We lost the Fiery Cross Reef (Kagitingan Reef) and Subi Reef (Zamora Reef) when China built their artificial islands on it.


And we just stared and watched them do it. To make matters worse, they used rock and soil materials quarried from Zambales as building materials!


China do what they did to us as a way to send a message to Uncle Sam, sort of using the Chinese idiom "killing the chicken to scare the monkey".


Right now, our military is not strong enough to enforce our sovereignty. We cannot rely on the USA to fight for us. We had to do it ourselves. We need time to quietly strengthen ourselves. In the meantime, we should not prod China into imposing their power over our weakness, because for now, we can't do anything about it. There is time in the future for that, when we have gained our strength.


China stopped further island building when Du30 came to power. If it is because of what you call "cowardice" response, i'd say, his strategy must be working.

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They already have an airstrip near us, have their claws dug in, why build more islands at a time when they're hurting economically.


Point is, I don't think anything they do or don't do with regard to the WPS is because of Duterte.


Also don't think China needs us to send a message to the US. We're not that important to either nation.

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They already have an airstrip near us, have their claws dug in, why build more islands at a time when they're hurting economically.


Point is, I don't think anything they do or don't do with regard to the WPS is because of Duterte.


Also don't think China needs us to send a message to the US. We're not that important to either nation.


You'll be surprised how strategically important the Philippines is to them.


The Philippines is part of the First Island Chain. These are island nations who are allied to the USA, namely, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, etc.. that forms a chain surrounding the South China Sea. The First Island Chain effectively keeps the Chinese Navy contained within the South China Sea. This is a specially useful advantage for the Americans in case hostilities break out between China and USA.


There's also the second and third island chains that form strategic US defense lines in the Pacific against Chinese naval threat.


The Chinese are acutely aware of this vulnerability. That is why they're trying their best to woo the Philippines into their sphere of influence.


And of course all Philippine presidents, including Duterte, knows this. Each of them have their strategies on how to play their cards with both USA and China. I observe that Ramos, GMA, and Du30 played their cards well. Abnoy squandered his chances with wrong moves.

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Hardly the point.

If, as you say, China is trying to woo us then why is it "we should not prod China into imposing their power over our weakness?" Seems contrary to think we have leverage and then to also cower because we cannot use that leverage until we develop muscle. Then it isn't really leverage, is it? As for biding our time, wasn't that the reason PNoy went to the UN, to stave off a threat while we were not able to deal with it militarily? I don't get the inconsistency and especially don't get this deep faith in Duterte's abilities.

As I've said on this thread many years ago, occupation almost always amounts to ownership. Other presidents gave up our islands, I get what Duterte is saying, he's been dealt a difficult hand. But to say he is doing well on this issue is quite the leap. All many of us see is a continuing weakness on his part. I had hoped, given all his bluster during the beginning, that he'd at least be as bold as he was with Canadian garbage.
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