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Abortion: When Is It Not A Sin?

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I feel I have to play devil's advocate a little, what with all the "it depends on what you believe" nonsense being spouted here.


First off, a sin is a sin, regardless of your own personal beliefs or awareness/ignorance of the fact. I will not debate what constitutes a sin, or put a label on what's right and what's wrong: that's God's prerogative not mine. But what I will say is that your own personal sense of morality is meaningless when defining what is, or what is not, a sin. In theoligical terms a sin is an act that violates God's will. If abortion goes against God's will, then it's a sin, whether you believe it is or not.


Again, let me stress: I'm not saying that abortion is a sin. I'm merely fighting the notion that you can magically define what constitutes a sin based upon your own personal belief system. That's just ridiculous... unless of course you are God :rolleyes:


And BTW, sinning is normal. Even the pope does it. Sins can always be forgiven. That's one of the most important things the Church teaches ;)

In college we had a subject called Situational Ethics. It's based on the Christian Etical Theory that love is the absolute law. Situational Ethics was founded by the then Episcopal priest Joseph Fletcher


According to Wikipedia "Fletcher believed that in forming an ethical system based on love, he was best expressing the notion of "love thy neighbor," which Jesus Christ taught in the Gospels of the New Testament of the Bible. Through situational ethics, Fletcher attempted to find a "middle road" between legalistic and antinomian ethics. Fletcher developed situational ethics in his books: The Classic Treatment and Situation Ethics"


"Fletcher believed that there are no absolute laws other than the law of Agapē love and all the other laws were laid down in order to achieve the greatest amount of this love. This means that all the other laws are only guidelines to how to achieve this love, and thus they may be broken if the other course of action would result in more love."


I'm a firm believer in women's rights!

A far greater sin is if you let a child live without providing his/her most basic of rights.

Exactly my point of view!!

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Guest demon nick fury

Abortion is a sin because it is the highest degree of murder according to Catholic moral teachings (including John Paul II and Mother Theresa). But for the murderers of babies who don't care about being tortured and grilled forever in Hell in the future it doesn't mean anything. Let's just wait for God's final judgment.

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  • 5 months later...

Abortion is a sin. Saying that it is not is like saying that a bottle of poison is safe to drink as long as the doctor says so.


Irregardless of what we think, an act of sin wil always lead to death. A slow painful death of our spirit.


When then will abortion become not a sin. Well if we avoid abortion, then that it is not a sin. For a sin is always about an act. So if it would be merely a word and yet not done or even considered of being done then abortion is not a sin.

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  • 7 months later...

I feel I have to play devil's advocate a little, what with all the "it depends on what you believe" nonsense being spouted here.


First off, a sin is a sin, regardless of your own personal beliefs or awareness/ignorance of the fact. I will not debate what constitutes a sin, or put a label on what's right and what's wrong: that's God's prerogative not mine. But what I will say is that your own personal sense of morality is meaningless when defining what is, or what is not, a sin. In theoligical terms a sin is an act that violates God's will. If abortion goes against God's will, then it's a sin, whether you believe it is or not.


Again, let me stress: I'm not saying that abortion is a sin. I'm merely fighting the notion that you can magically define what constitutes a sin based upon your own personal belief system. That's just ridiculous... unless of course you are God :rolleyes:


And BTW, sinning is normal. Even the pope does it. Sins can always be forgiven. That's one of the most important things the Church teaches ;)


I think the original case from the first post shows the trail of consequences of sin. From lust to adultery then the lack of love to abandonment - that takes the person to feel what she did to her husband who she had rejected. Finally the desire for abortion. Slowly but surely, her inner self is dying. It is like taking you to a point of no return. The power of sin just grew stronger and it ate up the morals of the person completely. Sin left a trail of destruction that harmed the lives of many.


Maybe we ought to call this GUILT and set it apart from sin. Once your are guilty, then you get to justify your wrong behavior. You are fast digging up your own grave - if the sin happens to be mortal like adultery is.


Religion can be a mess too and leaders may suffer from guilt as well. But the scriptures say that all sins can be forgiven, yet it is guilt that we really have to care about. Once you loss the sense of sin completely, then that makes you GUILTY.

Edited by hit05
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I'm a firm believer in women's rights!



A far greater sin is if you let a child live without providing his/her most basic of rights.


I'll take this with a pinch of salt. Just because someone is firm believer in whatever sort of rights, she already has the luxury to think of resorting to abortion more so on actually doing it. The most appalling logic and the most unchristian way I've ever encountered in this thread. Sorry to say.


If one does not want to commit the capital sin (in any form), then she shouldn't engage in anything that would possibly jeopardize not only her life and her spiritual being but also the innocent’s who depends in her body. Plain and simple.

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FYI couples with incompatible RH factor or have faulty genes, etc, can experience multiple cases of abortion. If they try hard and fail, each of the attempt can appear as an unwanted pregnancy that escalated into abortion. Only that in this case, there is a desire for a normal pregnancy which fail to materialize and ended up in a stillborn child or a lifeless fetus.


Lesson is let us not be too hasty in condemning the sight of a still born child since there is also possibility that it happened against the will of the mother. Imagine a couple in this situation having several failures accused to mastermind the death of their children.That would be adding insult to injury.

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